Tema: Auto iz EU
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Old 27.01.2009., 15:51   #10
Gazda kaže: Pogledaj post
I don't know whether you've tried this, but perhaps you could keep the car on French plates and give your wife a power of attorney ("punomoć") to drive the car. Try asking a notary public ("javni bilježnik"). I don't know whether this is actually legal or not but that probably isn't particularly important as the police are a bit thick and probably have no idea whether this is allowed. So, in case they stop your wife, they'd most likely let her go.

Disclaimer: I don't know whether this would work and I am not suggesting you do it if it is not legal.

P.S. Please don't bring in a German car
no can do.

za takvo nešto postoji zelena tablica, i tek tada i njegova žena može voziti taj auto (i policijoti to znaju). ali onda postoji obaveza ponovnog uvoza (ili slično sranje) svakih 6 mjeseci ili godinu dana kad mu ističe viza.

postoje 3 solucije, kako je i sam naveo.
-francuske tablice ali žena nemre voziti
-hr tablice, ali onda košta više i (mislim) da mora biti regan na ženu
-zelene tablice, izdaje ih MUP strancima sa privremenim boravkom ali postoje problemi jer je auto samo privremeni uvoz.
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