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Old 13.11.2010., 22:47   #502
dragona1 kaže: Pogledaj post
-nije dobro piti kavu navečer, valjda to znaš
Neki neće još zadugo poći spavati.

dragona1 kaže: Pogledaj post
-da ti čestitam ili izrazim sućut što više nisi mod?
To ovisi o tvom stavu prema moderatorima. Prije bih rekao da ćeš mi čestitati.

dragona1 kaže: Pogledaj post
-ne referiraš se na ono što ne želiš?, link na kanadske radiologe te nije ponukao na čitanje?
možda se dio odgovora skriva tamo
Sorry, malo sam se izgubio u raspravi. Pročitao sam što kažu kanadski radiolozi i nigdje nisam pronašao to da je znanstveno potvrđeno da CCSVI ima veze s MS i da se liječi baloniranjem/stentiranjem.

Zato sam pronašao sljedeće.

"IT has been recently hypothesized that a phenomenon known as chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI) may play a significant role in the etiology, pathogenesis, and/or disease progression of multiple sclerosis (MS)."

"At present, SIR considers the published literature to be inconclusive on whether CCSVI is a clinically important factor in the development and/or progression of MS, and on whether balloon angioplasty and/or stent placement are clinically effective in patients with MS."

"The hypothesis that CCSVI may be a primary factor in the pathogenesis of MS or an aggravating factor in its clinical progression, if firmly established, would represent a major paradigm shift in the general scientific understanding of this disorder. The discovery of extracranial venous stenoses in patients with MS certainly merits serious study, but it is unclear whether they truly represent a cause of MS versus a secondary effect of the pathologic process
arising from the disease, an effect of MS treatments, or an unrelated finding.
Although promising, the pilot studies that suggest a clinical benefit for patients with MS with the use of balloon angioplasty had important methodologic limitations
: (i) small sample size (N = 96 patients combined); (ii) single-center performance; (iii) lack of blinding of clinical outcome assessors; and (iv) nonrandomized design with lack of a placebo control group (particularly limiting as a robust placebo effect would be expected in patients with MS)."

"If interventional MS therapy proves to be effective, patients with MS must be treated by physicians with specialized expertise in delivering imageguided venous treatments."

Da dalje ne citiram i ne prevodim sve (fakat mi se više ne da spuštati na elementarnu logiku), SIR podržava traženje novih metoda liječenja MS, SIR uzima u obzir neuvjerljivost trenutno objavljene literature o ulozi CCSVI-a u etiologiji, patofiziologiji i razvoju MS-a te načinima liječenja CCSVI-a (baloniranje/stentiranje), SIR tvrdi da intervencijski radiolozi imaju potrebne kompetencije u slučaju da se hipoteza dokaže.

Dakle, ništa novo, rekao bih da se više radi o političkom članku tj. proglasu, bez spominjanja ičega novog i bilo kakvih novih znanstvenih spoznaja. U njoj ova organizacija izričito naglašava da se radi o hipotezi i da se CCSVI ne liječi baloniranjem/stentiranjem dok se ne dokaže suprotno. Ne znam jesi li primjetila, ali u članku je previše toga "ako". Organizacija samo potiče daljnja istraživanja. Ništa drugo.
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