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Alternativa Noetički pristup stvarnosti.
Podforumi: Astrologija, Na rubu znanosti, Magija i mistika, Alternativno liječenje

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Old 04.02.2007., 19:37   #41
ni ziv ni mrtav kaže: Pogledaj post
Znači : oformiti današnji ekvivalent alkemijskog laboratorija, retortu u ruke i...

Ali takav rad traži kompletnog čovjeka, i umjetnika , i intelektualca, i dobrog "sam svoj majstora", da ne kažem obrtnika i ... što sve ne.
Spremnog na suočenje sa konformističkom sredinom , sukob sa dežurnim svekretenima.
Koliko takvih ima ...Ima li ih još ?

Ima. Ja sam takve upoznao. Jedan je bio Đorđe Orbanić.
Inače, uhvatio si bit. Sad znaš zašto u ovo vrijeme nema magije.
Ima nekakvih društvenopolitičkih pozera (masoni), nekakvih intelektualnih žmuklera (rozenkrojceri), jebača na baterije i arijevaca željnih prevlasti nad svijetom. Ukratko, ništa.
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Old 04.02.2007., 20:20   #42
Eto prednosti metropole , srećeš i upoznaješ masone, rozenkrojcere isl.
Kod nas u provinciji, imamo samo ofucane političare...gubitnike, alkoholičare...ko je valjao / a najviše oni nevaljali/ , otišao u Zgb. Mi koji smo ostali, samo smo jalni zavidni gubitnici..
Šalu na stranu, kod nas ima možda 2 rozenkrojcera i desetak masona/u tajnosti/. Znači, još manje potencijala. Baza = 0 !
Ili da sebe se upregnem, pa što bude!
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Old 04.02.2007., 21:16   #43
ni ziv ni mrtav kaže: Pogledaj post
Eto prednosti metropole , srećeš i upoznaješ masone, rozenkrojcere isl.
A, varaš se. Metropola ti donosi fufice iz Pifa, Škole, Đure, Boogala, Purgeraja.
Metropola ti donosi plitke gurue željne seksa, nekakve škole svega i svačega i majstore svih boja i energija. No ne donosi ti nužno čarobnjake. Njih ima u Zagrebu vjerojatno toliko da ih nabrojiš na prste jedne ruke i to pilara.

Kod nas u provinciji, imamo samo ofucane političare...gubitnike, alkoholičare...ko je valjao / a najviše oni nevaljali/ , otišao u Zgb. Mi koji smo ostali, samo smo jalni zavidni gubitnici..
O kako se varaš. Znaš li da je Glina jača po magiji od Zagreba? A pogledaj kako izgleda: u 12 sati pust grad. Izgleda kao sablasni grad sa divljeg zapada. Nigdje nikoga, puste ulice. Ali...tamo ima energije i duha.
Svugdje ima energije i duha gdje materija ne zagospodari, tj. gdje Amerikanac i njegova kulturna ekspanzija ne stupi nogom. Hercegovački krš je daleko jači u mistici nego Zagreb. Gdje se ljudi prekaljuju, tu jača i magija. Koga ne ubije alkohol i droga, taj se pronađe u duhu.
A magija nije za mamine sineke i jebače koji ganjaju curice sa primjenjene i studentice koje su se u Zagreb došle izjebati da bi poslije u svojim obalnim krajevima glumile čednost.

Šalu na stranu, kod nas ima možda 2 rozenkrojcera i desetak masona/u tajnosti/. Znači, još manje potencijala. Baza = 0 !
Ili da sebe se upregnem, pa što bude!
A ti si ... odakle?
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Old 04.02.2007., 22:09   #44
malo Tesle

Navodno se fenomeni kriju u telinim transformatorima i visokofrekventnim (poljima, strujama)




Dakle gdje bi se mogle nabaviti DETALJNE upute za izradu tog "efekta"


naravno ko ce da se uplete nego američka vojska
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Old 04.02.2007., 22:45   #45
Na ovom forumu pise OSOBNO jon hucthinson

procitajte ovaj topic nadasve cudan: kao bio na putovanjima i doveo "predmete na fotkama" hmm hmm hmm
ili su mu to pokloni ako sam dobro shvatio.. valjda su to nekakvu "makete" suveniri premda onaj kostur izleda relativno realno
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Old 04.02.2007., 22:59   #46
Ma to su rekviziti iz filmova Ratovi zvijezda...
Pa ko ih može ozbiljno shvatit ?
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Old 04.02.2007., 23:04   #47

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Old 04.02.2007., 23:05   #48
ni ziv ni mrtav kaže: Pogledaj post
Ma to su rekviziti iz filmova Ratovi zvijezda...
Pa ko ih može ozbiljno shvatit ?
pa da ali kazem kosturko izgleda jako dobro napravljen ko pravi
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Old 05.02.2007., 00:41   #49
grizli kaže: Pogledaj post

Oh, kako lijepa fotografija Balenzo-Schriever-Miethe uređaja. Baš slatko.
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Old 05.02.2007., 00:50   #50
VioletStorm kaže: Pogledaj post
Oh, kako lijepa fotografija Balenzo-Schriever-Miethe uređaja. Baš slatko.
provjeri spelling google ne nalazi nista..

kakav je to uredja?
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Old 05.02.2007., 00:51   #51
ovo je takodjer zanimljivo sto se tice zero point energije:
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Old 05.02.2007., 00:53   #52
grizli kaže: Pogledaj post
provjeri spelling google ne nalazi nista..

kakav je to uredja?

