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Old 13.02.2005., 16:05   #1
Za ljubitelje dobrog ratnog filma ("Gettysburg")

...ovde pre svega mislim na one koji vole ratne filmove zbog njihove duboke antiratne poruke... (dakle, nije za one fanove "Rambo" et al. filmova). Pre ce biti da je rec o onima kojima su se svideli "Thin red line", "Apocalypse Now" i sl.

Dakle preporucujem vam film "Gettysburg".
Film je snimljen 1993, govori o americkom gradjanskom ratu i poznatom boju kod grada Gettysburg (Getisburg), u leto 1863.god.

Neke od glavnih uloga u filmu tumace Martin Sheen (kao gen. Robert Lee), Tom Berenger (gen. Longstreet), Jeff Daniels (puk.Chamberlain) Richard Jordan (gen.Armistead) Stephen Lang (gen.Pickett) i drugi. Film je rezirao Ronald Maxwell.

Zašto preporucujem ovaj film?

Pa neko bi rekao „bas me (z.....) briga za amere i njihove ratove...”. Apsolutno u pravu. I ja sam tako mislio dok nisam video film. Međutim, u filmu nema nikakvog americkog agitpropa.

Film je pre svega istorijski spektakl. Traje 4 sata. Svaka bitka koja je snimljena, odigrana sa potpunom istorijskom preciznoscu. Buduci da je Gettysburg proglasen ako nacionalni „sveti” park, ovo je prvi put da je nekome dozvoljeno da snimi film na toj autenticnoj lokaciji.

Drugo, svaki detalj, svaki deo odece, oruzija i efekata oruzija tokom bitke (dim i sl.) je potpuno autentican. Kao i dijalog. Svi karakteri u filmu imaju istorijsku bazu. Vecina aktera u masovnim scenama su entuzijasti koji svake godine simuliraju ovu bitku sa istorijskom preciznocu. Sta vise, tokom snimanja filma, vecina ovih entuzijasta je provela pod satorima i živela bas kao vojnici onog doba. Sve ovo je dalo vrlo dobru pozadinu za snimanje ovog spektakala.

Ono zašto mi se ovaj film svideo je glavna ideja. A ona je duboko i eksplicitno antiratna. Za razliku od „Apokalipse” koji ima vise meditativnu antiratnu notu, u „Getisburgu” je sve ocigledno: pogibija svakog vojnika, način donosenja kljucnih odluka i apsurd vojnickog poziva i samog rata.

Kada zavrsite sa gledanjem filma, jedno pitanje vam prolazi kroz glavu: zar je moguće da ljudi i danas ratuju? Zar je moguće poći jednostavno u rat zarad neke plitke ideje? Nazalost, sami ameri nisu razumeli sustinu filma. Neće im biti prvi put. Jugoslavija, Avganistan, Irak... nedaj boze i Koreja, Iran...sve dokazuje njihovu plitkomislenost. Holivud, njihov „stozer” saznanja, im je omogućio i ovim filmom da nešto uvide. Ali avaj.

Zao mi je sto film nije ranije snimljen i prikazan sirom xYu; Mozda bi besmisao rata, osobito onog gradjanskog, bio nekima daleko jasniji. Zanimljiva je i paralela sa ratovima u xYu: i ovde su dobri drugovi (nrp. iz vojske) ratovali direktno jedni protiv velikim psiholoskim (i fizickim) posledicama. Nazalost. "Bilo, ne ponovilo se!"

Za one koji se odluce da gledaju film, da napomenem da ima dosta grafickih scena pogibija, ranjavanja. film je 80% akcija. dakle, ne preporucujem ga onima „slabog srca” i neznom zenskom rodu. Ne preporucujem film ni ratnim veteranima sa post-traumatskim sindromom (a takvih je puno). Preporucujem ga onim ratnicima koji su iz rata izasli iskreneo ne zeleci drugi rat nigde na svetu. Onima sa duboko antiratnim uverenjem.

