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Old 27.09.2017., 07:42   #77
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pps. na pdf-u psihologija. Lol. Nema mi smješnije stvari od "znanstvene grane" psihologije. Psihologija nije znanost, sami psiholozi k**** ne znaju, tj svaki mental disorder se temelji na *mišljenju*, a ne na dokazanoj diferenciranosti mozga tj. nekoj moždanoj anomaliji koja je uzrok određenom ponašanju.

"Medical diagnoses are real. When you learn you have pneumonia, diabetes or even cancer, you quickly discover that there are potential remedies. There are scientific tests and studies to diagnose the disease and to evaluate its treatment. Medical diagnoses don’t demean your mind and your soul, they describe your bodily impairments.

Psychiatric diagnoses are not genuinely medical; they are not based on biological defects or disorders. There are no objective tests. They are not about the body; they are about the mind and spirit. The medical aura that surrounds psychiatric diagnoses give them a false validity. Psychiatric diagnoses are not rooted in science BUT IN OPINION."

Ubit će me moderatori, ajme oprostite!!!!! Ali baš sam htjela čuti mišljenja, moje frendice ne znaju. Pa moram pitati širi puk, ima ovdje pametnih ljudi.
It is what it is.
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