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Medicinski potpomognuta oplodnja Želimo, nadamo se, vjerujemo

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Old 06.02.2012., 15:47   #1
Jajne stanice - kako popraviti kvalitetu?

Da li je moguće popraviti kvalitetu jajnih stanica? O tome se svađa struka. Neki repromedicinari tvrde da je sve pitanje dobrog embrija, neki pak preporučuju kraj promjena u ishrani te suplementriranje raznim pripavcima.

coenzym Q10

Što radite ili ste uradile da bi popravile kvalitetu jajnih stanica pred postupak i uopće?
Moje cure..L i N
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Old 06.02.2012., 18:44   #2
nadam se da će ova tema zaživjeti i da će se javiti cure sa što više iskustava.
ja sam pokušala svašta, od čajeva, pripravaka, do akupunkture. iz osobnog iskustva mogu reći da jedino što mi upali (iako ne znam je li do slučajnosti ili doista pomaže) jesu ogromne količine matične mliječi.

tek nakon što sam počela uzimati matičnu sošla sam do prvog et. no eto opet sam se ulijenila i ne popijem ju redovito

dosta sam čitala da dosita pomaže dhea, ali kako je meni dhea-s iznad gornje granice ja nisam ni pokušavala
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Old 08.02.2012., 12:51   #3
ja sam pred drugi postupak uzimala maticnu mliječ, ali mogla sam još sto godina uzimati ako je tajming punkcije loš

uzimala sam i uzimam DHEA. prije godinu i pol (nakon laparoskopije) sam imala period kad sam imala uranjene ovulacije..dakle negdje 10-11.dc. tri mjeseca nakon uzimanja 3x25mg dhea su se ovulacije pomakle na 13-14, a nekad i 15dc.
no ja sam dokazano imala niži DHEA, a uzimanje preporučeno od doktora. da nije tako nizak ne bi ga uzimala.

pred zadnji postpak sam uzimalla tri mjeseca ovu kombinaciju:
dhea 2x25mg
coencym Q10 2x300mg
inositol 2g
melatonin 3mg
zadnji mjesec sam uzimala i zeljezo.

to su sam kombinaciju iskopala kao prepruku nekih američkih MPOvaca.
stopa fertilizacije je bila dobra, od 4JS su se tri oplodile..
sad, da li to ima veze s ovim 'koktelom' ili je prije stvar dobrog tajminga, dobrog biologa..ili je od svega ponesto..ajdontnov..
Moje cure..L i N
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Old 08.02.2012., 13:29   #4
nisam znala da matična mliječ pomaže. koju ste uzimale?

ja sam sad za imunitet uzela onaj sirup u dm-u, royal jelly mislim
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Old 08.02.2012., 15:48   #5
Ja sam prije postupka tri miseca pila bee power (matična mliječ) i vital women od calivite, i uspili su izvuć 3 dobre stanice od koje su se 2 oplođene razvile kako treba. Sad, ni je nemam pojma jel to pomoglo
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Old 08.02.2012., 15:54   #6
bubicaa kaže: Pogledaj post
nisam znala da matična mliječ pomaže. koju ste uzimale?

ja sam sad za imunitet uzela onaj sirup u dm-u, royal jelly mislim
najbolja matična je definitivno ona od pčelara. ali ako ne možeš do takve ja sam znala kupiti u staklenim ampulama (tekuću) neku slovensku...
nemrem se sjetiti kak se zove, mislim da imam doma još pa ti javim kad dođem doma. samo nikada nisam htjela kupiti onu kinesku u prahu, to mi malo ipak

nije jeftina, najjeftinija je ta kineska, ali kako ja velim kud sve tud i to
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Old 08.02.2012., 16:25   #7
ma ja sam sad uzela tako, da probam. prije sam pila propolis, pa sad da promijenim. ako stvarno dobro djeluje, zašto ne?
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Old 08.02.2012., 18:37   #8
evo čisto ako će nekog interesirati: ja sam znala uzeti gelee royale matičnu, prizvođač je slovenski medex. 10 doza je 160 kn, ja sam uzimala po 2 dnevno.

