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Old 13.06.2005., 15:18   #1
mitovi i legende

otvaram topic za pricanje mitova i legendi i razglabanje o njima,ako nekog zanima ta tematika.
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Old 14.06.2005., 18:24   #2
“Self-conscious truth is living thought. Truth is thought as it is in itself, and formulated thought is speech. When Eternal Thought desired a form, it said: ‘Let there be light.’ Now, this Thought which speaks is the Word, and the Word said:
‘Let there be light,’ because the Word itself is the light of minds. The untreated light, which is the Divine Word, shines because it desires to be seen. When it says:
‘Let there be light!’ it ordains that eyes shall open; it creates intelligences. When God said: ‘Let there be light!’ Intelligence was made, and the light appeared.
Now, the Intelligence which God diffused by the breath of His mouth, like a star given off from the sun, took the form of a splendid angel, who was saluted by heaven under the name of Lucifer. Intelligence awakened, and comprehended its nature completely by the understanding of that utterance of the Divine Word: ‘Let there be light!’ It felt itself to be free because God had called it into being, and, raising up its head, with both wings extended, it replied: ‘I will not be slavery.’
‘Then shalt thou be suffering,’ said the Untreated Voice. ‘I will be liberty,’ replied the light. ‘Pride will seduce thee,’ said the Supreme Voice, ‘and thou wilt bring forth death.’ ‘I needs must strive with death to conquer life,’ again responded the
reated light. Thereupon God loosed from His bosom the shining cord which restrained the superb angel, and beholding him plunge through the night, which he furrowed with glory, He loved the offspring of His thought, and said with an ineffable smile: ‘How beautiful was the light!’
“God has not created suffering; intelligence has accepted it to be free. And suffering has been the condition imposed upon freedom of being by Him who alone cannot err, because He is infinite. Forthe essence of intelligence is judgement, and the essence of judgement is liberty. The eye does not really possess light except by
the faculty of closing or opening. Were it forced to be always open, it would be the
slave and victim of the light, and would cease to see in order to escape the torment.
Thus, created Intelligence is not happy in affirming God, except by its liberty
to deny Him. Now, the Intelligence which denies, invariably affirms
something, since it is asserting its liberty. It is for this reason that blasphemy glorifies
God and that hell was indispensable to the happiness of heaven. Were the
light unrepelled by shadow, there would be no visible forms. If the first angels had
not encountered the depths of darkness, the child-birth of God would have been
incomplete, and there could have been no separation between the created and
essential light. Never would Intelligence have known the goodness of God if it had
never lost Him. Never would God's infinite love have shone forth in the joys of His
mercy had the prodigal Son of Heaven remained in the House of His Father.
When all was light, there was light nowhere; it filled the breast of God, who was
labouring to bring it forth. And when He said: ‘Let there be light!’ He permitted
the darkness to repel the light, and the universe issued from chaos. The negation
of the angel who at birth refused slavery constituted the equilibrium of the world,
and the motion of the spheres commenced. The infinite distances admired this
love of liberty, which was vast enough to fill the void of eternal night and strong
enough to bear the hatred of God. But God could hate not the noblest of His children,
and He proved him by His wrath only to confirm him in His power. So also
the Word of God Himself, as if jealous of Lucifer, willed to come down from
heaven and pass triumphantly through the shadows of hell. He willed to be proscribed
and condemned; He premeditated that terrible hour when He should cry,
in the throes of His agony: ‘My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?’ As
the star of the morning goes before the sun, the rebellion of Lucifer announced to
new-born Nature the coming incarnation of God. Possibly Lucifer, in his fall
through night, carried with him a rain of suns and stars by the attraction of his
glory. Possibly our sun is a demon among the stars, as Lucifer is a star among the
angels. Doubtless it is for this reason that it lights so calmly the horrible anguish
of humanity and the long agony of earth -because it is free in its solitude and possesses
its light.”
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Old 14.06.2005., 19:13   #3
Smile Legenda o zmijskim "nepostojećim" planetama

