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Old 10.02.2011., 14:18   #6
Aj samo jedno pitanje.

Pogledao sam ovo "predavanje" od Dixona i pročitao "A monetary system for the new millennium" od Langricka.

Kad Langrick spominje:
"The mechanics of how to achieve this were proposed over one hundred and fifty years ago. It was proposed that the nation's money be created by two agencies: the banking industry and government.

Instead of taxes, government would be empowered to create money for its own expenses up to the balance the debt shortfall. Thus, if the banking industry created $100 in a year, the government would create $10 which it would use for its own expenses."

Da li se ovo kreiranje novca od strane banke odnosi na svako novo zaduženje?
Dakle, na početnih 100$, država kreira 10$. Pošto 10% mora ostati kao rezerva banka daje 90$ kao kredit, na koji onaj koji prima treba platiti npr. 9$ kamate. Da li zbog tih novih 9$ u opticaju država kreira opet 10% (odnosno 0.9$)?
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