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Old 17.07.2017., 13:33   #2066
Filipinci su povukli FA-50 iz misija zračne podrške, radi incidenta koji se dogodio, dok se ne utvrde razlozi zašto je jedna bomba promašila metu i pogodila zgradu u kojoj su bili Filipinski vojnici.

The FA-50 will momentarily be pulled out from deployment as close-air (support) aircraft until the investigation has been conducted and once we have ascertained whatever reason was behind one of the bombs falling short of target," he added.

The AFP, through the Air Force, has 12 FA-50 jet fighters currently in service. The aircraft were acquired in 2015.

Deliveries started on December of that year and were completed in 2017.

However, Padilla clarified that use of other AFP air assets like the SIAI-Marchetti SF-260s, Rockwell OV-10 "Bronco" and various types of attack helicopters will continue.

The above-mentioned aircraft, which is capable of flying up to Mach 1.5 speed, has successfully performed 70 close-air support missions prior Wednesday's incident.

"Again as I mentioned the high success rate of the aircraft in previous missions is indicative of its efficiency and effectivity as a platform that supports our troops, however the accident yesterday (July 12) will require us to look closely and what caused the failure of one of the bombs and once we determine that remedial measures will have to be undertaken to correct it," Padilla pointed out.

Dakle do sada je FA-50 izvršio 70 misija zračne podrške, prije događaja u Srijedu.

Valja još jednom naglasiti, da su Filipini prve FA-50 primili 2015, a već ih koriste u operacijama potpore kopnenim snagama.

Ovo nije Defender prenija, da je FA-50 izvršija više od 70 uspješnih misija potpore kopnenim snagama, niti pozitivno mišljenje da je FA-50 efikasan i djelotvoran kao platforma koja podupire trupe.

Dakle ovo je prvi incident koji se dogodio FA-50, prvi incident u kojem je poginulo 11 vojnika, zrakoplov u pitanju je bio s-260, a ne FA-50 kako prenosi Defender.

The first incident of friendly fire happened on May 31, when a bomb dropped by an Air Force SF260 aircraft hit a flank of soldiers. Eleven were killed.

The SF260s were grounded after that but have since been redeployed to conduct bombing runs.

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