U pocetku, kad jos nije bilo ljudi na Zemlji, vodio se veliki rat izmedu sila reda i kaosa, bogova i demona. Duse buducih velikih risija utjelovile su se u Nagase, zmijolika bica koja nisu puzala vec stajala i kretala se uspravno. U sukobu su bili neutralni pokusavajuci odrzati ravnotezu sila. Kasnije su ih ljudske legende svrstale na stranu demona, ali Nagasi su uvijek bili simbolom duhovne snage, mudrosti i znanja. Njihov predvodnik bio je Vasuki. Promatrajuci sukob i zaleci zbog njega Vasukiju je pala na um zamisao o rjesenju. Otputio se Visnuu i izlozio mu sto namjerava. “Ali to je velika zrtva”, pokusao ga je odgovoriti Visnu. “A pitanje je hoce li se scenarij odigrati onako kako si zamislio.” Medutim, Vasuki je bio uporan. Rekao je: “Ako sve bude islo idealno, nece biti potrebe za zrtvom. A ako krene lose, sto pretpostavljam, ravnoteza karme bit ce nagrada za ono sto namjeravam uciniti.” Diveci se Vasukiju, Visnu mu je dao svoj blagoslov i obecao podrsku.

Vasuki je, nakon Visnuovog blagoslova, predlozio sukobljenim stranama da zajednicki dodu do mira i stvore ravnotezu. Visnu nicim nije odavao da je upoznat s planom i u ime bogova ponovno je saslusao Vasukija. Zamisao se sastojala u tome da muckanjem oceana bogovi i demoni zajednickim snagama stvore amritu, napitak besmrtnosti. To bi bilo sjajno, medutim, nitko od njih nije bio dovoljno snazan da promucka ocean. Vasuki je i tu imao rjesenje. Buduci je imao ogromno i snazno tijelo, predlozio je da njime obavije planinu Mandaru ili kako su je jos zvali, Meru, te da posluzi poput konopca kojim ce bogovi i demoni zajednickim snagama pokretati planinu. Tada, ako promuckaju ocean, nastati ce nektar. Prijedlog je prihvacen, a Vasuki je bio vrlo sretan zbog toga. Postavio je uvjet da amrita bude jednako rasporedena svima. Svi su se s tim slozili, kao sto je Vasuki i pretpostavljao da hoce. Visnu je sve to promatrao pitajuci se dokle ce ici Vasukijev plan. Na zalost, kako je Vasuki predvidio, nakon izvrsene operacije, bogovi su postali pohlepni i amritu zadrzali za sebe. Nisu je zeljeli dijeliti s demonima. Vidjevsi to, Visnu je shvatio koliko je Vasuki bio u pravu i pripremio se, mada nevoljko, za nastavak plana. On je uslijedio te veceri kad se Vasuki prikrao bogovima, ukrao amritu i popio jedan vrc. Vasuki je znao da ce ga otkriti, pa se nije jako opirao, a Visnu je izvrsio svoj dio obveze. Glumeci bijes bacio je svoj disk i prepolovio Vasukija na dva dijela. Buduci da je popio nektar besmrtnosti, Vasuki nije mogao umrijeti i njegovi odvojeni dijelovi nastavili su zivjeti. Prema dogovoru, Visnu je poslao te dvije polovice na dva suprotna kraja Zemlje. Tako su nastali Rahu, zmijina glava, i Ketu, zmijin rep.

Astronomski gledano, Rahu i Ketu nisu pravi planeti. Radi se o matematicki izracunatim tockama u kojima se sjeku putanje Sunca i Mjeseca gledano sa Zemlje. Izraz koji se cesto cuje danasnjih dana je “mjesecev cvor”. Rahu je sjeverni mjesecev cvor, a Ketu juzni. Rahu i Ketu nalaze se nasuprot jedan drugom i po nebeskom svodu krecu se suprotno od smjera kretanja ostalih planeta, dakle od zapada prema istoku. Kad se Mjesec i Sunce zajedno priblize jednom od cvorova nastaje pomrcina Sunca ako su svo troje, Mjesec, Sunce i cvor, na istom stupnju zodijaka - odnosno Mjeseca, ako su Sunce i Mjesec nasuprot jedno drugom.


