Tema: Černobil
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Old 30.04.2007., 07:55   #57
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15 ih je umrlo, ne 6. A misliš da je ostalima lako živjeti s rakom tako od malena, pogotovo u zemlji u kojoj čisto sumnjam da imaju adekvatnu medicinsku njegu?

Dalje, zapravo kaže ovako (citat iz tvog linka) - There have been many post-Chernobyl studies of leukaemia and cancer morbidity in the populations of ‘contaminated’ areas in the three countries. Most studies, however, had methodological limitations and lacked statistical power. There is therefore no convincing evidence at present that the incidence of leukaemia or cancer (other than thyroid) has increased in children, those exposed in-utero, or adult residents of the ‘contaminated’ areas. It is thought, however, that for most solid cancers, the minimum latent period is likely to be much longer than that for leukaemia or thyroid cancer — of the order of 10 to 15 years or more — and it may be too early to evaluate the full radiological impact of the accident. Therefore, medical care and annual examinations of highly exposed Chernobyl workers should continue.

Ajde barem probaj biti oprezan kao oni, a ne tako bukvalno tresnuti "umrlo ih je manje od 100 od nesreće + šestero djece" i to je to
Quote gore je za 9 djece. Nije mi baš jasan dio o življenju sa rakom možda je ovo odgovor:
Health Effects: WHO kaže:
From more than 4000 thyroid cancers in children and adolescents (0-18 years) diagnosed in 1992-2002 in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, less than 1% of patients have died from this disease, and the rest were treated successfully

A ja govorim o potvrđenim ciframa danas. Ako se gleda hiroshima i nagasaki onda mislim da se ni neće vidjet neki rast raka (barem ne statistički signifikantan porast). Černobil je drugačiji ali ipak se pokazalo da je tjelo iznenađujuće otporno na radiaciju.

Isto tako ne treba mješat nuklearnu energiju koja se diskutira danas i černobil. Tako nešto se nebi moglo desit ni teoretski u današnjim reaktorima (svi imaju negativan koeficijent). Černobil je bio katastrofa ali u poređenju sa drugim katastrofama je relativno mizerna katastrofa iz koje je puno toga naučeno i već primjenjeno (prvenstveno redizajn sigurnosnih sistema u starim ruskim nuklearkama).
Knowledge is power but ignorance is bliss
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