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Društvene znanosti Sociologija, antropologija, etnologija... Podforum: Jezikoslovlje

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Old 10.01.2005., 12:27   #1
Exclamation Pogodi TKO je !

Praktičar koji već ima milijune sljedbenika.

ZAČETNIK xxxxxxxxE

"So I turned my attention to humans, much as I had to possums in the forests. Humans were my study animal now - I set up night watches on them, and I made phonograms of the noises they make. I studied their cries and their contact calls, and their alarm signals. I never listened to what they were saying - I watched what they were doing, which is the exact opposite of the Freuds and Joungs and Adlers.
I soon got to know my animal fairly well - and I found out that it didn't matter what they were saying. What they were doing was very interesting, but it had no relation whatsoever to either what they were saying, or what questions they could answer about what they were doing. No relationship."
All you have is what you are
and what you give.

Zadnje uređivanje adriatic : 11.01.2005. at 10:19.
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Old 11.01.2005., 10:16   #2
ZAČETNIK xxxxxxxxxRE

Anyone who ever studied mankind by listening to them was self-deluded. The first thing they should have done was to answer the question, "Can they report to you correctly on their behavior ?" And the answer is, "No, the poor bastards cannot."
Then I sort of pulled out for a while in 1972 - I cut a hole in the bush, built a barn and a house and planted a garden – gave up on humanity. I was disgusted by the stupidity of the university, the research institutions, the hole thing. ...

Once you've said to yourself "But I am not using my physics in my house ," or "I'm not using my ecology in my garden, I've never applied it to what I do," it's like something physical moves inside you brain. Suddenly you say. "If I did apply what I know to how I live, that would be miraculous!"
All you have is what you are
and what you give.
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Old 11.01.2005., 11:08   #3
Hvala guglu!

Nikad čuo. Ko je taj Mollison i šta mu je ta permakultura?
She blinded me with science!
Tufir II is offline  
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Old 11.01.2005., 12:13   #4

There are a few societies that show signs of having been very rational about the physics of construction and the physics of real life. Some of the old middle-Eastern societies had downdraft systems over whole cities, and passive, rapid-evaporation ice-making systems. They were rational people using good physical principles to make themselves comfortable without additional sources of energy.
But most modern homes are simply uninhabitable without electricity - you couldn't flush the toilet without it. It's a huge dependency situation. A house should look after itself - as the weather heats up the house cools down, as the weather cools down the house heats up. It's simple stuff, you know? We've known how to do it for a long time.

Guglaši su oguglali.
All you have is what you are
and what you give.
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Old 11.01.2005., 14:04   #5
Cool dude!

Raduje me da ima još ljudi koji pametno razmišljaju i koji su došli do sličnih zaključaka - a da se uopće ne poznaju međusobno (Daniel Quinn, James Lovelock, Jean Liedloff...).

BTW, promatranje ljudskog ponašanja (prvi post) i radnji je među prvima radio i Desmond Morris, na osnovu čega je objavio (tada vrlo kontroverznu, danas nešto manje) knjigu 'Goli majmun' (The Naked Ape, 1967.), te se vratio toj temi kroz knjigu 'I čovjek je životinja' (The Human Animal, 1994.)...

Are you A Bright?

Truth is Stranger than Fiction because Fiction Has to Make Sense.
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Old 11.01.2005., 15:14   #6
Wink Još malo Mollisona:

You see, if you're dealing with an assembly of biological systems, you can bring the things together, but you can't connect them. We don't have any power of creation - we have only the power of assembly. So you just stand there and watch things connect to each other, in some amazement actually. You start by doing something right, and you watch it get more right than you thought possible.

... all the women of the town said, "Oh this is marvelous, we'll all do it!" The women started to order these bulk canisters - so then the shops in the town had to change, because they couldn't sell them that other crap any-more. Then the Council had to change, to institute recycling.
So the women - and women spend the money of society on its goods - examined every item they bought in relation to its energy use and its necessity, and just eliminated those that were energy expensive & unnecessary. Simply by women learning exactly what to buy & how to buy, the whole thing can be brought back to sanity. That's spreading like mad - like every good idea does.

For me, having suffered through a Western education, it was a shift from passive learning - you know, "this is how books say things are" - to something active. It's saying (and this is a horrifying thought for university people) that instead of physicists teaching physics, physicists should go home and see what physics applies to their home.
Now, they may teach sophisticated physics at the university. But they go home to a domestic environment which can only be described as demented in its use of energy. They can't see that, and that blindness is appalling.

Why is it that we don't build human settlements that will feed themselves, and fuel themselves, and catch their own water, when any human settlement could do that easily? When it's a trivial thing to do?

A: Perhaps because we're so wealthy that we believe we don't have to.

