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Old 12.11.2012., 17:44   #191
Pozdrav,kupio sam PES 2013 iskljucivo zbog online igranja na ps3 ali moj ruter tg782i mi dopusta samo igranje 1vs1 ranking match.Kada pokusam uci u friendly match lobby javlja mi se ova poruka:You cannot play this mode due to restrictions placed on your connection by the networking devices you are using.This issue may be solved by connecting your hardware directly to the internet or by configuring your networking device such as your router.Apply DMZ. port mapping, NAT table configurations and other router settings to your playstation 3 system... Kada idem na internet connection test pise da imam NAT type 3 a citao sam po netu da bi trebalo biti type 2? Da li je to razlog problema ili nesto drugo? Pokusao sam port forwarding sa ove stranice http://portforward.com/english/route...occer_2013.htm ali jednostavno ne mogu pod translate to upisati staticnu ip adresu jer mogu upisati samo 5 brojeva!Zvao sam ove u tcom ali oni mi ne zele pomoci. Molim vas ako mi neko moze pomoci da ovo rijesim, hvala
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