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Old 24.03.2013., 18:51   #4332
Dobio sam prof proracun potreba moje kuce kroz godinu.U obzir je uzeta namorska visinazemljopisni polozaj kuce i nivo izolacija.Kolektor 2 solarne ploce spremnik 800l i pelet izvor topline 20 kw. Rezultati su ovakvi:

total fuel and el consuption of system(Etot) 18,577kwh
toal energy consuption(Quse) 14,244kwh
system performance o.77
overall solar thermal energy
colector area 4m2
solar fraction total 13,7%
solar fraction hot water 31,1%
solar fraction building 3,6%
total annual field yield 2.138kwh
colector field yield relating to gros area 534.5kwh/m2/year
colector field yield to aperture area 593.9kwh/m2/year
max fuel savings 521,5 kg(pelets)
max energy savings 2,607kwh
component overview
boiler pelet boiler 20kw
total eficiency 72,6%
energy from to the system (Qaux) kwh 13,456
fuel and electrical energy consuption (Eaux) 18,547
energy savings thermal kwh 2,607
hot water demand
volumen with dravl/daily consuption l/d 194
temperature seting 50 c
energy demand 3,116 kwh
pump space heating loop pump
circuite presure pump 0.025 bar
flow rate 1,509 l/h
el energy consuption 19,6 kwh
pump solar loop pump
flow rate 144 l/h
fuel and electrical enrgy consumption (Epar) 9.7 kwh
storage tank Bufer tank 800 l
heat losses 474 kwh

to je to strucnjaci

1 kg peleta je otrilike 4.5kwh pa ispada da trbam 4150 kg peleta kroz godinu
valjda sam dobro izracunao molim ispravite me ako grijesim hvala
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