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Old 23.04.2008., 21:48   #4

Tridesetogodišnji rat... a mislim da je na zao glas posljedica uništenja Magdeburga...

Hrvatska konjica je prešla preko nabujale Elbe i zauzela grad na kojem su već carske vojske lomile zube...

Čuo sam anegdotu o tome da je Tilly pitao svoje časnike jesu li vidjeli njegove Hrvate, i njihovo junaštvo, a ovi su mu rekli, da su ostali zapanjeni prelaskom Elbe, ali nije im jasno uništenje koje je uslijedilo, a Tilly je kako rekao pa nek se malo ižive, ili tako nešto, kao zaslužili su zbog napora i hrabrosti...

Pročeprkao sam malo po netu i našao iduće stvari:


Tragically, after a heroic resistance, Magdeburg fell to Tilly’s imperial troops. Betrayed by traitors and undermined by the procrastination of its neighbors, the richest city in Germany at that time was overcome by fury and savagery as drunken soldiers of 9 nations purged the Protestants. The victims were so numerous- estimated at 25,000- that they were thrown in wagonloads into the river Elbe. In one church 53 young girls were beheaded. Croatians laughed as they cast little children into the midst of flames. The tortures and horrors perpetrated in Magdeburg were so shocking that several imperial officers sought Tilly to put an end to them. He replied: “I’ve promised three days for pillaging and slaying. The soldiers must have some amusement after so many fatigues!” Within 12 hours Magdeburg was a roaring furnace which reduced that vast and opulent city to smoldering ruins and ashes. The fate of Magdeburg was reported throughout Europe, as a great triumph in the Catholic areas, and as a frightful tragedy to all Protestants.


Even a more humane general would in vain have recommended mercy to such soldiers; but Tilly never made the attempt. Left by their general's silence masters of the lives of all the citizens, the soldiery broke into the houses to satiate their most brutal appetites. The prayers of innocence excited some compassion in the hearts of the Germans, but none in the rude breasts of Pappenheim's Walloons. Scarcely had the savage cruelty commenced, when the other gates were thrown open, and the cavalry, with the fearful hordes of the Croats, poured in upon the devoted inhabitants.

Here commenced a scene of horrors for which history has no language -- poetry no pencil. Neither innocent childhood, nor helpless old age; neither youth, sex, rank, nor beauty, could disarm the fury of the conquerors. Wives were abused in the arms of their husbands, daughters at the feet of their parents; and the defenceless sex exposed to the double sacrifice of virtue and life. No situation, however obscure, or however sacred, escaped the rapacity of the enemy. In a single church fifty-three women were found beheaded. The Croats amused themselves with throwing children into the flames; Pappenheim's Walloons with stabbing infants at the mother's breast. Some officers of the League, horror-struck at this dreadful scene, ventured to remind Tilly that he had it in his power to stop the carnage. "Return in an hour," was his answer; "I will see what I can do; the soldier must have some reward for his danger and toils." These horrors lasted with unabated fury, till at last the smoke and flames proved a check to the plunderers. To augment the confusion and to divert the resistance of the inhabitants, the Imperialists had, in the commencement of the assault, fired the town in several places. The wind rising rapidly, spread the flames, till the blaze became universal. Fearful, indeed, was the tumult amid clouds of smoke, heaps of dead bodies, the clash of swords, the crash of falling ruins, and streams of blood. The atmosphere glowed; and the intolerable heat forced at last even the murderers to take refuge in their camp. In less than twelve hours, this strong, populous, and flourishing city, one of the finest in Germany, was reduced to ashes, with the exception of two churches and a few houses. The Administrator, Christian William, after receiving several wounds, was taken prisoner, with three of the burgomasters; most of the officers and magistrates had already met an enviable death. The avarice of the officers had saved 400 of the richest citizens, in the hope of extorting from them an exorbitant ransom. But this humanity was confined to the officers of the League, whom the ruthless barbarity of the Imperialists caused to be regarded as guardian angels.

Kad je ovako nastradao Magdeburg koji je bio jedan od najbogatijih gradova Njemačke glas se proširio... doduše krivnju snose i zapovjednici i drugi dijelovi vojske, ali...
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