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Old 28.02.2012., 21:08   #1695

Intervju iz 2009god. koje su cure sa FB stranice prevele na engleski

"Modern Sehrazat" is 27 years old, 182 cm high and carries shoes № 41...Or at least this is how it looks Berguzar Korel, which has played her role in the Turkish series "1001 nights". Our reporter was able to enter the field where they shot series.

In front of me is Berguzar - very tall for the Turkish standards, young smiling girl with big shining eyes and long black hair, who is very natural. She has nothing to do with the image of strong, uncompromising, a little stubborn businesswoman from "1001 nights". The only resemblance is the incredible beauty.

No, I never been in Bulgaria, but if you invite me, I would love to meet my fans. And I want to wish them through you always to follow their dreams".

Berguzar, they often compare you with the great Turkish actress Turkan Soray called "the sultan of the Turkish cinema". Does is flatter you?

-This is a great honor for me, but I am still very far from what she archived in her career. They say I have the same energy like her and some visual similarity. I am a little worried of these comparisons.

How did you start your career?

-When I first started to play in "1001 nights" I was only 24 years old. I felt like I was left in the middle of endless ocean and I did not know from which way to go. The set of "1001 nights" was my first life university.

What is similar between you and Sehrazat?

-Only that, with this character, we had to share for 3 years the same body. And the fact that we are both very disciplined and principled. I love Sehrazat, but sometimes she is very irritating to me. She has done things that I would never do.

Like what?

-Well, she is very proud, perhaps because of her life in the past, which she has decided to overcome at any cost.

And what kind of person is Berguzar Korel? -I am very patient, loveable, very sensitive and a little shy. I have big problem with paparazzi who do not leave me alone, without complying with my privacy. Sometimes I feel unsecured and misunderstood. Maybe this is why I find piece with my pets. My Iranian cat is called Liqueur and the other is called Kizim (my girl in Turkish). I have a small Golden retrivar, who was called by Halit,Oğlum (my boy).

What is your biggest dream?

-To create a happy family, to have a few children, and to work as an actress until I die.

"1001 nights" is over...what's next?

-We would like with Halit to take serious rest and pay attention to each other. We recently got engaged. Will go on vacation somewhere on the sea, outside of Turkey. In Autumn I will begin to look for new projects.

What do you love to do in your spare time?

-To take pictures. I bring my camera everywhere and take pictures of everything I see. I participate in various civic projects, especially for culture, art and theater training children in different parts of the country. I love flowers, but my cats and dog ate up the most, so those who survived, I brought on the terrace.


"Moderni Sehrazat" je 27 godina, 182 cm visoka i nosi cipele № 41 ... Ili barem to je kako to izgleda Berguzar Korel, koji je igrao svoju ulogu u turskoj seriji "1001 noći". Naš novinar je uspio ući u polje, gdje su pucali serije.

Ispred mene je Berguzar - vrlo visok za turskog standarda, nasmijana mlada djevojka s velikim sjajnim očima i dugom crnom kosom, koji je vrlo prirodno. Ona nema nikakve veze s likom čvrste, bez kompromisa, malo tvrdoglavi poslovna žena iz "1001 noći". Jedina sličnost je nevjerojatna ljepota.

Ne, nikada nisam bio u Bugarskoj, ali ako me pozovu, volio bih da zadovolji svoje navijače. I želim ih želimo kroz tebe uvijek slijediti svoje snove ".

Berguzar, često se uspoređuju s velikom turskom glumica Turkan Soray pod nazivom "sultan u turskom filmu". Da li je vam laskati?

-Ovo je velika čast za mene, ali ja sam još uvijek jako daleko od onoga što je ona arhivirana u karijeri. Kažu da imam istu energiju kao što joj i neke vizualne sličnosti. Ja sam malo zabrinuta tih usporedbe.

Kako ste počeli karijeru?

-Kada sam prvi put počeo igrati u "1001 noći" Bio sam samo 24 godina. Osjećao sam se kao da sam ostao u sredini beskrajnom oceanu, a ja ne znam iz koje put to ići. Skup "1001 noći" je bio moj prvi život sveučilište.

Što je sličan između vas i Sehrazat?

-Samo da je, s tim likom, morali smo podijeliti na tri godine isto tijelo. A činjenica da smo oboje vrlo discipliniran i principijelan. Volim Sehrazat, ali ponekad je vrlo iritantan za mene. Ona je učinio stvari koje nikad ne bih učiniti.

Kao i što?

-Pa, ona je jako ponosna, možda i zbog svog života u prošlosti, što je ona odlučila da prevlada po svaku cijenu.

I kakva osoba je Berguzar Korel? -Jako sam strpljiv, loveable, vrlo osjetljiva i sramežljivo. Imam veliki problem s paparazzima koji me ne ostavljaju na miru, bez skladu s mojim privatnost. Ponekad osjećam unsecured i krivo shvaćen. Možda je to razlog zašto sam pronaći komad sa svojim kućnim ljubimcima. Moj Iranski mačka se zove liker, a drugi se zove Kizim (moja djevojka na turskom). Imam malu Zlatni retrivar, koji je nazvan po Halit i Oğlum (moj dečko).

Koji je vaš najveći san?

-Da biste napravili sretnu obitelj, imati nekoliko djece, te raditi kao glumica dok sam umrijeti.

"1001 noći" je gotova ... što je sljedeće?

-Željeli bismo s Halit da se ozbiljno odmoriti i obratite pozornost na međusobno. Mi smo nedavno zaručili. Hoćete ići na godišnji odmor negdje na moru, izvan Turske. Na jesen ću početi tražiti nove projekte.

Što volite raditi u svoje slobodno vrijeme?

-Za snimanje fotografija. Ja povesti svoju kameru svugdje i fotografirati sve što vidite. Ja sudjelovati u raznim građanskim projektima, osobito za kulturu, umjetnost i kazalište obuke djece u različitim dijelovima zemlje. Volim cvijeće, ali moje mačke i pas jeli se većina, tako da oni koji su preživjeli, donio sam na terasi.
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