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Jezikoslovlje Za pravopiždžije i jezikolomce

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Old 25.07.2007., 11:20   #1021
camundongo kaže: Pogledaj post
evo jezicnih pogrjeska iz popularnih sangova

If I was a rich girl (Gwen Stefani)
What if God was one of us (J. Osborne)
If I ain't got you (Alicia Keys)
I can't get no satisfaction (M. Jagger)
Ain't nobody (Rufus and Khan Chaka)
Me and you are supose to be together (Ashley Tisdale)
Mislis Chaka Khan?
Stephen Colbert: "Beauty isn't in the eye of the beholder; I've checked. There's nothing in there but veins and goo."
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Old 30.07.2007., 07:06   #1022
Možda netko može pojasniti frazu: "This/It is not your dad's Oldsmobile"

Kao, nije to nesto bezveze/jedostavno, nesofisticirano... ili kaj?

To se izgleda izvorno pojavilo ka slogan u nekakvoj kampanju.
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Old 30.07.2007., 07:13   #1023
goranbo kaže: Pogledaj post
Možda netko može pojansiti frazu: "This/It is not your dad's Oldsmobile"

Kao, nije to nesto bezveze/jedostavno, nesofisticirano... ili kaj?
"Your dad's Oldsmobile" was a middle class family car, popular before the 1980's.

So if the reference is to a car, the implication is that it is better: perhaps sportier, or more powerful, or more luxurious, or all of the above.
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Old 30.07.2007., 07:28   #1024
Ne ne, referencira se na odredjenu tehnologiju, a ne na otomobil.
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Old 30.07.2007., 07:35   #1025
goranbo kaže: Pogledaj post
Ne ne, referencira se na odredjenu tehnologiju, a ne na otomobil.
OK. Then it's generalized, but with the same meaning.

If it's about a computer, or a yacht, the same considerations would apply.
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Old 30.07.2007., 10:15   #1026
camundongo kaže: Pogledaj post
evo jezicnih pogrjeska iz popularnih sangova
Da mi je samo znati koji ti je qrac "sang"...

Inače, baš me zanima gdje su ovdje jezične pogreške...
If I was a rich girl (Gwen Stefani)
What if God was one of us (J. Osborne)
Subjunktiv u ovim slučajevima nije obavezan, iako se u prvom slučaju malo više preporučuje; u drugom je slučaju već praktički posve nestao iz upotrebe, osim valjda u službenoj upotrebi.

Visoki registar nije jedini, a bogme ni jedini ispravan; naročito ne u engleskom. Izbacivanje subjunktiva iz prvog primjera bi se još danas možda i ispravilo na jezičnim vježbama, ali u američkom engleskom subjunktiv dosta nestaje; pretpostavka da će za 20 godina to biti posve normalna forma i nije toliko smjela.
If I ain't got you (Alicia Keys)
Oblik ain't, doduše, spada u nestandardni engleski, ali radi se o obliku koji je prisutan u apsolutno svim varijantama engleskog jezika. Dakle, prisutan je svugdje osim u standardu. S jednog posve preskriptivističkog stanovišta, da, to bi bilo pogrešno jer bi svaki profesor to prekrižio. S lingvističke strane, pogreške nema.
I can't get no satisfaction (M. Jagger)
Pravilo je o izbjegavanju dvostruke negavije u engleskome preuzeto iz latinskog; 'prirodan' engleski dvostruku negaciju itekako dobro poznaje.

Opet, pogreška postoji ako nam je standard jedino mjerilo, ali u jezičnom sustavu engleskoga ovo itekako dobro funkcionira. I kao i ain't, postoji u apsolutno svakoj varijanti.
Ain't nobody (Rufus and Khan Chaka)
Isto kao gore.
Me and you are supose to be together (Ashley Tisdale)
Pretpostavljam da govoriš o "me and you", iako vidim da ne znaš ni "supposed" napisati kako spada... Nominativni se i akuzativni oblici ličnih zamjenica u engleskome često miješaju; izvan visokog stila, ovdje greške nema.
Krumpir Vampir ponovo je tu! Sisat će vam škrob dok vas ne otjera u grob!

math_baby reče: samo toliko da znate da vam cp.tar moze, u dogovoru s nekim od admina promijeniti sadrzaj vaseg bloga ukoliko mu se taj sadrzaj ne svidja!
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Old 30.07.2007., 15:30   #1027
cp.tar kaže: Pogledaj post
Da mi je samo znati koji ti je qrac "sang"...

Inače, baš me zanima gdje su ovdje jezične pogreške...
Subjunktiv u ovim slučajevima nije obavezan, iako se u prvom slučaju malo više preporučuje; u drugom je slučaju već praktički posve nestao iz upotrebe, osim valjda u službenoj upotrebi.