Posle 10 godina, snimljen je i „prequel” „Bogovi i Generali” ("Gods and Generals")), sa većinom istih glumaca i karaktera kao iz „Getisburga”, ali sa daleko manjim uspehom. Ipak, svedela mi se muzika (i dilanov spot). Licno bi preporucio i ovaj film, ali sa daleko manjim ocekivanjima.

Prijatno gledanje.

Zadnje uređivanje mr.hyde : 13.02.2005. at 20:15.
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Old 14.02.2005., 18:08   #2
Najbolja i najvjernija prerada romana u film ("The Killer Angels" - Michael Shaara) koju sam ikad vidio i čitao. Odličan ratni film mada će ga neki smatrati prepatetičnim i pozerskim, no to je još uvijek doba kavalirštine i pompoznih riječi. Sam roman mnogi smatraju najboljim ratnim romanom svih vremena.

Prequel ("Gods and Generals") i sequel ("The Last Full Measure") je napisao Michaelov sin Jeff. Knjige obrađuju razdoblja prije i poslije Gettysburga, stoga su puno sažetije i neprikladne za film, što se pokazalo točnim.
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Old 14.02.2005., 19:13   #3
Ima li toga po videotekama?

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
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Old 15.02.2005., 00:55   #4
gabal kaže:
Ima li toga po videotekama?
teško ćeš ga pronaći po videotekama, VHS izdanje ne vjerujem da čuvaju, a DVD izdanje ne znam da li je uopće izašlo,
ali zato imaš "Gods and Generals" pa kreni od početka.
Imam pive,trnu zubi :D
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Old 15.02.2005., 01:05   #5
Basta kaže:
Odličan ratni film mada će ga neki smatrati prepatetičnim i pozerskim, no to je još uvijek doba kavalirštine i pompoznih riječi.
Upravo tako.
Imam pive,trnu zubi :D
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Old 15.02.2005., 06:00   #6
MrBig kaže:
teško ćeš ga pronaći po videotekama, VHS izdanje ne vjerujem da čuvaju, a DVD izdanje ne znam da li je uopće izašlo,
ali zato imaš "Gods and Generals" pa kreni od početka.
Da, i ja predpostavljam da ces ga naci vrlo tesko u bilo kojoj videoteci na Balkanu.

Sto se tice DVD, izasao je, ja ga imam - "extra features" su izuzetno dobri. Moze se naci na americkom amazonu (dakle NTSC standard, oko $10 - $15, bez postarine) i npr. engleskom amazonu (£14 - £16).

Basta kaže:
[...] no to je još uvijek doba kavalirštine i pompoznih riječi.
Tako je... jedna od mozda najupecatljivijih scena, istorijski potpuno tacna, je kada juznjacki gen. Armistead (glumi ga Richard Jordan) pada smrtno ranjen tokom cuvenog Pickett charge (Piketovog jurisa), i dok ga severnjacki (protivnicki) vojnici zbrinjavaju, on pita za najboljeg druga na protivnickoj strani, gen. Hancock-a (glumi ga Brian Mallon) i moli da mu prenesu njegovo iskreno zaljenje zbog napada na njega...
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Old 16.02.2005., 18:27   #7
Sjajan film.

Ne sjecam se vise svega tocno, ali najbolja mi je scena kad General Lee nakon pregovora sa svojim oficirima sjedne na konj i onako polako jase neznam kamo iza svojih linija. Opce nista ne ocekujes u tom trentuku, prije toga je kao sve nekako losa motivacija u redovima konfederacije, mislim tako se cini, dog ono polako vojnik do vojnika stize do njegovog puta, pocneju mahati kapama, puskama i sabljama, juskati i vikati sve njemu na slavu, sve dog ih nije 200 ili vise. On im uzvrati punim ponosom na svoje vojnike - sjajno odigrano od Sheena. U toj sceni mi se najezilo.
Transparent na jednoj Anti-Bush Demonstraciji:
bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity
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Old 17.02.2005., 00:35   #8
Par citata:

p. vii This is the story of the battle of Gettysburg, told from the viewpoints of Robert E. Lee and James Longstreet and some of the other men who fought there. … I have not consciously changed any fact.