Nemoj tražiti tako. Postoje kontradiktorne informacije.
Tri su inžinjera (iz jednog od dva paralelna tima):
Giuseppe Ballenzo (ili Beluzzo)
Rudolph Schriever
Richard (ili Walter) Miethe

Iz drugog tima je poznat Klaus Habermohl.

Što je to? Blitzkugel, Foo Fighter, ili jednostavno, leteći tanjur, zasnovan na Schaubergerovoj pastrvinoj turbini.

P.S. Ja napravio spot za Psihomodo "Ljubav, ljubav" u kojem se prikazuje let u jednoj takvoj mašinici.

Zadnje uređivanje VioletStorm : 05.02.2007. at 01:41.
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Old 05.02.2007., 01:16   #53

Ova gore slika vjerojatno je fake, tj. rendering. Ali lijepo pokazuje Repulzinsku letjelicu koja se označava kao Balenzo-Schriever-Miethe aparat"

In some Schauberger machines, a small high-speed electric engine would spin the air around an axis using a paddle-like propeller. The motor would continue accelerating the rotating air until it reached the critical speed of auto-rotation. At this point, the process was self-sustaining with air being drawn in and expelled with no additional input of energy (9). Air could be drawn in on a continuous basis since it was being cooled and thus made more dense in the vortex spiral. Greater density is loss of volume. Loss of volume created lower pressure at the air inlet with drew in more and more air as the reaction continued. Greater air speed at the point of ejection also served to lower the pressure as explained in Bernouli's Law (the same process which makes an airplane wing lift the aircraft), thus helping to lowering pressure at the inlet.

So to review: air is drawn in one end of the machine by an electric-powered, paddle-like fan or by spinning the entire machine as was the case with the saucer model. Air is then spiraled into a vortex of special proportion and shape designed by Schauberger. The air is made more dense yet cooled as it funnels down to its smallest diameter. At this point, just before expansive forces take over, energy is liberated perhaps due to the un-gluing of sub-atomic forces which frees energy in some manner currently imperfectly understood. The air begins to expand in a centrifugal motion as it warms. It is at this midway point that the air exits the saucer model at its periphery or lip of the saucer to expand centrifugally in the open atmosphere. Once a speed of 10,000 to 20,000 revolutions per minute is attained, the machine auto-rotates without need of the small electric-powered starter motor.

Returning to the mechanism by which these models flew, Schauberger himself always made the point of the fact that his saucer models were constructed of diamagnetic materials. Diamagnetic materials are those which are repel a magnetic field. Schauberger considered copper diamagnetic (10) and the surfaces of the saucer models coming in contact with air were made of copper.

As mentioned above, the very atomic structure of these atoms may have altered by this process. Coats tells us that electrons, protons and neutron may have been separated from one another (11). It has been suggested that the electrons and protons of these atoms were stripped from their nuclei. Their opposing charges were free and attracted one another resulting in their mutual annihilation of one another yielding a release of energy (12). This would occur exactly at the point where centripetal forces ceased and centrifugal forces began, these air particles reversed their spin and altered their rotation.

Further, Coats explains that the neutrons, which were left over in the process described above, and contrary to accepted views, are themselves magnetic (13). These neutrons were expelled from the saucer centrifugally along with water, water vapor and air which had not reacted as stated above. These "magnetic" neutrons, on the outside of the saucer body may serve to increase the diamagnetic reaction of the copper saucer which would be both pushing away from the earth and the cloud of surrounding "magnetically charged" neutrons. In other words, the Schauberger disc may have been repelling away from the magnetically charged atmosphere which it itself had just created.

In other words, the Schauberger disc may have been repelling away from the magnetically charged atmosphere which it itself had just created.
Zato svijetle kada lete.

