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Old 01.12.2009., 23:03   #54
A bilo bi dobro i da neupućeni malo prolistaju literaturu koja opisuje točno kakav je Rudolf Steiner šarlatan i luđak bio, kakvo je antropozofska "medicina" šarlatanstvo, i s kakvim opasnim glupostima bi tamo mogli hraniti djecu, od protivljenja cijepljenju, nadalje.

Sharon Lombard relates a similar story, but from a parent’s vantage point. Lombard enrolled her daughter in a Waldorf school. When the child became sick, an Anthroposophical doctor treated her: “The Anthroposophic doctor made a diagnosis: my child had lost the will to live. He announced one of the potential cures ... we were to give our daughter red, yellow, and orange crayons to color with! I looked at my husband in disbelief. When the doctor instructed us to make the sign of a flame out of Aurum cream over my child’s heart at bedtime, I was dumbfounded ... He told us to apply the gold cream from below the heart upwards, towards the sky....”

The girl ultimately had to be hospitalized, after which conventional medicine produced a gradual cure. [13]
Steiner’s descriptions of various bodily organs and their functions differ markedly from those found in medical textbooks. The heart, for instance, is not a pump, Steiner declared: “[Science] sees the heart as a pump that pumps blood through the body. Now there is nothing more absurd than believing this, for the heart has nothing to do with pumping the blood.” [8] Blood circulates of its own accord, thanks to the vital force it embodies. Likewise, Steiner taught that the brain is not involved in cognition. [9] True cognition, for Steiner, is the exercise of paranormal powers made possible when individuals develop “organs of clairvoyance.” [10]
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