p. 67 [of Gen. Armistead:] He was one of the men who would hold ground if it could be held; he would die for a word. He was a man to depend on, and there was this truth about war: it taught you the men you could depend on.

p. 90 [Gen Lee:] He closed his eyes. Blessed be the Lord of my strength, which teacheth my fingers to fight and my hands to war. Amen.

p. 105 …it was a brutal military truth that there were men who were marvelous with a regiment but could not handle a brigade, and men who were superb with a division but incapable of leading a corps. No way of predicting it. One could only have faith in character.

p. 125 [Chamberlain, on war] Yet you learn to love it. Isn’t that amazing? Long marches and no rest, up very early in the morning and asleep late in the rain, and there’s a marvelous excitement to it, a joy to wake in the morning and feel the army all around you and see the campfires in the morning and smell the coffee …

p. 132 The Rebs loved Lee, no doubt of that. And we loved Mac. Chamberlain thought: two things an officer must do, to lead men. This from old Ames, who never cared about love: You must care for your men’s welfare. You must show physical courage.

p. 188 They sat for a long while in silence. Then Kilrain said, softly smiling, "Colonel, you're a lovely man." He shook his head. "I see at last a great difference between us, and yet I admire ye, lad. You're an idealist, praise be."

Kilrain rubbed his nose, brooding. Then he said, "The truth is, Colonel, that there's no divine spark, bless you. There's many a man alive no more value than a dead dog. Believe me, when you've seen them hang each other . Equality? Christ in Heaven. What I'm fighting for is the right to prove I'm a better man than many. Where have you seen this divine spark in operation, Colonel? Where have you noted this magnificent equality? The Great White Joker in the Sky dooms us all to stupidity or poverty from birth. No two things on earth are equal or have an equal chance, not a leaf nor a tree. There's many a man worse than me, and some better, but I don't think race or country matters a damn. What matters is justice. 'Tis why I'm here. I'll be treated as I deserve, not as my father deserved. I'm Kilrain, and I God damn all gentlemen. I don't know who me father was and I don't give a damn. There's only one aristocracy, and that's right here-" he tapped his white skull with a thick finger-"and you Colonel laddie, are a member of it and don't even know it. You are damned good at everything I've seen you do, a lovely soldier, an honest man, and you got a good heart on you too, which is rare in clever men. Strange thing, I'm not a clever man meself, but I know it when I run across it. The strange and marvelous thing about you, Colonel darlin', is that you believe in mankind, even preachers, whereas when you've got my great experience of the world you will have learned that good men are rare, much rarer than you think. Ah," he raised his hands, smiling, "don't you worry about ministers. The more you kill, the more you do the world a service." He chuckled, rubbing his face. His nose was fat and soft, rippling under his fingers.

Chamberlain said, "What has been done to the black is a terrible thing."

"True. From any point of view. But your freed black will turn out no better than many the white that's fighting to free him. The point is that we have a country here where the past cannot keep a good man in chains, and that's the nature of the war. It's the aristocracy I'm after. All that lovely, plumed, stinking chivalry. The people who look at you like a piece of filth, a cockroach, ah." His face twitched to stark bitterness. "I tell you, Colonel, we got to win this war." He brooded. "What will happen, do you think, if we lose? Do you think the country will ever get back together again?"

"Doubt it. Wound is too deep. The differences... If they win there'll be two countries, like France and Germany in Europe, and the border will be armed. Then there'll be a third country in the West, and that one will be the balance of power."

Kilrain sat moodily munching on a blade of grass. More cannon thumped; the dull sound rolled among the hills. Kilrain said, "They used to have signs on tavern doors: Dogs and Irishmen keep out. You ever see them signs, Colonel?"

Chamberlain nodded.

"They burned a Catholic church up your way not long ago. With some nuns in it."