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Old 07.07.2006., 00:36   #4

Teška sparina morila je mjesecima poljane i gore. Ljudi i životinje, livade i
vrtovi čeznuli su za okrjepom, blagom kišicom. I sama Crna rijeka bijaše se
osušila. Narod je molio i vapio. Nebo se ne htjede smilovati. Na to se ukaže u
dolini Crna kraljica sa sjajnom pratnjom. Narod zavapije za pomoć, za vodu,
jer će skapati od žeđi. I kraljica, pobožna vladarka, skrušena pred moćima
neba i zemlje smilova se. Uz grmljavinu i bljesak spusti se silna kiša koja
okrijepi ljude i životinje, polja i livade. A ljudi su na nebu ugledali lik svoje kraljice kako lije suze. Tako je plakal i plakala ...
Ova legenda, zapisana prije stotinjak godina, jedna je od mnogih što ih narod ispreda o postanku... POGODITE!
Voda je oduvijek, a posebno u kršu, što je razumljivo,
dobivala mitska obilježja. Teško da bi smo igdje našli više opravdanja i
mitova za legendu i mit nego TAMO.
Blaise is offline  
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Old 09.07.2006., 23:10   #5

U turopoljskim šumama bilo je nekoć kao mravlja, ogromnih životinja. Nalikovale su na volove, samo su bile još jedanput tako velike. Dlaka im je bila crna, a rogovi dugi dva rifa. Životinje su se zvale turovi, po čemu danas Turopolje nosi svoje ime.

Na riječnom otoku stajao je grad, crn poput noći a u njemu živješe kralj turova. Bijaše ogroman i crn, oči mu bijehu kao baklje, a rogovi zlatni. Ime mu je bilo Urus, bog plodnosti. Jedne burne noći porastu mu rogovi do neba, dosegnu crne oblake, a vila oblakinja zapne mu o njih. On se zaljubi te je skine s oblaka i zarobi u gradu.

Živio je s njom u ljubavi te uskoro čitav otok preplaviše vile crnih kosa. Naga im je tijelesa pokrivao crni veo. Kad bi nastala noć, ljudi bi gledali kako se na mjesečini u srebrenim valovima Save kupaju, dok vjetar vijori njihovim crnim velima poput oblaka.

Svake godine izašao bi iz crnog boga bijeli nagi mladić. Tom su prilikom crne vile letjele svijetom tražeći mladu nevinu djevojku. Odjenule bi je u bjelinu i žrtvovale svojem bogu Urusu.

Još i danas stari ljudi toga kraja pričaju da otokom lete crne vile pa ga nazivaju "Crnim otokom".

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Old 09.07.2006., 23:19   #6
koliki je mjesec vani...
evo jedne prikladne:

Ganesh and the Moon

One day, Ganesh was given a lot of sweets by his devotees. Indeed, everybody is aware of his greediness. He swallowed the sweets forthwith.

Then Ganesh went back home, riding his mouse. It was sunset and in the darkness, it came to pass that the mouse suddenly stumbled over a snake. Ganesh fell to the ground.

But he had so much eaten that his over-filled stomach burst and the cakes poured out.

Ganesh collected and replaced them in his widely open belly (don't try to find any rational meaning to that story !). By way of belt, he caught the snake who had caused the disturbance and tied him around the waist (one can see this girdle made-of-a-snake on many Ganesh representations).

Looking at this funny performance, the Moon, Chandra, bursts out laughing.

Ganesh was very annoyed, and thought that jeer had offended him. Resentful, he removed his right tusk and threw it to the moon face (generally Ganesh is depicted with a broken right tusk).

At the same time, he put a curse on her, so that she stops to shine at night and disappears from the sky. At that time, the legend tells that the moon used to shine every night.

Since then, the moon being missing, there was neither moonlight neither twilight. Young lovers lamented and bewailed; old people grumbled. They could not sleep, because the sun brightened even nightly.

Without the moon, the gods found the heavenly life as unbearable as the men found on earth. So, they hurled themselves at Ganesh house, supplicating him to manage the situation.

Everyone knows that Ganesh is basically full of indulgence; thus, he complied with their urgent requirement but, nevertheless, decided that the moon would not be allowed to shine every night as she did before.

Henceforth, she was sentenced to wax and wane, alternating a shining fortnight and a dark fortnight, each of these periods ending by the full moon and the new moon.

This is the reason why people think unauspicious to look at the moon on the Ganesh birthday, the Ganesh Chaturthî (which corresponds to the forth day of the wax), during the Bhâdrapad month (in august or early september). On says that people taking no notice of that, will probably get big problems...