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Old 11.05.2012., 11:11   #9
vitamini za plodnost:
Vitamins For Female Fertility

Vitamins and minerals are powerful regulators of female fertility and numerous studies have pinpointed specific nutrients that can help women to up the odds of conception. Even a simple multivitamin has been shown to up pregnancy rates.

Recently researchers of natural treatments have becoming increasingly interested in how specific nutrients and vitamins in the follicular fluids - in which the egg matures - affect egg quality and pregnancy rates. IVF provides the perfect situation for analyzing the effects of nutrients as the fluid within the follicle can be analyzed at egg retrieval and compared with IVF success rates. This has been done with melatonin, vitamin D and other nutrients showing that low levels of these -and other nutrients - correlate with lower success rates.

These novel studies give a different view of infertility proving that sometimes nutrient levels, diet and lifestyle choices are huge factors in infertility. At every level, good nutrient levels help to improve the frequency and timing of ovulation, determine egg quality and promote the ideal hormonal secretions for optimum fertility. Here is a list of some of the nutrient superstars that are worth considering in your quest to conceive.

That said, every woman's infertility is different and depending upon your diagnosis, your age and the treatments that you are pursuing you will likely benefit from certain nutrients combinations and not others. Nutritional care for fertility is not a one-size-fits-all magic bullet treatment, it can require some care to pinpoint the nutrients that are best for you, and you should always ask your physician before trying anything new.

* Vitamin D has been shown to have a powerful effect on increasing the odds of IVF success and has been shown to be important for a healthy pregnancy too. Blood tests for 5-hydroxy-vitamin D can readily check your levels so you can supplement effectively.(

* Zinc has been shown to be critical to the rapid development of the egg within the follicle especially with IVF where many eggs are developing at once. Zinc is usually present at higher levels in prenatal vitamins compared to multivitamins, another reason to find a good prenatal vitamin. (

* L-Arginine has been shown in some studies to boost IVF success rates in 'poor responder patients' but other studies have shown poor results at high doses (16 g per day). L-Arginine and has a special place in pre-IVF nutrient protocols at some IVF clinics - at lower doses (2000 mg per day) - and has been proven to increase uterine blood flow. (

* Fish Oil provides DHA which is important for very early neurological development. Taking it pre-conceptually allows you to build up good levels before you conceive. Additionally it's powerful anti-inflammatory effects may help curb conditions such as endometriosis.

* Vitamin C - in small doses of 750 mg a a day - has been shown to correct luteal-phase-defect which is marked by low progesterone in the second half of the menstrual cycle. The treatment boosted progesterone and estrogen levels and resulted in a 25% pregnancy rate within six months. Fertility and Sterility (2003;80:459–61).

* Melatonin has been shown in multiple studies to improve egg quality and almost double IVF success rates when taken for 1-3 months at a dose of 3 mg at night. Melatonin can theoretically elevate thyroid hormone levels so care should be taken if you are borderline hyper-thyroid. (

* DHEA has proven it's worth in improving IVF success and egg quality when taken at a relatively high dose of 75 mg per day and is increasingly being recommended by fertility specialists before IVF. (

* CO Enzyme Q10 - although not backed by human studies - is thought to have a special place in improving egg quality because of it's powerful effect on regenerating the mitochondria - the tiny energy factories of each cell - known to be a factor in age-related infertility. It is recommended by some of the top infertility clinics.

