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Old 03.07.2010., 18:36   #81
Tempion kaže: Pogledaj post
Severova recenzija - (oprez, ima spojlera!!):
Zvuci sjajno/too good to be true.

Svejedno, tu mu je mjesto. Među najboljim filmovima ikad snimljenim. Christopher Nolan je nakon 114 godina postojanja filmske umjetnosti već drugi put pokazao da može promijeniti sâm način njenog fabuliranja, načina na koji filmsku radnju pratimo, doživljavamo, shvaćamo i nosimo nakon gledanja u sebi. U "Inceptionu" je to učinio majstorski, i snimio svoj masterpiece.

"Inception" je remek-djelo. Strpite se da ga potitlam*, pa ćete to i sami vidjeti.

Tako ni Peter Travers nije pisao o Inceptionu. Postoji li kakav link na tu Severovu recenziju (za koga on uopce pise? Coek titla film za Blitz-Cinestar???), ovi moji na NolanFans izludit ce od srece.


Eh, ludjaci, vec jesu:

guy on nolanfans said his friend( a critic in Croatia) saw it and loved it, he'll have a full review up later

Oh hell yeah.

Just got back from the screening. Amazing, amazing, amazing, amazing, amazing, amazing, amazing. And even more amazing.

Superlative in every way.
Minimal exposition, top quality action sequences, almost non-stop! A masterpiece.
One of the best movies of this DECADE.
Taj Sever stvarno nije normalan:

Word is according to that WB will lift the embargo date this Monday, apparently the buzz is so positive they've decided to start the word of mouth spread earlier.
Sve ih je sjebo.
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Old 03.07.2010., 19:05   #82
La Familia kaže: Pogledaj post
Tako ni Peter Travers nije pisao o Inceptionu. Postoji li kakav link na tu Severovu recenziju (za koga on uopce pise? Coek titla film za Blitz-Cinestar???), ovi moji na NolanFans izludit ce od srece.
Članak je sa facebook grupe Cafe Cinema, dečko koji vodi grupu poznaje Severa, i ovaj tekst je pisan "ekskluzivno" za ovu grupu....Pa ako imaš FB, učlani se...
A koliko znam , preveo je on dosta Blitz-ovih filmova....edit - evo baš gledam na njegovom profilu: Ljupke kosti, Benjamin Button, Twilight saga, Gangsteri, Žena vremenskog putnika, Transformeri, Shutter Island.....

Zadnje uređivanje Tempion : 03.07.2010. at 19:12.
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Old 03.07.2010., 19:22   #83
Tempion kaže: Pogledaj post
Članak je sa facebook grupe Cafe Cinema, dečko koji vodi grupu poznaje Severa, i ovaj tekst je pisan "ekskluzivno" za ovu grupu....Pa ako imaš FB, učlani se...
Pronasao, zahvaljujem. Mogao si odmah postati link (baj d vej, na isti ceka jedna mala grupica od kojih milijun ljudi, jos sam malo i rekao. Ima da svi plate pivo! ).

A koliko znam , preveo je on dosta Blitz-ovih filmova....edit - evo baš gledam na njegovom profilu: Ljupke kosti, Benjamin Button, Twilight saga, Gagnsteri, Žena vremenskog putnika, Transformeri, Shutter Island.....
Ispada da je Sever s tom svojom recenzijom preduhitrio ostatak planete. Svi ostali moraju strogo postivati WB-ov embargo na informacije/recenzije do ponedjeljka. Valjda ga nece pitati za zdravlje, ipak je Sever i sluzbeno involviran u projekt. Nece, mogu mu samo zahvaliti. Nolan prvi.
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Old 03.07.2010., 19:32   #84
La Familia kaže: Pogledaj post
Pronasao, zahvaljujem. Mogao si odmah postati link (baj d vej, na isti ceka jedna mala grupica od kojih milijun ljudi, jos sam malo i rekao. Ima da svi plate pivo! ).
Ispada da je Sever s tom svojom recenzijom preduhitrio ostatak planete. Svi ostali moraju strogo postivati WB-ov embargo na informacije/recenzije do ponedjeljka. Valjda ga nece pitati za zdravlje, ipak je Sever i sluzbeno involviran u projekt. Nece, mogu mu samo zahvaliti. Nolan prvi.
MogLA... Ali znam da si snalažljiv, pa eto....

