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Old 22.07.2017., 09:52   #117
Dok se u Filipinima intenzivno odvija slejedeća faza kolor revolucije (demokrtaski ustanak oporbe oličene u hmm...ISILu) evo nama sljedećih kandidata.

Azerbejdžan: USA i vazali su preko Gruzije usuli 60 milijuna dolara u djelovanje "oporbe" - samo ove godine! Tko je ono u USA zandjih godinu dana potezao Trumpove navodne veze sa Rusijom na osnovu (nedokazanih) donacija, poslovnih veza i pogodovanja? Zašto se onda isto pravilo ne primijeni i na političare u drugim zemljama, kada primaju američke "donacije"? Nije demokratski i nije u duhu pravih država Zapada?
compromised opposition. While the story line in the West increasingly is that “non-government organizations” are experiencing hard times in Azerbaijan, political sources in Baku, on the other hand, maintain that this is not the whole truth of the matter. They point out that, while pursuing their strategic interests, several European countries and the US are, in fact, generously funding Azeri “NGO’s”. Those outfits are, in turn, obliged to earn their keep.

In that regard, it is also relevant to point out that since the Aliev clan (the current president Ilham and his predecessor in the office, Geydar) have been in charge of the country, Azerbaijan has been conducting an evenhanded, neutral foreign policy. There is no indication of that changing any time soon at the top levels of the government. Against such a background, radical Islam has been gaining strength in the country and is rapidly turning into a major internal problem and source of instability. With encouragement and financing from the Saudis (as well as “all the usual suspects”), Wahabbi ideas are being aggressively disseminated throughout Azerbaijan. In the process, Islamists have been using internal political conditions skillfully to their advantage. The opposition is gradually gathering under the Islamists’ banner notwithstanding the fact that, as in other Central Asian post-Soviet republics, the authorities are doing their best keep it as confined as possible.

US ambassador in Baku Robert Cekuta has been working hard to broaden the ranks of the secular at the expense of the clerical opposition. Washington has apparently awakened to the fact that the greatest threat to its strategic interests locally comes precisely from the Islamist factor. Nevertheless, perhaps as a reflection of the West’s less than entirely coherent current policy of keeping the Azeri government just enough off-balance to be cooperative but not so much as to push it off the cliff just yet, last year Islamists who were being held in confinement in Azerbaijan were for the first time officially listed by EU as having the status of “political prisoners.”

Those with reasonably good memory will recall that in the past such dilettantish experiments with opening the Pandora’s Box not a few times have blown up in the faces of the mad scientists attempting them, often with devastating consequences for the luckless countries selected to serve as their laboratory.

So far this year, Western financial support to the Azeri opposition is said to exceed 60 million dollars. Most of the funding originates from the US, Great Britain, Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic. Most of the money is funneled through Georgia, which for all practical purposes has been turned into a staging area for exerting political influence in Azeri affairs.

That is quite unsurprising because Georgia has been for some time the springboard of Western hegemonism for expanding Western political and ideological influence throughout the region. On Saakashvilli’s watch, Georgia was made to take the Azerbaijani opposition under its wing. Nothing changed in that regard after his departure. As a result, the Azeri underground continues to feel quite at home in Tbilisi. This subversive pattern is literally cut-and-paste of how in the year 2000 the Western-backed “Otpor” opposition in Yugoslavia was logistically and financially supported from neighboring Hungary against the sovereign-minded Milosevic government.
Poljska: deseci tisuća ljudi demonstriraju zbog najavljene promjene odnosa poljskog Sejma i Vrhovnog Suda. EU prijet drakonskim sankcijama - ukidanjem prava glasa Poljske u EU parlamentu. Ma, tko se to miješa u unutarnje stvari drugih zemalja?
Poljska usvojila kontroverzni Zakon o Vrhovnom sudu
Donji dom poljskog parlamenta, Sejm, usvojio je kontroverzni Zakon o Vrhovnom sudu, uprkos demonstracijama hiljada Poljaka u Varšavi i 40 gradova širom zemlje, žestokom otporu i opstrukcijama opozicije i pretnji Evropske komisije da je blizu da kazni Poljsku čak oduzimanjem prava glasa u Uniji.

Vetom Zakonu je pretio poljski predsednik Andžej Duda, ukoliko se prepusti izbor sudija samo ministru pravde, a nadzorni Nacionalni sudijski savet bude biran prostom poslaničkom većinom koju imaju konzervativci iz Prava i Pravde Jaroslava Kačinjskog, već je zahtevao da za izbor u sudijski savet bude potrebna tropetinska većina i dogovor vlasti i opozicije.

U raspravi po hitnom postupku, punoj vređenja i vulgarnosti, otimanja mobilnih telefona, umalo tuča, usvojeni su i amandmani koje je zahtevao predsednik Duda, te je tako najverovatnije otpao i njegov veto, koji već tri dana zahtevaju hiljade Poljake na večernjim protestima sa svećama ispred Predsedničke palate.

Za zakon kojim se raspušta Vrhovni sud glasalo je danas 235 od 460 poslanika, koliko ima donji dom parlamenta, a očekuje se da će ga do vikenda glatko usvojiti i Senat. Kritike iz Evropske komisije, Saveta Evrope i ekspertske Venecijanske komisije upozoravaju da minira u celom setu tri zakona reforme sudova i nezavisnost pravosuđa u Poljskoj.

Demonstranti ispred Sejma na vest da je zakon usvojen polegali su ispred metalnih barijera i kordona policije i spremnog vodenog topa, kojima je po naređenju ministra unutrašnjih poslova Sejm ograđen u strahu da bi demonstranti mogli da upadnu u zgradu.

Uzvikujuci "sramota, sramota", počeli su da udaraju nogama u metalne barijere.
Mogao bi Kaczynski isto naglo sletjeti u magli kao i brat mu. Demokratski sletjeti, naravno.

Brazil: gle, nakon Lule, Dilme, sad je opozicijski predsjednik, Temer, korumpiran do kosti - čak od strane istih ljudi. Naravno, budući je on demokratski izabran, ne može ga se smijeniti tek tako kao Dilmu, unatoč masovnim demonstracijama, jer to ne bi bilo demokratski niti u skledu sa tekovinama suvremene demokracije i pravne države.

Argentina: radnici bi veće plaće i socijalnu sigurnost. Ma da ne bi. Radi više pa ćeš i imati više! Nije ti ovo Kirchnerica! Ovo je demokracija!

Buenos Aires, Argentina. 14th June, 2017. People protesting during a national strike in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The demonstration was called by the Argentine Workers' Central Union (Spanish: Central de Trabajadores de la Argentina - CTA) and Argentina's public employees' union - ATE to demand higher wages and social security. Credit: Anton Velikzhanin/Alamy Live News
Contributor: Anton Velikzhanin / Alamy Stock Photo
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