Visoki registar nije jedini, a bogme ni jedini ispravan; naročito ne u engleskom. Izbacivanje subjunktiva iz prvog primjera bi se još danas možda i ispravilo na jezičnim vježbama, ali u američkom engleskom subjunktiv dosta nestaje; pretpostavka da će za 20 godina to biti posve normalna forma i nije toliko smjela.
Oblik ain't, doduše, spada u nestandardni engleski, ali radi se o obliku koji je prisutan u apsolutno svim varijantama engleskog jezika. Dakle, prisutan je svugdje osim u standardu. S jednog posve preskriptivističkog stanovišta, da, to bi bilo pogrešno jer bi svaki profesor to prekrižio. S lingvističke strane, pogreške nema.
Pravilo je o izbjegavanju dvostruke negavije u engleskome preuzeto iz latinskog; 'prirodan' engleski dvostruku negaciju itekako dobro poznaje.

Opet, pogreška postoji ako nam je standard jedino mjerilo, ali u jezičnom sustavu engleskoga ovo itekako dobro funkcionira. I kao i ain't, postoji u apsolutno svakoj varijanti.
Isto kao gore.
Pretpostavljam da govoriš o "me and you", iako vidim da ne znaš ni "supposed" napisati kako spada... Nominativni se i akuzativni oblici ličnih zamjenica u engleskome često miješaju; izvan visokog stila, ovdje greške nema.
I agree with your perceptive comments in general.

The double negative is rarely heard in America except among uneducated hillbillies from, say Appalachia or the Deep South, or among some blacks, or among immigrants in whose native tongues the double negative is the norm.

The Rolling Stones' I ain't got no satisfaction is an example of their cultivation of an American Southern working class image.
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Old 31.07.2007., 20:56   #1028
virgils kaže: Pogledaj post

The Rolling Stones' I ain't got no satisfaction is an example of their cultivation of an American Southern working class image.
Sorry, I meant I can't get no satisfaction.

but I tried
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Old 31.07.2007., 21:10   #1029
virgils kaže: Pogledaj post
I agree with your perceptive comments in general.

The double negative is rarely heard in America except among uneducated hillbillies from, say Appalachia or the Deep South, or among some blacks, or among immigrants in whose native tongues the double negative is the norm.
While it is true that the double negative is rarely heard at least in parts of the USA, it occurs naturally in England, Australia, Canada... it is only because of the Latin influence on (early) English grammarians that the double negative is still frowned upon.
Krumpir Vampir ponovo je tu! Sisat će vam škrob dok vas ne otjera u grob!

math_baby reče: samo toliko da znate da vam cp.tar moze, u dogovoru s nekim od admina promijeniti sadrzaj vaseg bloga ukoliko mu se taj sadrzaj ne svidja!
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Old 31.07.2007., 21:36   #1030
cp.tar kaže: Pogledaj post
While it is true that the double negative is rarely heard at least in parts of the USA, it occurs naturally in England, Australia, Canada... it is only because of the Latin influence on (early) English grammarians that the double negative is still frowned upon.
I don't know why you consider the double negative "natural". Is it a natural feature of languages in general? Is it needed for accurate and efficient communication?

Or are you invoking ancient Indo-European? As I'm sure you know, over the past millennium English has moved towards a simplified grammar and has discarded much of the redundancy of the older or the more conservative tongues. Modern Romance languages are also simplified compared to Latin. It seems that the information transfer is still effective, without too much apparent indeterminacy.

I don't know much about modern Chinese (Mandarin) but I understand its structure is even simpler. I guess information specificity must rely on context: you don't know for sure what you have been told until you hear the last word of an entire paragraph.
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Old 31.07.2007., 23:35   #1031
virgils kaže: Pogledaj post
I don't know why you consider the double negative "natural". Is it a natural feature of languages in general? Is it needed for accurate and efficient communication?
It is "natural" in English, as it appears in every single variety; it is a feature native speakers understand and spontaneously produce - and children are explicitly taught (by their parents or at school) not to use it.

I don't think it is a feature of languages in general; however, it does help accurate and efficient communication. Namely, double (or even multiple) negation increases redundancy, which can facilitate communication greatly.

Single negation is "logical" and "elegant", but it is a rule strange to the English language, imposed on it by grammarians impressed with the "elegance" of Latin grammar.

All in all, I consider the double negative "natural" solely because it occurs spontaneously.
Krumpir Vampir ponovo je tu! Sisat će vam škrob dok vas ne otjera u grob!

math_baby reče: samo toliko da znate da vam cp.tar moze, u dogovoru s nekim od admina promijeniti sadrzaj vaseg bloga ukoliko mu se taj sadrzaj ne svidja!
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Old 01.08.2007., 09:41   #1032
cp.tar kaže: Pogledaj post
It is "natural" in English, as it appears in every single variety; it is a feature native speakers understand and spontaneously produce - and children are explicitly taught (by their parents or at school) not to use it in everyday speech.
Are you sure that American children spontaneously form the double negative? I mean those whose parents don't use it.

