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Na rubu znanosti Istraživanja bez granica

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Old 31.07.2016., 23:38   #81
memulica kaže: Pogledaj post
Radio signali definitivno više nisu IN
Radio signali su prespori za svemir. Ono što mene zanima da li je teoretski moguća komunikacija povlačenjem struna jer, koliko sam negdje pročitao/vidio, strune reagiraju instantno, zar ne?
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Old 02.08.2016., 13:02   #82

Zasad imamo samo ovo:

Svi ljubitelji SF književnosti su odavno upoznati sa tom idejom ili uređajem, koja je prvi put spomenuta/razrađena u Rokanonovom svijetu od Ursule K. Le Guin i zove se ANSIBLE.
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Old 02.08.2016., 22:14   #83
memulica kaže: Pogledaj post
Svi ljubitelji SF književnosti su odavno upoznati sa tom idejom ili uređajem, koja je prvi put spomenuta/razrađena u Rokanonovom svijetu od Ursule K. Le Guin i zove se ANSIBLE.
Nisam znao za to, al za Ursulu jesam - jedinstvena spisateljica (Leva ruka tame je fascinantan roman). Budem škicnuo ovaj čim budem slobodniji, nadam se da ga nisu izbacili iz knjižnica jer je na ekavici.
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Old 11.08.2016., 19:48   #84

Evo zadnjih vijesti/čuda oko trenutno najveće anomalije u poznatom svemiru; zvijezdi KIC 8462852 aka Tabby’s Star.


In an unpublished paper posted today to arXiv, Caltech astronomer Ben Montet and Joshua Simon of the Carnegie Institute describe the results of a new photometric analysis of Tabby’s Star, which was first flagged in the Kepler Space Telescope’s database by citizen science astronomers.

By carefully examining all the full-frame images collected during Kepler’s observational campaign, Montet and Simon discovered something astonishing: Not only did the star’s light output occasionally dip by up to 20 percent, its total stellar flux diminished continuously over the course of four years.

After studying photometric observations for other stars surrounding KIC 8462852, there's no other star that shows such dramatic behavior. What's more, there's very few known phenomena that could be causing this. So once again, astronomers are clutching at straws in an effort to explain what is going on.
Znanstvenici ko znanstvenici, kad treba lupat praznu slamu tu su najbolji

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Old 21.08.2016., 21:01   #85

NASA je odlučila svoja istraživanja staviti svima na raspolaganje i to potpuno besplatno.

Svaka čast


In 2013, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy directed Nasa and other agencies to increase access to their research, which in the past was often available (if it was available online at all) only via a paywall. Now, it is Nasa policy that any research articles funded by the agency have to be posted on Pubspace within a year of publication.

There are some exceptions, such as research that relates to national security. Nonetheless, there are currently a little over 850 articles available on the website with many more to come.

The move is part of a trend in the worldwide scientific community towards making knowledge more readily available. In May, EU member states agreed on an initiative to try to make all European scientific papers freely available by 2020.
Evo i link na taj portal:

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Old 07.09.2016., 16:21   #86

Evo nove teze o porijeklu 'zloglasnog' CO2 u Zemljinoj atmosferi.

Ne, nije čovjek u pitanju

Po ovoj studiji on je dodan prilikom sudara planeta.


Research by Rice University Earth scientists suggests that virtually all of Earth’s life-giving carbon could have come from a collision about 4.4 billion years ago between Earth and an embryonic planet similar to Mercury.
orginal dokument:
doi: 10.1038/ngeo2801
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Old 22.09.2016., 19:14   #87

NASA nastavlja u revijalnom tonu sa pompoznim otkrivanjem tople vode i javnih tajni diljem Sunčeva sistema.

Ovaj put je na redu Jupiterov satelit Europa i najvjerovatnije će potvrditi postojanje velike količine tekuće vode ispod leda.


NASA to Hold Media Call on Evidence of Surprising Activity on Europa

NASA will host a teleconference at 2 p.m. EDT Monday, Sept. 26, to present new findings from images captured by the agency’s Hubble Space Telescope of Jupiter’s icy moon, Europa.

Astronomers will present results from a unique Europa observing campaign that resulted in surprising evidence of activity that may be related to the presence of a subsurface ocean on Europa.
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Old 26.09.2016., 16:54   #88

Jučer je službeno počeo sa radom najveći radio teleskop na Zemlji.


China Hunts for Scientific Glory, and Aliens, With New Telescope

The wok is the world’s largest single-dish radio telescope, and it officially began operating on Sunday, accompanied by jubilant national television coverage, after more than five years of construction. The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope, FAST for short, is intended to project China’s scientific ambitions deep into the universe, bringing back dramatic discoveries and honors like Nobel Prizes.

Maybe even messages from aliens.

The telescope, which is in a majestic but impoverished part of Guizhou Province, embodies China’s plans to rise as a scientific power. The dish is made of 4,450 intricately positioned triangular panels and has a collecting area of 2.1 million square feet, equal to almost 450 basketball courts. At 1,640 feet in diameter, it will be roughly twice as sensitive as the world’s next-biggest single-dish radio telescope, the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, which is 1,000 feet across.

