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Old 07.05.2012., 17:14   #83
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Da li je svinja sva izgorila ili nije? One babe na slici su izgorile pored kamina, koliko im je sezala haljina. Gola koža nije izgorjela, jer nije imala tkanine za efekt fitilja. Jedino ako ne moraju biti zadovoljeni još neki uvjeti.
Naveo sam primjer iz National Geographic eksperimenta, gdje su omotali mrtvu svinju i pripalili je. Eksperiment nije uspio, jer se sa svinjom zapalila i soba. Navodno su to pospješila otvorena vrata...

Jedan prijašnji skeptični eksperimentator je tvrdio da mu je uspjelo da svinja polako tinja i izgori na način sličan ljudima koji su nađeni napola izgoreni: Dr. John de Haan sa "California Criminalistic Institute" je uspio da mu svinja polako izgori - ali je tkaninu polio benzinom...

A more economical and reasonable theory of how human bodies burn in rooms without having the entire room engulfed in flames is the idea of the wick effect. The ignition point of human fat is low and to get the fire going would require an external source. Once ignited, however, a "wick effect" from the body's fat would burn hot enough in certain places to destroy even bones. To prove that a human being might burn like a candle, Dr. John de Haan of the California Criminalistic Institute wrapped a dead pig in a blanket, poured a small amount of gasoline on the blanket, and ignited it. Even the bones were destroyed after five hours of continuous burning. The fat content of a pig is very similar to the fat content of a human being. The damage to the pig, according to Dr. De Haan "is exactly the same as that from supposed spontaneous human combustion." A National Geographic special on SHC showed a failed attempt to duplicate the burning pig experiment. However, it is obvious that the failure was due to leaving the door to the room open to the outside, which created a draft and led to the flames igniting everything in the room. Had the room been closed up, as are the rooms in which many of the elderly persons have died in fires attributed to SHC, it is likely that the pig would have smoldered for several hours without the rest of the room becoming engulfed in flames.
Čak i skeptična enciklopedija je skeptična prema tim objašnjenjima...

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