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Old 25.12.2017., 12:15   #193
Na ovom blogu je detaljno opisano kako je došlo do pokolja Rohynga u Myanmaru.
Nobelovka Aung San Suu Kyi, njen pokret National League for Democracy (NLD) te pridruženi budistički "monasi" su zapravo samo konstrukt US i UK tajnih službi i "NGO", prvenstveno USAID i NED, usmjerenih na podrivanje vlasti vojne hunte koja je godinama vladala Myanmarom, te pokušavala uspostaviti suradnju sa Kinom.
It was in a 36 page 2006 Burma Campaign UK document titled, "FAILING THE PEOPLE OF BURMA? A call for a review of DFID policy on Burma (PDF)," that it was revealed how virtually every aspect of Myanmar's opposition was funded and directed by foreign governments, the US via USAID, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), and convicted financial criminal George Soros' Open Society and the UK via the Department for International Development (DFID) being chief among them.
Kada im je konačno uspjelo zbaciti huntu s vlasti i dovesti "demokratsku" vlast, pokazalo se njihovo pravo lice. Suu Kyi i NLD su preko mreže NGO financiranih zna se od koga, izazivali pobune i nerede u područjima u kojima su kineski rudnici, srušili su projekt ogromne kineske brane na Irawadiju itd. Dobar dio suradnika kojima se Suu Kyi okružila su direktno školovani u SAD i UK i godinama pripremani za uloge njihovih agenata.

U sklopu toga svega je istrebljenje Rohyinga, koje je bilo planirano valjda od prvih dana Suu Kyiene borbe za vlast. Za vrijeme hunte je praktički samo vojska branila Rohyngae od pokolja koje su im namijenili "borci za demokraciju". Upravo je mržnja prema Rohyngima bila jedan od pokretača svrgavanja hunte i instalrianja dotične Nobelovke, samo su to svi MSM pažljivo godinama skrivali i/ili minimizrali te prebacivali odgovornost na huntu.
While Reuters and others went through great lengths to promote Suu Kyi as a "democracy icon" above criticism, she represented precisely the opposite of democracy - particularly self-determination. She was a creation of, by, and for foreign interests - and despite this obvious fact - Reuters and others never reported this to the public.

Evidence of Suu Kyi and her followers' animosity toward the nation's Rohingya minority was also intentionally concealed for years by these "truth seekers" and "real journalists." The "Saffron Revolution" of 2007 was depicted by the Western media as a peaceful pro-democracy uprising crushed by a brutish military junta. Yet in reality, these "saffron" supporters were engaged then in violence, as well as the chief protagonists driving hatred and violence against the Rohingya.
Sada se to nažalost jasno vidi, ali MSM i dalje uporno izbjegavaju jasno prozvati Suu Kyi da je upravo ona mozak cijelog istrebljenja.

Ironija je da su mayanmarske vlasti uhapsile dvoje Reutersovih novianara myanmarskog porijekla, koji su sami svojim pristrasnim izvještavanjem sakrivali pravu istinu, očito po naređenju iz samog Reutersa i njegovih nadređenih. Novinari su nestali, i sad Reuters žalobno protestira nad kašom koju je sam godinama pomagao kuhati.
It was warned as early as 2012 that Suu Kyi's support base was comprised of violent extremists, used intentionally by the US and UK as proxies to undermine Myanmar's military-led government, to protest specific joint China-Myanmar projects including mines and dams, as well as ignite conflict that would drive Chinese interests out of Rakhine state - the epicenter of the current Rohingya crisis. It was also warned long before Suu Kyi came to power, that should she lead the nation, the Rohingya would suffer first and foremost.

Again, the West's "truth seekers" failed to properly assign responsibility for the violence to Suu Kyi and her supporters - instead - reporting violence as ambiguously as possible, insinuating that it was the military carrying it out when in reality it was often the military serving as the only line of defense between Rohingya communities and their entire annihilation
Dakle cijela priča sa Myanmarom se vrti oko strateškog prodora US/UK politike u meki trbuh Kine i njeno geostrateško okruženje, a Rohyinge su kolaterlane žrtve jer smetaju tom cilju u kritičnoj provinciji Rakhine.

Ovdje imate članak o zaustavljanju gradnje te brane 2011-te od strane US/UK NGO.
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