Tema: Ayahuasca
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Old 23.02.2010., 13:08   #24
Dragonfly kaže: Pogledaj post
Hm, nisam upoznata s time da epifiza luči dimetiltriptamin - otkuda to? :

Od derivata triptamina u organizmu čovjeka su prisutni melatonin i serotonin.
Može neki izvor?
A to ti je osnova svake istočnjačko jogijske pa i kinesko ,japanske i koje god chi doktrine...

npr kundalini dolazi do epifize kod duboke meditacije, lucidnog sna i sl .. te potakne zlijedu da luci dmt

pinealna zlijezda je povezana također s 3 okom i sl


a ta nije bas lagano izmjerit kemijski sastojak mozga dok je pinealna zlijezd aktivna... stovise posto se zlijezda nalazi u mozgu moze zasigurno nejde lučenje u veliki krvotok.. nego po nekakvim internim putevima hmm ?


Dr. Rick Strassman, while conducting DMT research in the 1990s at the University of New Mexico, advanced the theory that a massive release of DMT from the pineal gland prior to death or near death was the cause of the near death experience (NDE) phenomenon. Several of his test subjects reported NDE-like audio or visual hallucinations. His explanation for this was the possible lack of panic involved in the clinical setting and possible dosage differences between those administered and those encountered in actual NDE cases. Several subjects also reported contact with 'other beings', alien like, insectoid or reptilian in nature, in highly advanced technological environments[21] where the subjects were 'carried', 'probed', 'tested', 'manipulated', 'dismembered', 'taught', 'loved' and even 'raped' by these 'beings'. This is most likely due to the setting of where the experiments took place.
tu mi je i video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MQUGjd21MA


znanstvenih istrazivanja i nema preveć.. tesko je to izmjeriti ako ne ulazi u veliki krvitok hmm

Dr. Strassman speculated that DMT is made in the pineal gland, largely because the necessary constituents (see methyltransferases) needed to make DMT are found in the pineal gland in substantially greater concentrations than any other part of the body. However, there is no scientific proof of this.
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