This belief is still running nowadays and people carefully avoid to glance at the moon on the Ganesh Chaturthî day. Some people, very superstitious, abstain from looking at the very moon every fourth day of the waxing moon, to be sure not to mistake !

And if any unlucky man sees the moon on that particular day, he has to throw stones quickly on the next house, so that the injuries sent by his neighbors in return unprime the god's anger !

The meaning of this legend, or at least an interpretation which we could accept is the following : Ganesh riding his rat represents the Truth Seeker, the Man of Perfection who, by means of his body, his mind and his understanding, tries to reach his spiritual goal to finally convey the unlimited Truth.

Body, Mind and Intellect are limited realities. They are not able to explain what is Atman individual dot of the Ultimate Reality, a man without his ego.

The one who is seeking after the Supreme Reality knows that it is nearly impossible to share his experience by "ordinary" means and words. ordiniries". This is why we find strange and inscrutable the speeches and actions of the spiritual teachers.

The intellect of a man unengaged in this type of spiritual search is unable to understand what is the ultimate Truth, what is the ultimate Reality. The moon is the deity which governs the human mind. The moon laughing at Ganapati riding his rat reminds us the ignorant person who mocks spiritual seeker's efforts to reach the Truth.

Similarly, when somebody tries to ridicule the spiritual Teachers, the Sages who teach the Truth and their talks, this is detrimental to the Humanity.

In another legend, narrated in the Brahmânda-Purâna, the Moon had lost her brightness because of a god's curse.

In order to help the Moon to recover her light, Ganesh put her on his forehead as an ornament (tilaka ); under this form named Bhâlachandra ( "The One whose forehead is adorned with the Moon"), god Ganesh is particularly worshipped by esoteric sects

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Old 09.07.2006., 23:35   #7
Ne znam spada li ovo, medutim....

....nekako mi ima nesto........zenastoga u sebi

U X-files bijase epizoda u kojoj Mulder i Scully tragaju za serijskom ubojicom. Istovremenu se u toj epizodi radi o covjeku koji prodaje zivotna osiguranja, tip je vidovit. Ali....samo kada se tice vremena kada ce netko umrijetni i nacin na koji ce ta osoba umrijeti. Tako, dok razgovara sa potencijalnim kupcima odjenom se nade u transu i javi ljudima kada ce umrijeti

I tako serijski ubojica dosao do vidovitoga i kaze mu da ubija, da ubija za redom, isprica mu na koji nacin i na kraju pita:"Cuo sam da ste vidoviti pa me zanima....zasto to radim? Zasto ubijam ljude?" I odgovorio mu vidoviti:"Zar ne shvacas sinko? Pa zar ti nije jasno? Ti to radis zato sto si krvolocni manijak".
"The richer you are, the richer your family is, and the richer your country is, the more likely it is that you will find life so good that you will choose to blow your brains apart."
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Old 09.07.2006., 23:38   #8
Spot Perdita kaže:
....nekako mi ima nesto........zenastoga u sebi

U X-files bijase epizoda u kojoj Mulder i Scully tragaju za serijskom ubojicom. Istovremenu se u toj epizodi radi o covjeku koji prodaje zivotna osiguranja, tip je vidovit. Ali....samo kada se tice vremena kada ce netko umrijetni i nacin na koji ce ta osoba umrijeti. Tako, dok razgovara sa potencijalnim kupcima odjenom se nade u transu i javi ljudima kada ce umrijeti

I tako serijski ubojica dosao do vidovitoga i kaze mu da ubija, da ubija za redom, isprica mu na koji nacin i na kraju pita:"Cuo sam da ste vidoviti pa me zanima....zasto to radim? Zasto ubijam ljude?" I odgovorio mu vidoviti:"Zar ne shvacas sinko? Pa zar ti nije jasno? Ti to radis zato sto si krvolocni manijak".
imam filing da je ovaj post trebao ići ovdje:
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Old 10.07.2006., 21:52   #9
creative kaže:
koliki je mjesec vani...
fear, baby, fear!