The telescope will help China make “major advances and breakthroughs at the frontier of science,” President Xi Jinping of China said in a congratulatory message on Sunday. He called it China’s “eye in the sky.”
Dobar lov mu želim
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Old 27.09.2016., 15:44   #89

Eto na onoj telekonfrenciji smo doznali, kako je NASA 'otkrila' (možda) toplu vodu. Inače niko nije imao pojma, da tamo ima vode. Ovo je senzacionalna vijest

Zastarjeli Hubble teleskop sad služi za slikavanje bližih objekata i na Europi je snimio erupcije gejzira visoke par stotina kilometara.


NASA’s Hubble Spots Possible Water Plumes Erupting on Jupiter's Moon Europa

Astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have imaged what may be water vapor plumes erupting off the surface of Jupiter's moon Europa. This finding bolsters other Hubble observations suggesting the icy moon erupts with high altitude water vapor plumes.

The plumes are estimated to rise about 125 miles (200 kilometers) before, presumably, raining material back down onto Europa's surface. Europa has a huge global ocean containing twice as much water as Earth’s oceans, but it is protected by a layer of extremely cold and hard ice of unknown thickness. The plumes provide a tantalizing opportunity to gather samples originating from under the surface without having to land or drill through the ice.
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Old 27.09.2016., 23:05   #90
Thumbs up

EmDrive: NASA
"konačno je prošao recenziju" !

A možda sad i "polete" bez "letlampi"!

"Roger Shawyer je britanski znanstvenik koji je prvi predložio koncept EmDrive 1999. godine, a bio je ismijan, pa čak i optužen za prijevaru od strane "nekih" u međunarodnoj svemirskoj zajednici , unatoč njegovom radu ..."

Patent :
"Mnogi ljudi izgube zdravlje da bi stekli bogatstvo, a zatim izgube bogatstvo da bi vratili zdravlje." - A.J. Materi
“Kad bi ljudi očistili unutarnje zagađenje, tada bi prestali stvarati ono vanjsko.” Eckhart Tolle
"Istina je čudnija od fikcije, jer fikcija mora imati smisla" Mark Twain
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Old 27.09.2016., 23:19   #91
Važno pitanje jest: je li to primjenjivo u praksi?

(ako uopće funkcionira)
"Ne može se razumom uvjeriti ljude da se odreknu stavova koje nisu razumom stekli."

"Toliko sam propao u zivotu da sam odlucio otvoriti temu na o tome" - n00e
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Old 27.09.2016., 23:32   #92
Pitaj Kineze

A možda ti ovo pomogne :
"Mnogi ljudi izgube zdravlje da bi stekli bogatstvo, a zatim izgube bogatstvo da bi vratili zdravlje." - A.J. Materi
“Kad bi ljudi očistili unutarnje zagađenje, tada bi prestali stvarati ono vanjsko.” Eckhart Tolle
"Istina je čudnija od fikcije, jer fikcija mora imati smisla" Mark Twain

Zadnje uređivanje L U N : 27.09.2016. at 23:56.
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Old 05.10.2016., 08:53   #93

Na kraju ispada, kako vode ima posvuda u Sunčevom sistemu. Još 'samo' nam treba tehnologija, da to iskoristimo.


A subsurface ocean lies deep within Saturn’s moon Dione, according to new data from the Cassini mission to Saturn. Two other moons of Saturn, Titan and Enceladus, are already known to hide global oceans beneath their icy crusts, but a new study suggests an ocean exists on Dione as well.

In this study, researchers of the Royal Observatory of Belgium show gravity data from recent Cassini flybys can be explained if Dione’s crust floats on an ocean located 100 kilometers below the surface. The ocean is several tens of kilometers deep and surrounds a large rocky core. Seen from within, Dione is very similar to its smaller but more famous neighbor Enceladus, whose south polar region spurts huge jets of water vapor into space. Dione seems to be quiet now, but its broken surface bears witness of a more tumultuous past. The study is published online this week in Geophysical Research Letters.
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Old 11.10.2016., 13:39   #94

Evo novih slika sa indijske sonde u orbiti Marsa.


The spotlight surrounding research on Mars is often on the US, European and Russian space agencies.

But while it may be overlooked, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) remains one of only three national space programmes to have reached the red planet to date.

To celebrate its achievements, the space agency has released a new series of beautiful images using data beamed back from its Mars orbiter, revealing our closest planetary neighbour in all its glory.

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Old 13.10.2016., 21:02   #95

Osim što vode ima posvuda po Sunčevu sistemu, sada znamo da je na Zemlji ima najmanje.

Dakle opet dolazimo do toga, kako u školama učimo uglavnom gluposti.

The next time someone asks you where the biggest ocean is, point toward Jupiter.

While Earth harbours about 320 million cubic miles of water, our planet is practically a desert compared to the rest of the solar system.

A moon of Jupiter called Europa, for example, which is roughly the size of our own moon, likely hides a subsurface ocean with more than twice as much water as there is on Earth. Yet even that pales in comparison to Europa’s neighbour Ganymede; more than 39 times as much water as our home planet is thought to reside there, though mostly as ice.
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Old 16.10.2016., 19:32   #96

Evo i nekih rezultata ekipe, koja je odustala od radio signala u traganju za ET civilizacijama.

