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Old 13.08.2009., 11:10   #1221
satori kaže: Pogledaj post
ajde molim te pricaj to nekom drugom... koliko su voljene postovane i cijenjene se vidi iz svakog posta muslimana na ovom forumu

sovinizam, sovinizam.... pa dugo nista nakon toga... pa opet sovinizam

a da ne govorim koliko volite generalizirati..cudo jedno

uskogrudnost, skucenost uma i zatvorenost srca definitivno nisu hvale vrijedne osobine.... a vidimo ih u svakom postu skoro

naravno, sve zacinjeno osudjivanjem i gledanjem s visine

u kojoj od tih stvari tocno ti nazires to postivanje zena?

izvini, al ti pravo vulgariziraš ovu temu. svodiš je na "žena je kod muslimana krpa za brisanje, a kod drugih .... šta?"

evo ti jedan primjer prednosti muškarca nad ženom:


Choose Your Test

We run only ONE test per Genographic Participation Kit. You will be able to choose which test you would like to receive by marking the consent form included in your participation kit.

Kits that are marked "maternal lineage" receive the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) test to reveal direct maternal ancestry. We test the Hypervariable Region 1 (HVR1: 16001 to 16569) and compares your results to the Cambridge Reference Sequence.

Kits marked "paternal" receive the Y-chromosome test to reveal direct paternal ancestry. (Males only.) This is a 12-marker test. Additional testing such as a SNP test may be run on a Y-chromosome sample if analysis of the 12 STR values does not conclusively indicate a Haplogroup assignment.

Females do not possess a Y-chromosome and therefore can only receive the mitochondrial DNA (maternal) test. However, if you are a female and would like to learn about your paternal lineage, then a male relative—such as a father, a brother, or a paternal blood relative of your father's, such as his brother—can test his Y-chromosome DNA. The results will reveal a female's paternal lineage.

Males possess both a Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA, so they may choose either maternal or paternal on their consent form and the lab will run the corresponding test.

If you are a male and would like to test both of your lineages, you can do so. For example, if you have already tested your paternal line and would also like to test your mitochondrial DNA to learn about your direct maternal lineage you can either:

eto, sad se bori da se i ženama radi Y hromosom, i da se određuje njihovo potomstvo po ocu, a ne samo po majci. i toliko bih samo rekao o mogućnosti "višemužstva" i prirodnosti toga.

"Zovite ih po očevima njihovim, to je kod Allaha ispravnije. A ako ne znate imena očeva njihovih, pa, braća su vaša po vjeri i štićenici su vaši. Nije grijeh ako u tome pogriješite, grijeh je ako to namjerno učinite; a Allah prašta i samilostan je." sura Al-Ahzab

However, if you are a female and would like to learn about your paternal lineage, then a male relative—such as a father, a brother, or a paternal blood relative of your father's, such as his brother—can test his Y-chromosome DNA. The results will reveal a female's paternal lineage.

"Zovite ih po očevima njihovim, to je kod Allaha ispravnije".
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