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Old 01.03.2012., 17:25   #1699
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The team of StarTV Super Starlife saw Halit Ergenc leaving the birthday party of his close friend Nejat Isler.

The successful actor Halit Ergenc, Sultan Suleiman of the series "Muhtesem Yuzyil" spoke to us, leaving the birthday party of his close friend Nejat Isler.

Halit Ergenc along with his wife Berguzar Korel answered our questions, leaving the birthday party.

HE DIDN'T WATCH the film "FETIH 1453"!
We asked Halit Ergenc about the film "Fetih 1453" which released last week, but he did not want to talk about it, saying he has not watched yet. Ergenc will comment about the film just he has watched it "I've heard good things about this film, but I can make comments after I have watched it," he said.

In front of the place of the birthday party, the couple Halit Ergenc and Berguzar Korel were troubled by the closing of the road. Halit Ergenc to the officers of the place "Prepare the back door, not to get out the front door, because of the reporters", he joked.

On whether the series "Muhtesem Yuzyil" ends next season, Halit Ergenc talk to us "We don't know anything about this. Nothing is for sure yet", he said.

**Nejat Isler starred with Halit in the series "Aliye".


Tim StarTV Super Starlife vidio Halit Ergenc napuštanja rođendansku proslavu svog bliskog prijatelja Nejat Isler.

Uspješan glumac Halit Ergenc, Sultan Sulejman iz serije "Muhtesem Yuzyil" govorio nam je, ostavljajući rođendansku proslavu svog bliskog prijatelja Nejat Isler.

Halit Ergenc zajedno sa suprugom Berguzar Korel je odgovorio na naša pitanja, ostavljajući rođendansku proslavu.

Nije gledati film "FETIH 1453"!
Pitali smo Halit Ergenc o filmu Fetih 1453 "koji je izdao prošlog tjedna, ali on nije htio o tome govoriti, rekavši da nije gledao još. Ergenc će komentirati o filmu upravo on je gledao je "sam čuo dobre stvari o ovom filmu, ali ja mogu komentirati nakon što sam ga gledao", kazao je.

Idemo kroz vrata BACK!
Ispred mjestu rođendana, par Halit Ergenc i Berguzar Korel smetala zatvaranja ceste. Halit Ergenc na službenika na mjestu: "Pripremite se stražnja vrata, a ne da biste dobili vanjska ulazna vrata, jer od novinara", našalio.

O tome je li serijal "Muhtesem Yuzyil" završava iduće sezone, Halit Ergenc razgovarati s nama "Mi ne znamo ništa o tome. Ništa nije sigurno još", rekao je on.

Nejat ** Isler je glumio s Halit u seriji "Aliye".
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