I asked a native Chinese (Mandarin) speaker and she stated that they don't use the double negative. On the other hand a (non native) student of Japanese said that the Japanese do use it. Hungarians have it as well, as do most modern IE languages.

There is something to be said for redundancy, as a communications engineer would confirm.
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Old 01.08.2007., 10:32   #1033
virgils kaže: Pogledaj post
Are you sure that American children spontaneously form the double negative? I mean those whose parents don't use it.
Yep; most, if not all, do so. They do learn not to use it, though, due to their parents' influence.
I asked a native Chinese (Mandarin) speaker and she stated that they don't use the double negative.
Of course not; it would be overly complicated in their language system.
On the other hand a (non native) student of Japanese said that the Japanese do use it. Hungarians have it as well, as do most modern IE languages.
You do know that Hungarian isn't an IE language, don't you?

I never said it was a feature used in all the languages of the world, anyway, and the fact that some unrelated languages use it means very little when we talk about English.
There is something to be said for redundancy, as a communications engineer would confirm.
Well, sure... mind this example:

If I never told anybody anything, anywhere...

Now suppose you mis-heard never as ever - suddenly the meaning changes, drastically.

Compare that with the Croatian version:

Ako nikad nisam nikome ništa nigdje rekao...The chance of mis-communication is much slimmer now, isn't it?
Krumpir Vampir ponovo je tu! Sisat će vam škrob dok vas ne otjera u grob!

math_baby reče: samo toliko da znate da vam cp.tar moze, u dogovoru s nekim od admina promijeniti sadrzaj vaseg bloga ukoliko mu se taj sadrzaj ne svidja!
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Old 01.08.2007., 11:00   #1034
cp.tar kaže: Pogledaj post
Yep; most, if not all, do so. They do learn not to use it, though, due to their parents' influence.
Do you have any links to scientific studies of American (or any other) children spontaneously using double negatives when their parents don't?

You do know that Hungarian isn't an IE language, don't you?
Yes. That's precisely why I mentioned it.

If I never told anybody anything, anywhere...

Now suppose you mis-heard never as ever - suddenly the meaning changes, drastically.

Compare that with the Croatian version:

Ako nikad nisam nikome ništa nigdje rekao...The chance of mis-communication is much slimmer now, isn't it?
Yes, the requirements on language, like on other human activities, are conflicting. Speed and ease of communication conflict with the usefulness of built-in redundancy for noisy conditions.
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Old 01.08.2007., 11:15   #1035
virgils kaže: Pogledaj post
Do you have any links to scientific studies of American (or any other) children spontaneously using double negatives when their parents don't?

This is basic sociolinguistics, really, mixed with some things I learned in my ELT class... I don't even know whether any such studies were done at all; I just know that parents correcting their kids using a double negative is quite common (and even used in movies and TV shows as a common mistake parents correct ).
Krumpir Vampir ponovo je tu! Sisat će vam škrob dok vas ne otjera u grob!

math_baby reče: samo toliko da znate da vam cp.tar moze, u dogovoru s nekim od admina promijeniti sadrzaj vaseg bloga ukoliko mu se taj sadrzaj ne svidja!
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Old 04.08.2007., 13:11   #1036
Prevodim jedan tekst (sv. Alfons) koji govori o vrijednosti patnje i njezinom podnosenju. Malo me muci ova recenica: "Oh, how edifying it is at the time of suffering to preserve a cheerful peace and resignation!"

Unaprijed hvala!
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Old 04.08.2007., 13:16   #1037
cp.tar kaže: Pogledaj post
Ako nikad nisam nikome ništa nigdje rekao...
Ovo je kao cvrči, cvrči cvrčak aliteracija.
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Old 10.08.2007., 13:28   #1038
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Old 10.08.2007., 14:54   #1039
dioptrija kaže: Pogledaj post
Moze fishnet thigh high (stockings). Npr.
A moze i fencenet, ako su 'rupe' velike.
Stephen Colbert: "Beauty isn't in the eye of the beholder; I've checked. There's nothing in there but veins and goo."
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Old 10.08.2007., 22:01   #1040
Dakle Fishnet Thigh Highs

Ioannes kaže:
Prevodim jedan tekst (sv. Alfons) koji govori o vrijednosti patnje i njezinom podnosenju. Malo me muci ova recenica: "Oh, how edifying it is at the time of suffering to preserve a cheerful peace and resignation!"

Unaprijed hvala!
Znam da je malo kasno, al kaj te tu tocno muci (u toj recenici)? Nije bas preteska recenica...
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