It’s a bold claim. Two astronomers think they have spotted messages from not just one extraterrestrial civilisation, but 234 of them. The news has sparked a lively debate in the field as other astronomers think the claim is premature and are working fast to get to the bottom of the signals.

In 2012, Ermanno Borra at Laval University in Quebec suggested that an extraterrestrial civilisation might use a laser as a means of interstellar communication. If the little green men simply flashed a laser toward the Earth like a strobe light, we would see periodic bursts of light hidden in the spectrum of their host star. They would be incredibly faint and rapid, but a mathematical analysis could uncover them.
orginal dokument:
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Old 22.10.2016., 19:13   #97

Još malo, pa će Immanuel Velikovsky i Zecharia Sitchin službeno postati geniji ispred svog vremena.


Astronomers have reported the discovery of a star that passed within the outer reaches of our Solar System just 70,000 years ago, when early humans were beginning to take a foothold here on Earth. The stellar flyby was likely close enough to have influenced the orbits of comets in the outer Oort Cloud, but Neandertals and Cro Magnons – our early ancestors – were not in danger. But now astronomers are ready to look for more stars like this one.

orginal dokument:


Passing stars can perturb the Oort Cloud, triggering comet showers and potentially extinction events on Earth. We combine velocity measurements for the recently discovered, nearby, low-mass binary system WISE J072003.20-084651.2 ("Scholz's star") to calculate its past trajectory. Integrating the Galactic orbits of this ~0.15 M⊙ binary system and the Sun, we find that the binary passed within only 52+23−14 kAU (0.25+0.11−0.07 pc) of the Sun 70+15−10 kya (1σ uncertainties), i.e., within the outer Oort Cloud. This is the closest known encounter of a star to our solar system with a well-constrained distance and velocity. Previous work suggests that flybys within 0.25 pc occur infrequently (~0.1 Myr−1). We show that given the low mass and high velocity of the binary system, the encounter was dynamically weak. Using the best available astrometry, our simulations suggest that the probability that the star penetrated the outer Oort Cloud is ~98%, but the probability of penetrating the dynamically active inner Oort Cloud (<20 kAU) is ~10−4. While the flyby of this system likely caused negligible impact on the flux of long-period comets, the recent discovery of this binary highlights that dynamically important Oort Cloud perturbers may be lurking among nearby stars.
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Old 26.10.2016., 23:09   #98
„Frankensteinovska“ galaksija

"Naime, kod većine galaksija se prvo formira unutarnji dio u kojem se nalaze i najstarije zvijezde. Kako galaksija raste, nove se zvijezde stvaraju u vanjskim, novijim područjima. UGC 1382 donosi sasvim suprotnu priču."

Uz ovo saznanje koje je do nedavno bilo nemoguće ,svemir krije još mnoga neobična iznenađenja !

Koja je sad tamo "gravitacija" u pitanju ?
"Mnogi ljudi izgube zdravlje da bi stekli bogatstvo, a zatim izgube bogatstvo da bi vratili zdravlje." - A.J. Materi
“Kad bi ljudi očistili unutarnje zagađenje, tada bi prestali stvarati ono vanjsko.” Eckhart Tolle
"Istina je čudnija od fikcije, jer fikcija mora imati smisla" Mark Twain
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Old 19.11.2016., 09:01   #99

Potvrđen i dokazan EM drive od strane službene znanosti.

After months of speculation and leaked documents, NASA's long-awaited EM Drive paper has finally been peer-reviewed and published. And it shows that the 'impossible' propulsion system really does appear to work.
Link na znanstveni rad:
DOI: 10.2514/1.B36120

Measurement of Impulsive Thrust from a Closed Radio-Frequency Cavity in Vacuum


A vacuum test campaign evaluating the impulsive thrust performance of a tapered radio-frequency test article excited in the transverse magnitude 212 mode at 1937 MHz has been completed. The test campaign consisted of a forward thrust phase and reverse thrust phase at less than 8×10−6  torr8×10−6  torr vacuum with power scans at 40, 60, and 80 W. The test campaign included a null thrust test effort to identify any mundane sources of impulsive thrust; however, none were identified. Thrust data from forward, reverse, and null suggested that the system was consistently performing with a thrust-to-power ratio of 1.2±0.1  mN/kW1.2±0.1  mN/kW.
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Old 20.11.2016., 19:18   #100

Evo zanimljive priče o vanzemaljcima i gdje se oni možda kriju

For example, only about 5 percent of the mass-energy of the universe consists of ordinary matter: the protons, neutrons, and electrons that we’re composed of. A much larger 27 percent is thought to be unseen, still mysterious stuff. Astronomical evidence for this dark, gravitating matter is convincing, albeit still not without question. Vast halos of dark matter seem to lurk around galaxies, providing mass that helps hold things together via gravity. On even larger scales, the web-like topography traced by luminous gas and stars also hints at unseen mass.
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