Tema: Bunika
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Old 15.06.2006., 15:56   #31
Mrack kaže:
Pa skuhao sam lišće i popio čaj. Skroz me isušilo, nisam mogao jesti jer nisam imao sline, svaka tekućina je imala odvratan okus, svi mišići su omlitavili i povrh toga halucinacije.
BOKTE KAKAV SI TI TO HIBRID POJEO? nemoj vise, moze ti doista jako zlo bit od te biljke... korijen je najmocniji i ima najjaci efekt..pa sad eto, tebi na odabir...
...And her enchanted hair was the first gold... And still she sits, young while the earth is old, And, subtly of herself contemplative, Draws men to watch the bright web she can weave, Till heart and body and life are in its hold...
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