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Old 07.10.2017., 19:28   #8307
Zek0slav kaže: Pogledaj post
Ateizmu u toj usporedbi mjesta nema. Nacizam i kršćanstvo su u najboljem slučaju kompetitivne, najgorem komplementarne ideologije.
Nacizam jest politička ideologija, kršćanstvo je religija.

Difference Between Religion and Ideology

Religion and Ideology are two terms that are likely to be confused due to the closeness in their meanings and concepts. Religion consists in the belief in a superhuman controlling power especially in a personal God or gods entitled to worship ( Defined by The Concise Oxford Dictionary). In other words religion is the branch of knowledge that deals with the methodology of worship and the praise of God.

On the other hand ideology deals with the system of ideas at the basis of an economic or political theory. For example the Marxist ideology deals with the system of ideas at the basis of political theory. In other words it may be said that ideology has the basis in either economics or politics. This is the main difference between religion and ideology.
List of political ideologies


Christian anarchism
Christian communism
Christian democracy
Christian feminism
Christian left
Christian right
Christian socialism
Christian libertarianism
Christian Reconstructionism
Christian Zionism
Clerical fascism
Liberation Theology
Political Catholicism
Kako bi izjednačio u političkoj teoriji i praksi klerofašizam i kršćanski anarhizam ili libertarijanizam ili...
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