Hm, i ja se nadam da neće čovjek sad imati problema radi ovoga, dovraga....
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Old 03.07.2010., 20:04   #85
Bogare ti šta je ovo, tek sad sazna za ovaj film. Vidim svi poznati glumci, čak Handsome Bob iz rolle, ali nisam treba pogledat trailer jbemu kao da mi je previše otkria al ok to je samo trailer, suprise suprise, jedva čekam.
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Old 03.07.2010., 20:37   #86
Tempion kaže: Pogledaj post
MogLA... Ali znam da si snalažljiv, pa eto....
Mea culpa, uvijek te brkam s onim facerom, s placa.

Hm, i ja se nadam da neće čovjek sad imati problema radi ovoga, dovraga....
Valjda nece, nije on to radio na svoju ruku/bez znanja hrvatskog distributera filma. Pretpostavljam da ima puni blagoslov Blitz-Cinestara/Warner Brosa. BTW, u ovom trenutku glavesine WB-a vec znaju za tu recenziju, ista je prevedena i postana na NolanFans, kao i na nekoliko najcitanijih foruma. I ono najbitnije, Sever je medju prvima u svijetu (Travers iz Rolling Stonea ipak se ne racuna, njega nitko ne shvaca ozbiljno). Da vidis reakcija, ljudi poblesavili od srece/uzbudjenja (nazalost, linkati na druge forume ovdje ipak nisam u mogucnosti/pravila).

Eto, sad bar znamo kome se napiti krvi ako film razocara.

p.s. i ono najbitnije-najbitnije, sve to pokrenula si upravo ti postanjem te Severove recenzije. H/T za Tempion.
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Old 04.07.2010., 00:04   #87
La Familia kaže: Pogledaj post
Mea culpa, uvijek te brkam s onim facerom, s placa.

Valjda nece, nije on to radio na svoju ruku/bez znanja hrvatskog distributera filma. Pretpostavljam da ima puni blagoslov Blitz-Cinestara/Warner Brosa. BTW, u ovom trenutku glavesine WB-a vec znaju za tu recenziju, ista je prevedena i postana na NolanFans, kao i na nekoliko najcitanijih foruma. I ono najbitnije, Sever je medju prvima u svijetu (Travers iz Rolling Stonea ipak se ne racuna, njega nitko ne shvaca ozbiljno). Da vidis reakcija, ljudi poblesavili od srece/uzbudjenja (nazalost, linkati na druge forume ovdje ipak nisam u mogucnosti/pravila).

Eto, sad bar znamo kome se napiti krvi ako film razocara.

p.s. i ono najbitnije-najbitnije, sve to pokrenula si upravo ti postanjem te Severove recenzije. H/T za Tempion.

Bok! Da, miješaš nas jer smo oboje "najzdušnije" branili Avatar.
A što se tiče ovoga objavljivanja recenzije, koliko ja znam, to je kršenje svega i svačega.
I ja sam na prijevod dobio serijal Stargate Universe i zadnje sam tri epizode pogledao prije bilo koga u svijetu. Morao sam se suzdržati i ne komentirati ništa, osim kako se meni serijal svidio. Al dobro, ak' ništ drugo, čovjek se proslavio i oprostit ćemo mu BERIĆETNO u rebootu Star Treka.

A znate što je najgore? Kad bude premijera filma, bit ću u Turskoj!
Nadam se da tamo ne sinkroniziraju filmove!
Stop jednoumlju. I dvostrukim mjerilima.
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Old 04.07.2010., 02:02   #88
facersplaca kaže: Pogledaj post
Bok! Da, miješaš nas jer smo oboje "najzdušnije" branili Avatar.
A što se tiče ovoga objavljivanja recenzije, koliko ja znam, to je kršenje svega i svačega.
I ja sam na prijevod dobio serijal Stargate Universe i zadnje sam tri epizode pogledao prije bilo koga u svijetu. Morao sam se suzdržati i ne komentirati ništa, osim kako se meni serijal svidio. Al dobro, ak' ništ drugo, čovjek se proslavio i oprostit ćemo mu BERIĆETNO u rebootu Star Treka.

A znate što je najgore? Kad bude premijera filma, bit ću u Turskoj!
Nadam se da tamo ne sinkroniziraju filmove!
Mislim da nije on prevodio Star Trek, to je bio neki Mihalić
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Old 04.07.2010., 02:36   #89
facersplaca kaže: Pogledaj post
Al dobro, ak' ništ drugo, čovjek se proslavio...
Bas i ne...

RE: the full review of the Croatian Critic
m4st4 translated it for us on nolanfans

I think I'm going to stay away from the reviews from this point on. There's less than two weeks away from the release and I think I'll be better off without such strong preconceived notions of the film.

