Tema: Auto iz EU
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Old 27.01.2009., 16:19   #19
I wonder kaže: Pogledaj post
MUP heinzlova street, come in the morning, at the desk, ask for "manager of motor vehicles department" (in cro: voditeljica sektora motornih vozila).
explain the situation and she will tell you everything you need.

among other things, you don't have to register your new vehicle in france. 1st registration can be here, but it's easier to have it registered. just in case you want to take it back to france one day.
or, you can pay franch price and have the car delivered to you here, in croatia.

EDIT: e jebi ga. slijedeći ide na hr.
Come on man you speak a perfect English ...

Mogao bih pisati na hr ali jos se borim s padezima !!!! onda zvucim smjesno! and i don't always make sense

I will contact the MUP as soon as possible and ask them what they exactly need.

Thank you a lot for your help and for doing it in English ! (I'm french, I surely hate english more than you do )
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