The full-moon day in the month of Ashada is the traditionally the day
when all seriously begin to put into actual working all the theory and
philosophy that have been stored up within as knowledge. The
potency acquired by positive karma over the passage of time through
happiness and sorrow experienced in many births. This is the day,
when the Lord seated in all beings, is best invoked with prayer and
fire worship. Over generations, from the ancient times, what mortals
have seen, experienced and learnt, transform, through Sadhana
(meditation), into a continuous outpouring of universal love,
ceaseless loving service and continuous growth in the positive
direction. This is the day of pure love and joy which is offered as
reverent homage to the beloved Guru. He guides and inspires from
the innermost core of the being. He is everywhere. The entire
universe is ‘Guru Svaroopa’ (an image of Guru or God). In nature,
you can feel the presence of the Guru who showers rain to bring
harvest and prosperity. The Supreme Guru, manifest in visible
Nature, also teaches some of the most valuable lessons of life. The
art of patience, the need for punctuality and finally the great
possibilities of receptivity are all the manifestation of the great Guru.

If we choose to open our eyes and see, we can feel the presence, if
not - life is just a travelogue of fleeting moments.
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Old 10.07.2006., 19:46   #10
Nedaleko od Senja postoji uvala koje se zove Ujča Draga. Danas je ta uvala auto-kamp.
Navodno je u toj uvali potopljen Napoleonov brod, a legenda kaže da se svake godine na određeni datum u određeno vrijeme (pred zoru) pojavljuju vojnici.
Prije II. svjetskog rata neki čovjek je sagradio kuću na tom mjestu. Nitko nije mogao živjeti u njoj zbog toga što su se čuli čudni zvukovi, a predmeti su se pomicali "sami od sebe". (poltergeist?)
Pred od prilike 40-50 godina neki seljak je u zoru šetao uvalom i navodno imao susret s francuskim vojnicima. Seljak je prolupao i završio u ustanovi za liječenje duševnih bolesti.
Glupost vlada svijetom...
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Old 10.07.2006., 21:34   #11
Muz i zena, zivjeli skupa dugo i sretno, sve u stare dane. Jedan dan muz se razbolio i zavrsio u komi. Zena je bdjela uz njega i jednu vecer, sva ocajna, pomolila se:"Boze, ako dopustis da moj muz prezivi i izade iz kome, zrtvujem godinu svoga zivota".

Drugo jutro se dogodilo cudo, muz se probudio iz kome. I saznao da mu je supruga umrla.
"The richer you are, the richer your family is, and the richer your country is, the more likely it is that you will find life so good that you will choose to blow your brains apart."
Spot Perdita is offline  
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Old 10.07.2006., 21:45   #12
Spot Perdita kaže:
Muz i zena, zivjeli skupa dugo i sretno, sve u stare dane. Jedan dan muz se razbolio i zavrsio u komi. Zena je bdjela uz njega i jednu vecer, sva ocajna, pomolila se:"Boze, ako dopustis da moj muz prezivi i izade iz kome, zrtvujem godinu svoga zivota".

Drugo jutro se dogodilo cudo, muz se probudio iz kome. I saznao da mu je supruga umrla.
Glupost vlada svijetom...
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Old 11.07.2006., 00:05   #13
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Old 12.04.2011., 21:18   #14
Kad smo već kod mitova, ovaj mit i legendu je još kao mala moja majka slušala,

Za vrijeme Osmanlija dok su osvajali Bosnu, Na jednom polju je čitava Osmanska armija klanjala,a iz leđa im je prišla austro-ugarska vojska koja ih je poklala u Namazu...

Jednom od vojnika je glava bila odrubita ali ju je uzeo i pod rame stavio i trčao, nakon nekog vremena jedna žena ga je ugledala i vrisnula, ali je taj vojnik pao mrtav i tu je sada izgrađeno Turbe u Trnovi ... ( BTW to se nalazi nedaleko gdje ja živim )....

Znam da je tema stara ali evo napisao sam ipak
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Old 16.04.2011., 18:09   #15
Ste čuli za Agarthu,pardon "mit" o agarthi...odnosno šupljoj zemlji..a što se tiče pričica najbolje su mi Vedske,mayanske i tako slične...e sad tu opet nemozes znat da li je bilo ili nije,jer nemozes dokazat ali su dosta zanimljive i ima nekih poveznica sa danasnjim teoreticarima zavjere,vanzemaljcima sve spada u metafiziku,nevidljivo,ezoterija itd ali netko će to nazvat i mitovima...ali kako god zanimljivo
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