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Old 08.01.2012., 17:46   #102
Beljki kaže: Pogledaj post
postoje dvije razlicite sute tog imena, nisam tolko upoznat sa budizmom da pogodim koja je po citiranom, ali iz konteksta i stila nagadjam da se radi o ovj iz mahayana, a ne pali kanona i koja je kao takva gotovo sigurno dosta kasnog datuma i izmjesana sa hindu i tantrickim ucenjima, odnosno nije nesto sto je bas blisko starijim i izvornijim tekstovima, a ja pitah di je Buda to definirao, ne kasnije sekte koje su kao i danas svasta muljale i podvadale da bi se Buddha okretao u grobu samo tako buduci je cesto direktno suprotno onome sto je on radio i vraca se svemu onome sto je pokusavao raskinuti u hindu tradiciji sa svojim novim ucenjima.
Pitao si gdje piše ... pa eto . Da, u pravu si, radi se o suti iz mahayana tradicije ....
Osobno bliža mi je advaita, a ona kaže da je apsolut - sat cit ananda.

Prirodu anande, u advaita tradiciji, najljepše je objasnio jedan meni blizak (prosvjetljeni) prijatelj na duhovnom putu, čije riječi mi se ne da reciklirati na hrvatskom, pa ću pejstati jedan njegov citat na engleskom:

The pure being of the Self is not an emptiness or a vacuum, as it may at first be experienced to be. It throbs, or vibrates, and this throb is love-bliss, also known as Shakti. But understand that the throb is no different from the nothingness-being. The Self simply is lovebliss and it is nothingness-being at the same time -- and this is vibrant and dynamic. In the beginning of your spiritual journey, you may predominantly experience one or the other, love, bliss or nothingness, but as you progress the three will merge into one and the nothingness will certainly be realized to be an unmanifest oneness of Being-Bliss-Awareness.
In the beginning, the body will feel like it is on fire with bliss. Your hands may shake and tears flow. The skin will feel electric and as if tingling. Your heart will expand with great love and your chest feel far too small. The brain vibrates and the scull feels as if being massaged with pure delight. There are no words to describe love-bliss. In the beginning it is agitated ecstasy, later it is ecstasy without agitation or unrest, but at total peace, finally it is Pure Being and Shakti in One. It is a fierce force, yet incredibly gentle. It is unmanifest, yet love, bliss and consciousness. As you get used to it and it integrates more and more into your system, every breath will send waves of lovebliss through your body. You will stop thinking and every act will be a spontaneous expression of lovebliss. Even the body becomes lovebliss. You will realize nothingness-being is not nothingness, but is lovebliss. And in that there is no ecstasy, only complete stillness, which is lovebliss
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