I have no idea what to make of the above review.
holy **** HYYYYYYPPPPPEEEEEE I've never read a review that praised a film that extremely
Njah, ljudi odmah prokuze takva besramna PR sranja. I taj bedacek Sever jos prevodi film za Krstulovicev Blitz-Cinestar.

15th Inception TV Spot Drops – “Ten Hours
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Old 04.07.2010., 04:02   #90
u Broadway 22.7.2010
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Old 04.07.2010., 04:41   #91
aha, dobro, ja obrisa svoj post
pitao sma kad dolazi film

zadnji put sam u kinu gledao nolanovog dark knighta i sad ću opet na nolana otić. ništa dvd screeneri, telesyncovi i slična čuda, ako je remek-djelo kakvim ga sever predstavlja, to se u kinu mora odgledat.
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Old 04.07.2010., 10:14   #92

Ono kaže: Pogledaj post
u Broadway 22.7.2010
Pula, 20. 7. 2010. (jos uvijek se ceka sluzbena potvrda).

Cast Discussions in Inception Production Notes

Vani je (sada znatno prosireni) production notes filma:

Leonardo DiCaprio on Inception and Cobb:
“It is this highly entertaining, complex thriller where anything can happen, but at the heart is one man’s quest to uncover a long-buried truth and to get back home. [...]No matter how surreal the dream state, everything needed to be grounded in our connection with the character; everything had to be emotionally charged. From Cobb’s standpoint there is something very real at stake, so all his choices, his reactions, and how he deals with the people he’s working with is a means to one end: getting back his life.”

Joseph Gordon-Levitt on Arthur:
“Arthur is the organized one, the one making sure everything is in its right place. The way I see it, Cobb is the artist and Arthur is the producer. He’s the one saying, ‘Okay, you have your vision; now I’m going to figure out how to make all the nuts and bolts work so you can do your thing.’ But as fastidious and professional as he is, Arthur didn’t want to apply his organizational skills to being a lawyer or doctor or anything he could have been because sharing dreams is fascinating. It’s not just a job for him. I think the technology of dream sharing is something that has inspired him since he first heard about it so, ultimately, it’s not the money he’s doing it for. He wouldn’t risk his life for a good paycheck. He loves it.”

Christopher Nolan on Ariadne and Ellen Page:
“In writing the script for ‘Inception,’ it was very important to me that there be a conduit for the audience – a character who is being shown this world for the first time and is eager to explore it. That’s how the character of Ariadne was born. It was also very important for the audience to see Cobb through Ariadne’s eyes and get to the core of the character. And when I met with Ellen, she had the perfect combination of freshness and savvy and maturity beyond her years. She is an extraordinary performer with incredible creativity and an innate curiosity of her own and, therefore, naturally infused Ariadne with those qualities. Ellen was able to balance the emotional life of her character with the need for Ariadne to bring the audience in and show them the truth.”

Ellen Page on Ariadne:
“I was excited that Chris had written an awesome role for a young woman who is intelligent and comfortable in her own skin. She is thrust into this completely new environment and unusual situation and deals with it very eloquently. She can very much hold her own, especially in a group that’s a bit of a boys’ club.”

Tom Hardy on Eames:
“In the dream world, Eames can project the image of anyone, so he’s actually forging an identity in a physical manifestation and can convince another person that he’s whomever the team needs him to be in order to aid their deception. What’s especially interesting for me about these characters is the idea of the antihero, the fact that what they are doing could be considered dishonorable, but you still root for them. That’s nice because it’s not just black and white; we have a lot of gray area to play in.”

Emma Thomas on comic relief:
“There is a fun dynamic between Eames and Arthur in the movie. Clearly, they have a rivalry that dates back before our story begins, but they also have a grudging admiration, even if they’d never admit it. They are a pretty funny duo to watch as the heist unfolds.”

Marion Cotillard on Mal:
“Mal is a tricky one to describe because she is a mix of so many things. But maybe it’s the kind of thing you don’t describe because different people can have different interpretations.”

Christopher Nolan on Marion Cotillard:
“Marion brought an exceptionally haunting quality to her performance. What she was able to do with just her eyes and her emotional openness is quite beautiful. And she and Leo together portray an incredibly moving couple. Underneath all the action, I think ‘Inception’ is very much founded on a love story, and these two actors found the truth of that in a most remarkable way.”

Emma Thomas on Saito as ‘The Tourist’:
“We refer to him as ‘the tourist’ because he has no expertise, but uses his financial influence to join the group.”

