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Old 05.09.2009., 19:25   #11
George Lucas Vs. Frank Darabont

Why Frank Darabont Told George Lucas 'You're Insane' Over 'Indiana Jones 4'

Najveća hebena greška u karijeri Georga Lucasa, definitivno. Long story short...

I spent a year of very determined effort on something I was very excited about, working very closely with Steven Spielberg and coming up with a result that I and he felt was terrific. He wanted to direct it as his next movie, and then suddenly the whole thing goes down in flames because George Lucas doesn't like the script. I told him he was crazy. I said, "You have a fantastic script. I think you're insane, George." You can say things like that to George, and he doesn't even blink. He's one of the most stubborn men I know. At this point, I don't give much of a damn what George thinks, but I wouldn't want to harm my friendship with Steaven.
Uf, da sam ga samo sreo u Dubrovniku - riskirao bih prekršajnu i gađao ga trulim jajima/sladoledom Frank je izvisio, izgubio godinu zbog budale, a posao na scenariju naposljetku je skilavio David Koepp. Da, baš skilavio - svi ste gledali Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, to je moglo biti puno, puno bolje. Nakon toliko godina čekanja, Indy se pretvorio u jedva probavljivu popcorn slikovnicu. Prosuli su biserje... Misliti je drek znati, ne mislim to - znam. Uostalom, uvjerite se sami...

Indiana Jones And The City Of The Gods by Frank Darabont

(Napomena: Ne radi se o downloadu, ne kršite ničija autorska prava/pravila foruma)

p.s. ukoliko netko poželi pročitati Frankov scenarij u .pdf datoteci (bez kompresije), može mi se slobodno javiti na PM.

Zadnje uređivanje La Familia : 05.09.2009. at 19:32.
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