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Formula 1 Brm, brm, fiju...

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Old 03.12.2015., 16:46   #1
Wink Sezona 2016

Evo, WMSC je odobrio sljedeće promjene za sljedeću sezonu:

Broj tokena na raspolaganju za PJ:
2016 - 32
2017 - 25
2018 - 20
2019 - 15

Za sve nove proizvođače PJ, u prvoj sezoni broj raspoloživih tokena 15 u prvoj sezoni, 32 u drugoj.

-3 različite mješavine (te dodatne dvije za kišne uvjete, kao i do sada)
-od 13 kompleta na raspolaganju vozaču tijekom vikenda, 3 odabire Pirelli (2 za utrku, 1 najmekšu mješavinu za q3). ostalih 10 kompleta odabire vozač po vlastitom nahođenju od ponuđene tri mješavine

PJ iz prošle sezone mogu se koristiti i sljedeće sezone (TR će 2016. biti pogonjen Ferrarijevom PJ iz 2015.)
Od ostalih promjena PJ-a Manor prelazi na Mercedes, a Lotus/Renault na Renault.

Maksimalni broj utrka povećan s 20 na 21 utrku.

Novi vozači: Jolyon Palmer je promoviran u prvu momčad Lotusa tj. po novome Renaulta.

Nove momčadi: Haas F1 Team (vozači: Romain Grosjean i povratnik Esteban Gutierrez) te nova/stara tvornička momčad Renault (umjesto Lotusa).

Testiranja: Dva predsezonska u trajanju od četiri dana svako te dva dvodnevna tijekom sezone. K tome, trebalo bi se održati i šest dvodnevnih testiranja guma.
Predsezonska testiranja:
Barcelona 22.-25. veljače
Barcelona 1.-4. ožujka

Testiranja tijekom sezone:
Barcelona 17.-18. svibnja
Silverstone 12.-13. srpnja

Zadnje uređivanje fortinbras : 14.01.2016. at 23:13.
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Old 03.12.2015., 17:04   #2
fortinbras kaže: Pogledaj post
Evo, WMSC je odobrio sljedeće promjene za sljedeću sezonu:

Broj tokena na raspolaganju za PJ:
2016 - 32
2017 - 25
2018 - 20
2019 - 15

Za sve nove proizvođače PJ, u prvoj sezoni broj raspoloživih tokena 15 u prvoj sezoni, 32 u drugoj.

-3 različite mješavine (te dodatne dvije za kišne uvjete, kao i do sada)
-od 13 kompleta na raspolaganju vozaču tijekom vikenda, 3 odabire Pirelli (2 za utrku, 1 najmekšu mješavinu za q3). ostalih 10 kompleta odabire vozač po vlastitom nahođenju od ponuđene tri mješavine

PJ iz prošle sezone mogu se koristiti i sljedeće sezone (TR će 2016. biti pogonjen Ferrarijevom PJ iz 2015.)

Maksimalni broj utrka povećan s 20 na 21 utrku.
Dodatno za gume:
Pirelli ce predloziti FIA-i 3 komponente, od kojih ce timovi po vlastitom nahodjenju izabrati 2. Izbor ce se drzati u tajnosti do 2 sedmice prije utrke.
Ukoliko tim ne izabere komponente koje zeli do isteka roka, bice mu dodijeljen set od strane FIA-e.


The new regulations will apply only to the slick tyres. The rules regarding intermediate and wet tyres remain unchanged.
With the introduction of the new ultrasoft compound (which uses purple markings) the total number of slick compounds rises to five.


In consultation with the FIA, Pirelli will decide in advance which three compounds can be used at each race, and communicate this information to the teams.
The total number of sets that can be used during practice, qualifying and racing remains the same as it is currently: 13.
Pirelli will nominate two mandatory race sets for each car. Furthermore, one set of the softer compound will have to be kept for use in Q3 only.
The two mandatory sets chosen by Pirelli can be of two different compounds, from the three that have been nominated for the race weekend. These sets will obviously be identical for each team.
The remaining 10 sets can be chosen by each team, from the three compounds nominated for the race weekend.
The teams will make their choices within a deadline set by Pirelli. They will communicate their choices to the FIA, which will in turn tell Pirelli how many tyres to produce. The choices for each car will remain secret until 2 weeks before the race. If a team does not meet the deadline, the choice will be made by the FIA.
Once the choices for each car have been made, the FIA will continue to assign the tyres randomly via a barcode, as is the case currently.
The choices made by each team can vary for each of its cars: so each driver within a team can have a different allocation.
The tyres will be distinguished by different coloured markings on the sidewalls, as is currently the case.


Teams will still have to give back tyres according to a certain schedule, but they can decide which tyres to give back at the following times:

– One set after the first 40 minutes of FP1

– One set at the end of FP1

– Two sets at the end of FP2

– Two sets at the end of FP3

The two mandatory sets nominated by Pirelli cannot be given back during practice and must be available for use in the race. At least one of these two sets must be used during the race – but the teams can decide which one.
The top 10 at the end of qualifying will still have to give back the set of the softer compound nominated for Q3, and start the race on the tyres with which they set their fastest time in Q2 (the same rule as is the case currently). All other drivers will be able to use the set that is saved for Q3 during the race.