Christopher Nolan on Ken Watanabe:
“I wrote the part specifically for Ken because I wanted to work with him again. I enjoyed directing him so much on ‘Batman Begins,’ but his role was smaller and we didn’t have a lot of time together. This time I made sure he had a bigger part. Ken is an extremely charismatic performer, a true movie star. He is a consummate actor who knows how to get the most out of every scene. It’s just a pleasure to watch him work.”

Cillian Murphy on Fischer:
“Despite his vast wealth, Robert is riddled with all sorts of insecurities, as one might expect of someone who has lives his entire life in the shadow of a hugely powerful individual. It doesn’t help that he has a very strained relationship with his father. So here you have a person who is about to inherit the world and is lacking for nothing except, perhaps, the thing he wants most: a proper relationship with his father.”

Emma Thomas on Cillian Murphy:
“We were so happy to work with Cillian again. He’s a fantastic actor and he brought so much to his role. I think the character of Robert Fischer is especially interesting, because in a heist movie the mark isn’t always so multifaceted. But Robert becomes a very large part of the story’s emotional heart and a great deal of that is found in Cillian’s performance.”

Dileep Rao on Yusuf, ‘The Chemist’:
“An avant-garde pharmacologist, who is a resource for people, like Cobb, who want to do this work unsupervised, unregistered and unapproved of by anyone. Yusuf obviously has a monetary interest in helping Cobb, but he is also motivated by a burning curiosity. He has been experimenting with this stuff for so long and now he wants to see what it’s like.”

Hans Zimmer on Sound and Music:
“We talked about wanting big waves of sound, which would require more brass than strings, so I put together a huge brass section. We recorded them separately because there was no way that strings would have survived the onslaught.”

Christopher Nolan on Sound and Music:
“There are scenes in the film where the score and the sound design are literally indistinguishable. What you wind up with it something that connects the different layers of reality the movie presents between waking and dreaming.”

Christopher Nolan on the Edith Piaf song:
“One of the decisions I had to make early on was regarding our use of the Edith Piaf song. Due to the nature of its place in the story, should it be handled by the sound department or Hans? I decided to give it to Hans because the song was going to have to weave into the score at some point, and he is a genius at blending music and sound together – figuring out the balance between instruments and synthesizers and voices and sound effects. It’s very exciting.”

Has Zimmer on the Edith Piaf song:
“I love that Chris wrote Edith Piaf into the script because there is a timeless romantic quality to her voice.”

Chris Corbould on the tilting bar set:
“I’ve done many gimbal sets where you see everything shaking and it’s mayhem. This was quite different because as the whole rig was tilting, all you’re seeing are the angle of the drinks and the hanging lamps moving in unison. It really achieved the surreal effect Chris (Nolan) was looking for. It was quite a large structure to tilt fully. In simple terms, it was basically a seesaw controlled by two pistons that could be raised and lowered to get the platform to slant. I believe the entire set tilted to approximately 20 degrees, which doesn’t sound like much…until you try to stand on it.”
Tom Hardy Interview

