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Old 20.05.2017., 10:32   #6776
Dobra kolumna Paul Craig Robertsa na Zero Hedge o stvarnim razlozima bjesomučnih napada medija, Demokrata i nekih Republikanaca na Trumpa.

Uočite otvorenu referencu na Washington Post kao organ izvještavanja CIA-e.


What we are witnessing is the determination of the national security state to keep their prized “Russian Threat” in its assigned role as the Number One Threat to the US. The liberal media, owned by the CIA since the 1950s is in accord with this goal.

The American media is so accustomed to its enslavement by the national security state that it does not think of the consequences. But Professor Stephen Cohen does. I agree with him that the greatest threat to national security “is this assault on President Trump.”

Cohen said that there is a 4th branch of government, the intelligence community, which obstruts the management of American foreign affairs by the executive branch and Congress.

As an example, he reminded us that “In 2016, President Obama worked out a deal with Russian President Putin for military cooperation in Syria. He said he was going to share intelligence with Russia, just like Trump and the Russians were supposed to do the other day. Our department of defense said it wouldn’t share intelligence. And a few days later, they killed Syrian soldiers, violating the agreement, and that was the end of that. So, we can ask, who is making our foreign policy in Washington today?”

In the 1960s, President John F. Kennedy thought he was in charge, and he was assassinated for his belief. JFK blocked an invasion of Cuba, the Northwoods project, a preemptive nuclear strike on the Soviet Union, and spoke of ending the Cold War.

In the 1970s President Nixon was driven from office, because he thought he was in charge of foreign policy. Like Kennedy, Nixon was a threat to the national security state. Nixon pushed through SALT 1 and the anti-ABM Treaty, and he opened to China, defusing those tensions as well. The military/security complex saw its budget dwindling as the threat dwindled. Nixon also determined to withdraw from Vietnam, but was constrained by the national security state. Nixon, the most knowledgeable president about foreign affairs, was forced from office, because his efforts in behalf of peace constituted a threat to the power and profit of the military/security complex.

It is important to understand that there is no evidence whatsoever against Nixon in the Washington Post “investigation.” The Post’s reporters simply put together a collection of inuendoes that cast aspersion on Nixon, whose “crime” was to say that he learned of the Watergate buglary at a later date than he actually did. Nixon kept the burglary quiet until after his reelection, because he knew that the CIA’s Washington Post would use it in an effort to prevent his reelection.

The “crime” for which Nixon was really removed was his success in establishing more peaceful and stable relations with Russia and China.

Trump, being in real estate and entertainment, was unaware of the landmines on which he was stepping when he said it was time to normalize relations with Russia and to rethink the purpose of NATO.

The US military/security complex sits on a budget extracted from very hard-pressed American taxpayers of $1,000 billion dollars annually. By threatening to normalize relations with the enemy which was created in order to justify this vast budget, Trump presented as the major threat to the American National Security State’s power and profit.

This is why Trump will be broken and/or removed as President of the United States.
Obama je dogvorio sa Rusima suradnju u Siriji i dijeljenje informacija. Vojni obavještajci su rekli da oni neće dijelitit s Rusima nikakve informacije te je par dana kasnije "slučajno" avijacija US koalicije 45 minuta bespotšedno bombardirala sirijske vojnike kod Deir ez Zora, dok američki časnik za vezu kojega su Rusi odmah kontaktirali "slučajno "nije bio pri svom radnom mjestu.
Posljedica je bila 100+ mrtvih, urušavanje cijele zapadne fronte grada i zamalo pad cijelog opkoljenog grada uruke ISILa. Obaim dogvor nakon toga vipe nitko nije spominjao.

JFK je blokirao invaziju na Kubu, Northwoods operaciju lažnih napada na tlu Amerike s ciljem okrivljavanja Kube, odbio mogućnost "preventivnog" nuklearnog udarana na SSSR te govorio o završteku Hladnog rata. Usput se protivio eskalaciji rata u Vijetnamu.

Nixon je snizio tenzije sa Rusijom i otvorio suradnju s Kinom, progurao SALT1 i anti ABM ugovore, odlučno gurao povlačenje iz rata u Vijetamu. Njegov jedini grijeh oko Watergatea je bio samo i isključivo to što je izjavio da je za provalu u sjedište Demokrata saznao kasnije nego što stavrno jeste, a to je učinio samo zato da CIAino glasilo Washington Post to ne bi koristilo protiv njega prije re-izbora. WP nikakve istraživačke uloge nije imao nego je Nixonu smjestila CIA i drugi čovjek FBIa.

Zajedničko je svim njima to što su svojim aktivnostima smirivali tenzije i time izbijali najjači adut parazitskom vojno-industrijskom i obavještajnom kompleksu za povećanje vojnih troškova na račun ostatka društva.
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