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Old 21.10.2015., 01:31   #55
Zasto su izbjeglice,osobe koje su dio forsirane migracije , lose zasticene tokom svog puta kroz Europu:

Nowhere is this dichotomy more evident
than in the regime of the EU.

The EU has enabled extra-territorial processing of migrants and asylum seekers through its Mobility Partnerships and Readmission
Agreements with neighbouring and transit countries, a process known as ‘rebordering’.
Meanwhile, closer to Europe itself, abattery of instruments and interventions,
mainly in southern Member States and the Mediterranean, has been created to enhancesecurity of the common external border –
Frontex, EUROSUR, EASO3 and The Task
Force for the Mediterranean. Constructed to
manage the security of Europe and to meet
the challenge of mixed migration flows,
this process has relentlessly diminished the
quality of protection for forced migrants

The politicisation of protection

Finally, the most disturbing evidence ofthe fragmentation of protection is the
highly politicised milieu within which protection is now located, far removed
from the normative precepts on which it was originally based. Protection has, in effect, been co-opted and instrumentalised to serve national interests and a political discourse which reinforces the securitisation
of migration and asylum (predominantly in post-industrial countries) at the
expense of the rights and protection of migrants. The fact that protection now lies at the cross-over of human rights, legal and normative precepts, and politics is potentially the most disturbing evidence for
the fragmented landscape of protection


Instead of enhanced protection, this fragmented landscape has resulted in a
protection regime that lacks coherence and fairness and in a growing protectioncrisis, especially at Europe’s borders.

As a consequence, forced migrants are increasingly vulnerable and their dignity and rights are less and less respected.

How to develop and adapt protection
norms and practices that respond to
profoundly different patterns and dynamics
of population displacement in the
contemporary world, compared with the
situation when the normative principles and
international frameworks were originally
established, is the challenge that remains.

Analiza i jako strucan clanka su publicirani prosli mjesec :

FMR Forced Migration Review

Roger Zetter [email protected]
Emeritus Professor, Refugee Studies Centre,
University of Oxford. www.rsc.ox.ac.uk
This article draws on the analysis of a recent
study for the Swiss Federal Commission on
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