I like to flatter myself into believing that the character I played was actually Chris Nolan. I felt he was key to Eames and I latched on to him and his mannerisms. I think Leonardo DiCaprio looks like Chris and Chris looks like Leo – not to upset anyone. I think they're related, actually. In fact, you start to think: are all of these people in the film actually Chris?"
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Old 04.07.2010., 10:28   #93
La Familia kaže: Pogledaj post
Njah, ljudi odmah prokuze takva besramna PR sranja.
Naime, to nije besramno PR sranje, nego iskreni dojam Vladimira Severa, kojeg samo čuo netom nakon što je pogledao film, pri čemu mi je, in the nuttshell, ispričao sve ovo što je napisao i u recenziji. Ali vjerojatno sam ja pritom bio samo testna PR publika.
Listen to the thunder
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Old 04.07.2010., 11:44   #94
Mr Smoogj kaže: Pogledaj post
Naime, to nije besramno PR sranje, nego iskreni dojam Vladimira Severa, kojeg samo čuo netom nakon što je pogledao film, pri čemu mi je, in the nuttshell, ispričao sve ovo što je napisao i u recenziji. Ali vjerojatno sam ja pritom bio samo testna PR publika.
Vjerujem ti, Severu se - po gledanju filma - mogu eventualno i ispricati na tom besramnom PR sranju. Samo ako se navodi iz te njegove praised a film that extremely recenzije potvrde i u praksi, ofkors. Uostalom, samo prenosim 'bjelosvjetske' reakcije na tu recenziju, ljudi su s razlogom skepticni (odmah skuzili da Sever nastupa u ime distributera), neki od njih i ljubomorno-ogorceni. Sve u svemu, jako hrabro od njega/hrvatskog distributera filma. Naime, WarnerBrosovci (a to prvi diktira sam Nolan) teski su paranoici po pitanju takvih prijevremenih recenzija (BTW, na NolanFans je procurio dokument kojeg su redom morali potpisivati svi gledatelji filma, uglavnom industrijski insajderi, na nedavno odrzanom Cinema Expo 2010 u Amsterdamu; od IP adresa do velicine/brojeva cipela. Samo sto im cipove nisu ugradjivali pod kozu ). Svi su oni prisiljeni cekati ponedjeljak/skidanje embarga WB-a. Za tu spacku svaka cast Severu, sve ih je sjebo. Bilo kako bilo, recenzija je pozitivna (da kojim slucajem nije, kompletan pravni tim WB-a skakao bi mu po glavi).
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Old 04.07.2010., 11:55   #95
La Familia kaže: Pogledaj post
(odmah skuzili da Sever nastupa u ime distributera)
Fakat im je bio problem skužiti, nakon što je Sever sam u recenziji napisao da titluje film.
Listen to the thunder
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Old 04.07.2010., 12:12   #96
Mr Smoogj kaže: Pogledaj post
Fakat im je bio problem skužiti, nakon što je Sever sam u recenziji napisao da titluje film.
Nope, ispocetka su sve krivo skuzili. Naime, masa budala twitta linkove na lazne DVDRip PRE-RELEASE torrente filma. Zamisli neopisive panike u taboru WB-a. Trebao je odmah naznaciti - u sklopu te iste recenzije - da prevodi film za potrebe hrvatskog distributera. Nije se za saliti s time, napravio je nesto sto nije smio uciniti. Svejedno, H/T za Severa.
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Old 04.07.2010., 12:34   #97
aj baš me zanima na šta će ovo ličit.
kolko vidim muzika u filmu je odlična,neš me podsjeća na terminatora 2 (mislim na muziku).
Leo je meni super glumac, tako da se nadam da će valjat.

A sad ja nisam toliko upučena ko vi ali nemogu toliko skužit koja je osnovna radnja filma,šta je caka filma upadanje u snove ljudima???????
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Old 04.07.2010., 12:50   #98

x files agent kaže: Pogledaj post
Leo je meni super glumac, tako da se nadam da će valjat.
Sve se cini da ce ovdje briljirati u ulozi Cobba. Naime, vec nakon prvog citanja scenarija ama bas nista mu nije bilo jasno (), po vlastitom je priznanju trebao hitnu asistenciju Nolana (da mu detaljno razjasni pricu/lik). To dovoljno govori o samoj kompleksnosti filma. Sever je vec pisao o tome:

Za razliku od primjera, ovo nije adaptacija Philipa K. Dicka, ali dickovskiji je film od SVEGA dosad viđenog -- u pameti, u razradbi, u srcu, u čežnji. Potpuno filmičan, mišljen slikom, to je filmski pandan Dickove proze: visoki se koncept tu shvaća, a ne objašnjava. U njemu ste, dok film traje, iznutra. Christopher Nolan je nakon 114 godina postojanja filmske umjetnosti već drugi put pokazao da može promijeniti sâm način njenog fabuliranja, načina na koji filmsku radnju pratimo, doživljavamo, shvaćamo i nosimo nakon gledanja u sebi. U "Inceptionu" je to učinio majstorski, i snimio svoj masterpiece.
x files agent kaže: Pogledaj post
A sad ja nisam toliko upučena ko vi ali nemogu toliko skužit koja je osnovna radnja filma,šta je caka filma upadanje u snove ljudima???????
(MILD SPOILERS AHEAD) Koji je to koncept? Pa, stvaranje snova, i uvlačenje sanjača u njih, nominalno s ne naročito zakonitim namjerama. Valja izvući misao iz sanjača, ukrasti mu ideju, podatak, informaciju. Arhitektura sna -- za vrijeme sanjanja posve stvarna -- samo je sredstvo za postizanje tog cilja. To je posao kojim se bave naši protagonisti, Cobb i Arthur, uz šačicu suradnika. Zaplet filma nastaje kad njihov najnoviji sanjač za vrijeme sna otkrije da je u snu i prozre njihove namjere... i ponudi im alternativni zadatak. Umjesto vađenja ideja, sađenje ideja. (SPOILERS END)
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Old 04.07.2010., 13:24   #99
e hvala na pojašnjenju La Familia
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Old 04.07.2010., 15:23   #100
La Familia kaže: Pogledaj post
Pula, 20. 7. 2010. (jos uvijek se ceka sluzbena potvrda).
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