Zadnje uređivanje fortinbras : 03.12.2015. at 17:20.
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Old 03.12.2015., 17:14   #3
Wink Sezona 2016

Sad, kad je zavrsena uber zanimljiva sezona 2015 (sarcasm off), vrijeme je da se otvori nova tema, za 2016.

Stizu nova pravila, tokeni, gume, itd... Koliko ce ista doprijeniti popunjavanju tribina na utrkama, ostaje da se vidi. Kalendar se (barem zasad) promijenio, na 21 utrku...

Od timova, iskreno se nadam, kao i vecina (osim najvatrenijih navijaca Mercedesa) da ce barem jos jedan tim ove sezone dohakati Mercedesu, i da cemo gledati pravu borbu za titulu. Ferrari i Red Bull (mozda) imaju sanse.

Za vozace - Hamilton, Rosberg, Vettel, eventualno Riccardio (ako RB bude imao kakav-takav motor) mozda imaju sanse za pobjede.

Eto, ja poceo, moolim nastavite...
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Old 03.12.2015., 17:16   #4
Da odmah sam sebi repliciram: Zaboravio sam spomenuti Haas tim. Nadam se da ce biti sta od njih.

I na kraju, McHonda - iskreno se nadam da ce se sabrati i krenuti u ozbiljnu borbu, pa kom opanci kom obojci...
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Old 03.12.2015., 17:28   #5
Nadati se Ferrariju koji je al pari Mečki, boljoj Mclaren Hondi, ljepšim i glasnijim bolidima i zanimljivijoj sezoni
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Old 03.12.2015., 20:10   #6
Ne razumijem ova nova pravila za gume.

Uglavnom svodi se da možeš imat 3 mješavine za jednu utrku?
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Old 03.12.2015., 22:41   #7
Franem kaže: Pogledaj post
Ne razumijem ova nova pravila za gume.

Uglavnom svodi se da možeš imat 3 mješavine za jednu utrku?
da. do sada su bile u igri samo dvije mješavine. sad će vozač moći odabrati između tipa soft, supersoft, ultrasoft. dakle dvije će mu odrediti Pirelli za utrku, jedne za q3 (ultrasoft), a ostatak sam vozač određuje (npr. može uzeti 10 kompleta ultrasofta pa ožeži Miško).
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Old 04.12.2015., 17:40   #8
Ha ha Red Bul ipak nastavio sa Renaultovim motorima a pljuvali ih i rekli da od nastavka nema nista, koji pacenici, nadam se da ce ih Mclaren-Honda pobediti sledece godine.
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Old 04.12.2015., 20:23   #9
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Old 05.12.2015., 01:53   #10
To je najnovija kletva da bog'da McLaren Honda bila bolja od tebe

Inače jadno od RB-a, na kraju sve one prijetnje o napuštanju ccc bile su isprazne kao što je bilo i očekivano. Vjerojatno su oni još na kraju morali moliti Renault da im da motor....
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Old 05.12.2015., 14:25   #11
dok god bude turbo i ovakva pravila čeka nas kao i lanii preklani.sterilno i jadno.
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Old 05.12.2015., 16:58   #12
gaff_ kaže: Pogledaj post
To je najnovija kletva da bog'da McLaren Honda bila bolja od tebe

Inače jadno od RB-a, na kraju sve one prijetnje o napuštanju ccc bile su isprazne kao što je bilo i očekivano. Vjerojatno su oni još na kraju morali moliti Renault da im da motor....
Da samo kaj taj motor u konačnici nebu Renaultov motor
To je u biti Renault s tim da će ga RB samostalno razvijat neovisno o Renaultu tj. tu u igru uskače Ilmor...
U biti nebi bilo nikakvo silno čudo da aj Renault u RB-u bude pun kufer bolji i jači od Renaulta, ali i obrnuto

No u konačnici ta dva motora već početkom sezone mogu bit bitno drugačija, a do kraja možda neće imat niti 50% istih dijelova
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Old 05.12.2015., 20:11   #13
The Best F1 Driver kaže: Pogledaj post
Da samo kaj taj motor u konačnici nebu Renaultov motor
To je u biti Renault s tim da će ga RB samostalno razvijat neovisno o Renaultu tj. tu u igru uskače Ilmor...
U biti nebi bilo nikakvo silno čudo da aj Renault u RB-u bude pun kufer bolji i jači od Renaulta, ali i obrnuto

No u konačnici ta dva motora već početkom sezone mogu bit bitno drugačija, a do kraja možda neće imat niti 50% istih dijelova
Kak mozes tak mlatit gluposti?
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Old 05.12.2015., 20:19   #14
Tobias Grüner ‏@tgruener 5h5 hours ago
#F1 Got a lot of engine questions lately. Just to clarify: Renault F1 Team engine & Red Bull TAG engine will be identical. Same spec. #AMuS

RedBull i Renault ce imati ISTE motore na pocetku i na kraju sezone jedina razlika je u tome kaj Matešić slabo prodaje tekuce čunga lunge u zadnje vrijeme pa ce mu urari platit za matore ove godine.
A Illmor i njegova firma rade za Renault ne za Redbull.