How to build a Schauberger Repulsine:

Before we begin with construction of the Repulsine, this is what can happen if careful research and proper assembly, along with using quality materials for construction is not followed and adhered to:

One: the Repulsine will shred its upper power turbine! That turbine spins at a very high rpm and can, if formed from cast metal, shatter without warning.
Two: the internal thermal zone separator (wavy discs) and mechanical fluid work transmitter can shatter, as it is hollow (I will explain) and flexible and is also not capable of withstanding high centrifugal stress do to its perforated construction and wavy design. It generally will shatter first.
Three: the casing of the Repulsine is formed of copper in one device (although steel can be used) as this is for heat conduction. Copper is a brittle metal under repeated stress and can crack easily. Once again, shards will be expelled onto any unprepared researcher.
Four: it is capable of high temperature’s (I will explain). It can scorch and burn its surroundings or a careless researcher. That temperature can easily reach 300 to 500 degrees F.
Five: it can explode if its internal vortex is suddenly quenched, venting super heated air onto any nearby observers.
Six: it must be grounded. It is best operated over hot pavement (I will explain). There is no simple way to describe its power level. It is cyclic and similar to a child’s top being spun faster and faster. It can, by a very strong suction force (as it sits in the middle of a much larger external vortex) be wrenched from the ground.
Seven: it can effect the external environment. It is highly recommended any researcher using it should precede to an area with no air or automobile traffic.
Eight: it can set fire to any dry brush present. It must be operated in a rock quarry or concrete industrial area for maximum fire safety with a fire extinguisher standing by.
Nine: it is difficult to gain the approval of a mechanical engineer with an unproved technology; however, he or she can still verify that every precaution has been taken. The vessel is subject to high internal winds approaching 100 to 300 mph; never underestimate the harm that wind can do. That wind can amount to several static pounds pressure per square inch. It is the escaping wind that is most dangerous.
Ten: as air is ionized around the Repulsine, it can produce dangerous electrical phenomena. That is due to dust particle charging. Anytime air passes a chamber that is not grounded, at high speed it can induce charged particles! Be prepared for static electric build up if operating in a dry environment. See below for further information regarding safety issues.

Zadnje uređivanje VioletStorm : 05.02.2007. at 04:43.
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Old 05.02.2007., 15:22   #54
A tko zna ruski...neka pogleda ovo:
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Old 05.02.2007., 16:32   #55
VioletStorm kaže: Pogledaj post
Oh, kako lijepa fotografija Balenzo-Schriever-Miethe uređaja. Baš slatko.
Čuj, nije li ovo umjetnički dojam slike ulične lampe u SAD ?
Imao sam jednom knjigu u kojoj je bila geneza "fake" letećeg tanjura pedesetih godina u SAD- od slike gornjeg dijela ulične lampe sa retuširanim stupom do daljnjih varijanti "letećih tanjura". One tri kuglaste tvorbe na dnu su u originalu žarulje koje proviruju...
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Old 05.02.2007., 16:40   #56
VioletStorm kaže: Pogledaj post
A tko zna ruski...neka pogleda ovo:
Stranica je predobra !
Ali ja ne znam ruski ! Ne smeta...

Ali, ako je pogon na zrak...onda je visina leta do 10 000 - 14 000 m , a svemir možemo zaboraviti ?

A ja bi malo do Mjeseca, da si snimim rengen slike cijelog tijela u Van Alenovom pojasu !
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Old 05.02.2007., 16:51   #57
ni ziv ni mrtav kaže: Pogledaj post
Stranica je predobra !
Ali ja ne znam ruski ! Ne smeta...

Ali, ako je pogon na zrak...onda je visina leta do 10 000 - 14 000 m , a svemir možemo zaboraviti ?

A ja bi malo do Mjeseca, da si snimim rengen slike cijelog tijela u Van Alenovom pojasu !

Da. Na žalost, leteći tanjuri ne lete u svemir. Za let su im potrebni fluidi poput zraka.
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Old 05.02.2007., 16:52   #58
ni ziv ni mrtav kaže: Pogledaj post
Čuj, nije li ovo umjetnički dojam slike ulične lampe u SAD ?
Imao sam jednom knjigu u kojoj je bila geneza "fake" letećeg tanjura pedesetih godina u SAD- od slike gornjeg dijela ulične lampe sa retuširanim stupom do daljnjih varijanti "letećih tanjura". One tri kuglaste tvorbe na dnu su u originalu žarulje koje proviruju...
Nije to lampa jer je vizualizacija rađena prema originalu kojega se ja jako dobro djećam. To je Balenzo-Schriever-Miethe (vjerojatno Vril 7), koji je u originalu snimljena u Pragu, pred kraj drugog svjetskog rata.
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Old 05.02.2007., 17:03   #59

Slika c/b na početku teksta mi liči na sliku sklopa doboš kočnice Moskviča ili Volge /stražnji pogon/. Vidljivo ozubljenje je spoj poluosovine koja se spaja od centralnog diferencijala...

A što to mora biti čelični odljevak od 20 kg ?
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Old 05.02.2007., 17:08   #60
Ma dobro , ali je li to izvedeno ?

Doduše , rusi su predobri u tim stvarima, oni su još 30 godina prošlog stoljeća imali križance aviona/čamaca koji su "glisirali" na gušćem sloju zraka 1-2 m od površine vode , čamce i saonice pogonjene zračnim propelerom u tajgama Sibira i čitav niz egzotičnih strojeva koji su stvarno funkcionirali.... i onda nestali 60 tih godina prošlog stoljeća..
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