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Old 27.02.2012., 12:26   #6440

Halitov intervju za neku TV kucu iz Albanije

Reporter: What do you think are the difficulties you find in order to play an important and historic role?

Halit: In the beginning, it was not easy for me to play such a role, so important. It was hard to imagine the world of these people, their loves, the problems in the Ottoman era. At first it was very difficult to understand all that well, because we do not talk about today's life, but 500 years ago. It was very hard to get myself in the role of such a man who ruled a great empire. I had in my mind all these, before I get the script in my hands. But when I read it, it helped me to play my role better. The hardest part for me it was before I read the script, because I had to read something about Suleiman to imagine myself in his position at that time.

Reporter: What are the best and bad moments during the shooting?

Halit: First, I will tell you the hardest time. To tell the truth, the most difficult moment was in the first season, that I had some accidents. When we did the shooting war, I broke my leg. At first, I thought it was a simple wrench and I did not pay attention. When they told me it was a serious break, for me it was very serious indeed, because in the coming days we had a lot of shooting and it would be better not to interrupt them. The first thing that came to my mind at that moment was how I would go the next day to shoot. I talked to my doctor whom I thank and he put my foot in plaster. We expected to be cured in the plaster or to go to surgery. We decided to try some days to walk with my leg in plaster and then to decide. Fortunately, there was no need for something else and I did the shoot with my foot in plaster. This was the most difficult for me during the shooting. It hurt a lot but this was something that cured. But for the good times I have to say a lot. When I was on the horse, when we were shooting at night, when we were shooting in the snow. After the shooting of these scenes, we sat down and watched them. These were very good moments.

Reporter: Suleiman as ruler of the world and Suleiman as ruler of womens hearts?

Chalit: (laughs) I have no explanation about it, you must experience this.

Reporter: Apart from conquering the world, according to you, where could be the dynamism of the role you play?

Halit: A talented poet, a great general and very smart at the same time, very emotional, but a man with long shots in small steps, but actually in that way, he puts in practice all his plans.
In the end I want to say that from my mother's side, her grandfather's grandfather was from Albania. With this reason, I can say for sure, that in my veins I have Albanian blood. I greet Albania and my friends Albanians. I love you all, I hope very soon to get the opportunity to come to visit Albania and to know you better. I wish you all the best.

Reporter: Što mislite da su teškoće ćete naći kako bi se igrati važnu ulogu i povijesne?

Halit: U početku nije bilo lako za mene igrati takvu ulogu, tako važno. Bilo je teško zamisliti svijet tih ljudi, njihove ljubavi, problemi u Osmanskog doba. Na početku je bilo vrlo teško razumjeti sve što je dobro, jer mi ne govorimo o današnjem životu, ali prije 500 godina. Bilo je jako teško sam se u ulozi takvog čovjeka koji je vladao veliki imperij. Imala sam u glavi sve to, prije nego što sam se scenarij u mojim rukama. Ali kad sam to pročitao, on mi je pomogao da igraju svoju ulogu bolje. Najteže mi je bilo prije nego što sam pročitao scenarij, jer sam morao pročitati nešto o Sulejmana sebe zamisliti u svojoj poziciji u to vrijeme.

Reporter: Koji su najbolji i loše trenutke tijekom snimanja?

Halit: Prvo, ja ću vam reći najteže vrijeme. Za reći istinu, najteži trenutak bio je u prvoj sezoni, da sam imao neke nesreće. Kad smo radili snimanja rat, slomio sam nogu. Isprva, mislio sam da je bio jednostavan ključ i nisam obratiti pozornost. Kada su mi rekli da je bio ozbiljan prekid, za mene je to vrlo ozbiljna doista, jer u narednim danima imali smo puno snimanja i da bi bilo bolje da ih ne prekidaju. Prva stvar koja palo na pamet u tom trenutku bio kako bih ići sljedeći dan pucati. Razgovarao sam s svojim liječnikom koje sam zahvaliti i stavio sam nogu u gipsu. Očekivali smo da će se izliječiti u gipsu ili da ide na operaciju. Odlučili smo pokušati nekoliko dana hoda s mojom nogom u gipsu, a zatim odlučiti. Srećom, nije bilo potrebe za nešto drugo i sam pucati s mojom nogom u gipsu. To je bio najteži za mene tijekom snimanja. To boli puno, ali to je nešto što izliječiti. Ali za dobrim vremenima moram reći puno. Kad sam bio na konju, kad smo snimali u noći, kad smo snimali u snijegu. Nakon snimanja tih scena mi je sjeo i promatrao ih. To su bili vrlo dobri trenuci.

Reporter: Sulejman kao vladara svijeta i Sulejmanov kao vladar srca žene?

Chalit: (smijeh) Ja nemam objašnjenje o tome, morate ovo iskustvo.

Reporter: Osim osvajanja svijeta, prema vama, gdje bi mogao biti dinamika uloge igrate?

Halit: talentirani pjesnik, veliki general i vrlo pametan u isto vrijeme, vrlo emocionalno, ali čovjek s dugim metak u malim koracima, ali zapravo na taj način, on stavlja u praksu sve svoje planove.
Na kraju želim reći da sam od majčine strane, njezin djed djed bio iz Albanije. S tog razloga, mogu reći sa sigurnošću, da se u mojim venama Imam albanskog krv. Pozdravljam Albaniju i moje prijatelje Albanci. Volim vas sve, nadam se vrlo uskoro dobiti priliku da dolaze u posjet Albaniji i da znaju bolje. Želim vam sve najbolje.
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