Tema: Stiforp
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Old 09.02.2012., 10:57   #25
Gledajte uporno nitko da shvati - to je piramida. Tako je, imaju oni i opipljiv proizvod
(koji se ironicno koristi uglavnom za dovlacenje novih clanova).
Cinjenica je da 97% MLMova propadne u prvih 3-5 godina.
Piramida se urusi kad-tad, hocete li zaraditi?
Nesto i hocete, ali budite sigurni da ce vlasnik sto tisuca puta vise od vas.
Prestanite misliti da je dovodenje ljudi ispod vas da bi vi dobili dio od njih da bi oni dobili dio od onih ispod ODRZIV POSLOVNI MODEL.

Onaj tko se ne slaze ili radi za njih ili je naivan. Boze dragi, pa u 2012. smo, da je ovakva tema iskrsla 1998. jos bih rekao,
ah zanimljivo - idemo vidjeti o cemu se radi, ali ovo je bilijuniti ovakav mlm i ljudi jos dolaze i pitaju ista pitanja.
Ali ne brinite, nakon sto se ovo ugasi (i koji god vjerojatno izmisljeni razlog bio za to), vec 2013. vam dolazi novi,
jos nevideni, fenomenalni xxx mlm...
Nemojte mi molim vas govoriti da se dovodenje novih ljudi kvalificira kao "rad", kao necete se lako obogatiti - treba dovlaciti nove clanove
pa cete onda biti bogati. ha - ha.
Tu nema stvaranja nikakve nove vrijednosti, to je samo jedan svojevrstan bubble, kao oni sa dionicama, puno ljudi ulazi jer se stvori
masovna histerija o nekim enormnim parama bez ikakvog pravog posla, kao sto ex1 rece - da je tome tako, tko bi jos isao na fakultet
kad moze pokrenuti/pridruziti se mlm piramidi i zaradivati hrpe para. (ok to je karikiranje, ali sluzi svrsi).

Pitam vas jos jednom - kako to da se nitko od vas nije sjetio napraviti istu stvar, mozete ju nazvati "prvi ex yu fenomenalni mlm projekt",
garantirano cete imati bar 100 000 ljudi iz regije koji bi usli u to, zaradit cete milijune, a bilokakav digitalni proizvod koji kao vrijedi tisuce dolara,
se moze naci open source na netu, ili nekakva besplatna/vrlo jeftina varijanta ili u najgorem slucaju, mogu vam ga napraviti 2 programera iz indije pa cijenu cevapa s lukom.

Ja osobno ne bih nikad sudjelovao u tome, jer vjerujem u onu "ne ucini drugome...", tako da hvala - ali PREVARA bilokoje vrste nije isplativa dugorocno.
Na bilokojoj razini.


Also, I just learned that the business address listed is nothing more than a U.P.S. Store, where stiforp founder- Nauder Khazan‏ receives mail. stiforp address on website is:

5753 G Santa Ana Canyon Road
Suite 512
Anaheim Hills Ca

Investigation reveals:

The UPS Store # 5946

Pack & Ship Promise Location*
Phone: (714)998-6271
[email protected]

First they state I can potentially get paid on thousands of people under me in the matrix.
Then they state that it does not necessarily mean all of the paid people will go under me in the matrix.
Lastly, they state if I terminate my membership, I am permanently forfeiting my entire downline of 17,542

If STIFROP has a matrix like they claim, why can’t they tell me my position in the matrix, or show me a graph or something? It’s possible there may not be a matrix. I agree they are paying members for signing up people, but they are not paying on the downlines that sign up after you, except for the first 3 people, one month only, which totals a 1 time payment of four dollars.

When I emailed the company I addressed it to Nauder Khazan, the creator and president of STIFORP and told him I feel his website is deceptive in leading people to believe they will make 2.5% on every person who joins after me up to $2,000 or so. That amounts to 25 cents for every person who joins after me up to 8,000 people. I had 17,542 paid members in my supposed downline when I closed my membership. If they paid 1% on every person (1% of the $9.95 monthly cost to stay in the program, which is 10 cents per paid member below me, I would make $175 per month. If they paid a 10th of 1%, I would have made $17.50 per month, which would have covered the $9.95 cost to stay in the program, and gave me a $7.50 monthly profit. But they obviously are too greedy to do even any of that. I am filing complaints with other places and even his church. He professes to be a Christian on his marketing information. By the way, he also is behind these 3 other business opportunites which also over promise and under deliver.

Zadnje uređivanje .shorty. : 09.02.2012. at 11:06.
.shorty. is offline  
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