Tema: Mršavljenje
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Old 18.01.2008., 17:54   #10
mrkvich kaže: Pogledaj post
a bijeli caj?
i koliko se zelenog i bijelof dnevno uopce moze piti?
koliko znam kako sam citala i cula da s ene preporuca puno tokom dana, osobito bijelog jer je jaci od zelenog tj jaci je antioksidans od zelenog jel.
Može se piti 5-10 šalica dnevno no bolje je uzeti ekstrakte standardizirane na udio katehina (EGCG-a: epigalo-katehin-galata),a sa smanjenim udjelom kofeina.
Ne preporuča se uzimati uz obrok jer uvelike smanjuje apsorpciju željeza iz hrane.
Količine trebaju ograničiti ljudi preosjetljivi na kofein (=tein) te oni koji boluju od visokog krvnog tlaka,lupanja srca i sl.
Preporuka je zadnju dozu popiti barem 4-5 sati prije spavanja da ne izazove nesanicu.
Bijeli čaj sadrži manje kofeina te drukčiji sastav antioksidansa.Zeleni čaj je ispitivan kod debljine ne bijeli.

Evo malo kopipejsta:
"Green tea extract rich in polyphenols (epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG) may support a weight-loss program by increasing energy expenditure or by inhibiting the digestion of fat in the intestine.161 162 Healthy young men who took two green tea capsules (containing a total of 50 mg of caffeine and 90 mg of EGCG) three times a day had a significantly greater energy expenditure and fat oxidation than those who took caffeine alone or placebo.163 In a preliminary study of moderately obese individuals, administration of a specific green tea extract (AR25) resulted in a 4.6% reduction in average body weight after 12 weeks.164 The amount of green tea extract used in this study supplied daily 270 mg of EGCG and 150 mg of caffeine. While caffeine is known to stimulate metabolism, it appears that other substances besides caffeine were responsible for at least part of the weight loss. Although the extract produced few side effects, one individual developed abnormal liver function tests during the study. In another study, consuming approximately 12 ounces of oolong tea (a semifermented version of green tea) daily for 12 weeks reduced waist circumference and the amount of body fat in a group of normal-weight to overweight men."
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