James Casey ‏@JCCasey99 4h4 hours ago
Apparently, TAG Heuer will help pay for the engines with British-Company Illmor now aiding Renault's Development.
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Old 05.12.2015., 20:29   #15
Sto se tice Mcl-Honde mnogi ce se iznenaditi druge sezone kad se motor koji je zamisljen da radi drugacije od drugih ali zbog nedostatka vremena/kasnog pocetka razvoja dovede u red.

Japanese media:

It all starts with the "size 0" body that the designers wanted at the back end of the car. The extra-narrow pinch at the back would have certain aero advantages: better downforce directly over the rear axle, better rear grip, less drag, and so on.
Problem: this means less space for the engine. In particular, there wasn't a good spot to put the compressor for the turbo.
Solution: they'll fit the compressor right into the "V" of the engine, instead of ahead or behind.
Another problem: that's a pretty small space to begin with. A normal compressor wouldn't fit there. You could squeeze in a small one, though.
Another solution: since it'll be smaller, the compressor will have to cycle faster to deliver the same power. About 130,000rpm instead of the more typical 110-120krpm. Most other teams aren't sure they could even make a (normal sized) compressor cycle faster than 120k without blowing up -- if they could get more power they'd already be running them faster. But Honda are confident that they can make a smaller one go that fast.
Season starts. To everyone's surprise, the small compressor does go that fast, without blowing up.
But, it has extreme, violent vibrations at max speed. Connections get shaken loose. When they are attached more securely, they get snapped and broken from the thrashing. Honda redesigns the connections.
Next problem is the compressor gets too hot. Unexpectedly hot. It's frying the nearby connections and electronics with heat. Honda tries to fix this, add cooling or insulate the rest somehow.
They don't find a way to completely fix the thermal issues (it's not exactly easy trying to route cooling airflow through the middle of your engine), and ultimately the only solution is to turn down the compressor so it doesn't get as hot.
Problem: with the compressor turned down so far, the ICE is losing a lot of power. Like 60-80bhp at least. At the lower power level, there's less heat created exhaust power available for the MGU-H to collect, meaning a further loss of power -- the hybrid batteries don't get fully charged, and so on. The losses just cascade and multiply through the entire power plant.
Honda spends the rest of the season making incremental efficiency improvements to the ICE (making the most of what they get from the turned-down compressor) and riding the edge of how high they can run the compressor before ruining the works. They squeeze out many tens of additional BHP but it's nowhere near enough to make up for the shortfall.
Most sessions cost them an engine but they do manage to get a couple of them through entire races, always at the back of the midfield because of the compromised power level

Mercedes Andy Cowell:

Honda's engine design is really bold,if they get it to work one day they will be very dangerous.
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Old 05.12.2015., 20:57   #16
jelenić kaže: Pogledaj post
Sto se tice Mcl-Honde mnogi ce se iznenaditi druge sezone kad se motor koji je zamisljen da radi drugacije od drugih ali zbog nedostatka vremena/kasnog pocetka razvoja dovede u red.

Japanese media:


Mercedes Andy Cowell:

Honda's engine design is really bold,if they get it to work one day they will be very dangerous.
ključna riječ. do sada nisu uspjeli.
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Old 05.12.2015., 21:11   #17
Hm, ne.

Čak i da nekim čudom uspeju, biće prekasno i za McL i Hondu.

Ali pre toga, prvo će da pukne tikva i da izleće prljav veš. Nije teško pogoditi ko je u pitanju.

Pritom, ne smem ni da mislim, koliko je McL izgubio sponzora.

Tužno na šta je ta ekipa spala danas.
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Old 06.12.2015., 15:08   #18
Koja papazjanija sa gumama...
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Old 14.12.2015., 19:16   #19
Moje predvidjanje je da Vettel osvaja titulu Ferrari ce biti ispred Mercedesa gootovo sigurno, tako je i cika Arrivabene rekao. Taj covjek je pogodio da ce biti 2 ili 3 pobjede A Vettel je novi Schumacher, i prije sam toliko pljuvo na Vettela i nikad nisam ni slutio da cu navijati za njega A isto tako jedva cekam 2017. godinu i nova pravila A i mislim da bi se 2020. godine mogao vratiti v8 motor
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Old 19.12.2015., 15:07   #20
Mercedes nikud ne žuri s produžetkom Rosbergovog ugovora (koji ističe na kraju 2016.)

Kuha li se tu nešto? I hoće li biti kakvih ucjena, ostaje da vidimo
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