"There was a divine spark."

p. 244 It was like coming back to your father, having done something fine, and your father knows it, and you can see the knowledge in his eyes, and you are both too proud to speak of it. But he knows.

p. 311 Longstreet rode off to summon his staff.

What was needed now was control, absolute control. Lee was right about that: a man who could not control himself had no right to command an army. They must not know my doubts, they must not. So I will send them all forward and say nothing, except what must be said. But he looked down at his hands. They were trembling. Control took a few moments. He was not sure he could do it.

p. [Armistead, waiting for Pickett’s Charge, anticipating imminent death.] But I loved her. And loved much else. Always loved music. And good friends, and some moments together. Had much joy in the weather. So very rarely shared. I should have shared more. The way Pickett does, the way so many do.

p. 360 [Gen. Lee to Longstreet] "Each man has his own reason to die. But if they go on, I will go on." He paused. "It is only another defeat." He looked up at Longstreet, lifted his hands, palms out, folded them softly, slowly. "If the war goes on – and it will, it will – what else can we do but go on? It is the same question forever, what else can we do but go on? If they fight, we will fight with them. And does it matter after all who wins? Was that ever really the question? Will God ask that question, in the end?"
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Old 18.02.2005., 18:05   #9

hvala na odlicnim citatima.

Ovde nisam mogao da odolim, a da ne dodam i moj omiljeni citat iz filma:

General Longstreet, obracajuci se izvidjacu/juznjackom spijunu Henry Harrison-u (glumi ga Cooper Huckabee), koji pita generala da dobije pusku i zameni civilnu odecu uniformom, kako bi se priduzio njegovim trupama u Pickett-ovom jurisu:

Lt. Gen. James Longstreet:You know what's gonna happen? I'll tell you what's gonna happen. Troops are now forming behind the line of trees. When they come out, they'll be under enemy long-range artillery fire. Solid shot. Percussion. Every gun they have. Troops will come out under fire with more than a mile to walk. And still, within the open field, among the range of aimed muskets. They'll be slowed by that fence out there, and the formation - what's left of it - will begin to come apart. When they cross that road, they'll be under short-range artillery. Canister fire. Thousands of little bits of shrapnel wiping the holes in the lines. If they get to the wall without breaking up, there won't be many left. A mathematical equation... But maybe, just maybe, our own artillery will break up their defenses. There's always that hope.
Lt. Gen. James Longstreet: But that's Hancock out there, and he ain't gonna run. So it's mathematical after all. If they get to that road, or beyond it, we'll suffer over fifty percent casualties. But, Harrison, I don't believe my boys will reach that wall.

Obratite paznju na onu frazu "So it's mathematical after all" (moj kurziv). Nije da sam neki veliki ljubitelj matematike ("dapace"), ali je fraza toliko prikladna a i ovde ukomponovana (i odglumljna!) da to ne moze biti bolje... mislim da bi se filozof Spinoza sa punim zadovoljstvom osmehnuo ovde...


Istorijska nota: Gen.Longstreet i pomenuti Harrison su preziveli rat. Harrison je ipak ucestvovao u cuvenom Pickett-ovom jurisu. Inace je po profesiji bio glumac, i posle rata se vratio ovom pozivu. I on i Gen. Longstreet su napisali svoje memomare posle rata.

Za razliku od njih, tog dana je u Pickett-ovom jurisu poginulo oko 5600 juznjackih vojnika, i to samo u roku od oko 2 sata...

Ukupno u toku tri dana bitke kod Getisburga, poginulo je preko 50 000 svernjackih i juznjackih vojnika. Gubitci su na obe strane bili manje-vise jednaki.

Pitanje za covecanstvo: zar je moguce da je u ta tri dana bilo najmanje 25 000 ludaka, ubica, bezumnika, koji su bili odlucni da daju svoje zivote za jednu ideju, jedan stav? Moje misljenje je da nije. Bili su to sasvim obicni, casni ljudi onog vremena. Problem je daleko dublji...
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