Bill: Well, I don't call that wealth. You want a definition of wealth from Eskimos, the Inuit? Wealth is a deep understanding of the natural world. I think Americans are so poor it's pitiful, because you don't understand the natural world at all.
All you have is what you are
and what you give.
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Old 11.01.2006., 11:57   #7
Talking Evo nešto za godišnjicu

Permakultura kao riječ je nastala spajanjem dviju riječi: PERMAnentna agriKULTURA, a prvi su je put upotrijebila dvojica Australaca; David Holmgren i Bill Mollison sredinom sedamdesetih godina dvadesetog stoljeca. To je sistem dizajniranja koji u obzir uzima sve potencijalne izvore energije koje nam priroda nudi (vjetar, sunce, zemlja, voda) i iskorištava ih na najbolji moguci nacin, upotrebljavajuci najmanju mogucu snagu s ciljem da se stvori samoodrživa cjelina. U permakulturi nema otpada, sve se ponovno koristi, a sve što se iskoristilo se obnavlja i priroda se ne oštećuje.
Permakultura nije vrtlarska metoda, a nije ni 'new age' filozofija. Permakultura je nacin života u kojem se želi proizvesti svoju hranu i energiju iskorištavajuci raspoložive prirodne resurse, a sve to koristeci svoj razum, osjecaje i vještine, primjere iz prirode i ne oštecujuci prirodu.
Mnogi su gradovi danas tužna slika. Nezaposlenost, siromaštvo, beskucništvo, zagadenost, dosada, porast kriminala i zloporaba droga i alkohola samo su neke od tužnih stvari. Kvalitetna hrana, prikladna zdravstvena usluga i zeleni prostori teško se nalaze u gradovima.
Mnogi koji žele bolji život nalaze rješenja; stvarajuci ili provodeci kampanje za pozitivne inicijative koje povecavaju samostalnost, ekonomsku neovisnost i kvalitetu okoliša...
Prazna ili zapuštena podrucja mogu se pretvoriti u resurse zajednice, stvarajuci parkove i javne zelene površine gdje se ljudi mogu susretati i opustiti.
Omogucavaju onima koji raspolažu vještinama, energijom, vremenom, no ne nužno i novcem, da razmjenjuju i dijele ono cime raspolažu unutar lokalne zajednice.
pruža priliku za uzgoj hrane koja je zdrava, cista i sigurno ne sadrži pesticide ni umjetna gnojiva
Recikliranjem organskog otpada kao što je pokošena trava, ostaci hrane, vrtni korov, odrezano granje, otpalo lišce itd. smanjuje se kolicina otpada koja putuje na deponije.
All you have is what you are
and what you give.
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Old 25.01.2006., 07:18   #8
Jedan Od NajznaČajnijih Autora ProŠlog StoljeĆa

adriatic kaže:

"So I turned my attention to humans, ...

I studied their cries and their contact calls, and their alarm signals. I never listened to what they were saying - I watched what they were doing, which is the exact opposite of the Freuds and Joungs and Adlers.
I soon got to know my animal fairly well - and I found out that it didn't matter what they were saying. What they were doing was very interesting, but it had no relation whatsoever to either what they were saying, or what questions they could answer about what they were doing. No relationship."
Obratio sam svoju pozornost na ljude ...

Proučavao sam njihove krikove i njihovo dozivanje i signale upozorenja. Nikada nisa slušao što govore - promatrao sam što rade, a to je u potpunoj suprotnost odonog što su činili Freud, Joung i Adler.
Uskoro sam dobro upoznao svoju životinju - i otkrio da nije važno što oni govore. Ono što su činili bilo je jako zanimljivo, ali nije bilo ni u kakvom odnosu sa onim što su govorili ili s njihoivim odgovorom na pitanje što su činili.
Nikakav odnos.

Bill Mollison ima šokantan pristup proučavanju čovjeka, a još su šokantniji njegovi zaključci.
Jesmo li mi civilizacija lažljivaca ?
All you have is what you are
and what you give.
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Old 15.05.2006., 08:28   #9
adriatic kaže:
So the women - and women spend the money of society on its goods - examined every item they bought in relation to its energy use and its necessity, and just eliminated those that were energy expensive & unnecessary. Simply by women learning exactly what to buy & how to buy, the whole thing can be brought back to sanity. That's spreading like mad - like every good idea does.
For me, having suffered through a Western education, it was a shift from passive learning - you know, "this is how books say things are" - to something active. It's saying (and this is a horrifying thought for university people) that instead of physicists teaching physics, physicists should go home and see what physics applies to their home.
Now, they may teach sophisticated physics at the university. But they go home to a domestic environment which can only be described as demented in its use of energy. They can't see that, and that blindness is appalling.
Scotty, beam them down !
Barbabianca is offline  
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Old 15.05.2006., 10:52   #10
Nije li Mollison za "Svijet oko nas"?
veslam u prazno
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Old 16.05.2006., 00:10   #11
kem kaže:
Nije li Mollison za "Svijet oko nas"?
Ima ga i tamo
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Old 16.05.2006., 09:00   #12
kem kaže:
Nije li Mollison za "Svijet oko nas"?
Ako gornji citat (So the women ... ) i ovo
"Bill Mollison ima šokantan pristup proučavanju čovjeka, a još su šokantniji njegovi zaključci.
Jesmo li mi civiliacija lažljivaca ?"
ne spada u DZ onda onda tu ništa (napisano posljednjih par mjeseci) ne spada.
Scotty, beam them down !
Barbabianca is offline  
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