* Myo-Inositol has been the subject of multiple studies for it's ability to help women with PCOS to restore their fertility. Myo-inositol is also known to improve egg quality which is especially valuable for the over 35's. Studies have used a dose of 2 grams twice a day. (

* N-Acetyl Cysteine has shown promise for women with PCOS when given at a dose of 1.2 grams a day alongside Clomid in clomid-resistant women. (

* D-Chiro-Inositol has shown multiple benefits for women with PCOS helping to restore ovulation and combat the other aspects of the syndrome. (

* Alpha-Lipolic Acid is another nutrient that may be helpful to women with PCOS when give as a twice daily controlled release 600 mg tablet. (J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2010 Mar 1;4(2):359-64 Effects of controlled-release alpha lipoic acid in lean, non-diabetic patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. Masharani U, et al.)

* Iron has been shown to reduce the incidence of ovulatory infertility by 50% and is a very common deficiency.

Moje cure..L i N
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Old 11.05.2012., 11:11   #10
Vitamin Cocktail For Egg Quality and IVF Success

Some of the top IVF clinics are recommending various vitamin cocktails to help women to improve their egg quality - and pregnancy rates - in IVF cycles. These recommendations are the result of a new field of research which examines the levels of nutrients within the micro-environment of the follicular fluid in which the egg is nourished and nurtured as it develops. The nutrients that your eggs are fed really matter. Certain supplements are also recommended for the male partner to similarly boost the health of sperm, especially sperm DNA integrity which can cause miscarriage.

The conclusions of this new area of research have hinted that high levels of certain nutrients are associated with improvements in egg and embryo quality - higher pregnancy rates - and better hormonal profiles that are associated with improved fertility, such as higher estradiol levels.

There is a great diversity of opinions regarding nutritional supplementation and IVF. Many reproductive endocrinologists - it would seem - have little or no interest in the contribution that nutritional supplements could make to a successful IVF. Other physicians are positively enthusiastic, offering nutrient testing and making clear recommendations for a veritable cocktail of nutritional supplements, many of which have been shown to improve IVF success rates in clinical trials.

Multiple studies in top reproductive medicine journals have shown that when these nutrients are abundant in the follicular fluids, IVF success is more likely, embryos tend toward higher quality and hormone levels are more consistent with good fertility.

A diverse range of nutrients including: myo-inositol, vitamin D, DHEA, L-Arginine, zinc, Co-Enzyme Q10, melatonin and pycnogenol are often recommended. These are just some of the ingredients in the nutrient cocktails being used in top fertility clinics with enviable IVF success rates. Such nutrient cocktails may be able to help you too if you need to up your odds of succeeding.

For best results at least 3 months is required, and the male partner should be on a pre-IVF program too. Optimizing sperm health is equally important especially when the man is 40 or over.

Because the egg - and sperm - generation process is an entire 3 months long this nutrient cocktail is taken for at least this long to give the developing oocytes the maximum benefit from their super-food bath. The quality - and purity - of the supplements that you buy is important for optimal success, choose a reputable source with good absorption and manufacturing processes so you know what you are getting.
Moje cure..L i N
zoro007 is offline  
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Old 11.05.2012., 11:12   #11
Vitamin Cocktail For Egg Quality and IVF Success

Some of the top IVF clinics are recommending various vitamin cocktails to help women to improve their egg quality - and pregnancy rates - in IVF cycles. These recommendations are the result of a new field of research which examines the levels of nutrients within the micro-environment of the follicular fluid in which the egg is nourished and nurtured as it develops. The nutrients that your eggs are fed really matter. Certain supplements are also recommended for the male partner to similarly boost the health of sperm, especially sperm DNA integrity which can cause miscarriage.

The conclusions of this new area of research have hinted that high levels of certain nutrients are associated with improvements in egg and embryo quality - higher pregnancy rates - and better hormonal profiles that are associated with improved fertility, such as higher estradiol levels.

There is a great diversity of opinions regarding nutritional supplementation and IVF. Many reproductive endocrinologists - it would seem - have little or no interest in the contribution that nutritional supplements could make to a successful IVF. Other physicians are positively enthusiastic, offering nutrient testing and making clear recommendations for a veritable cocktail of nutritional supplements, many of which have been shown to improve IVF success rates in clinical trials.

Multiple studies in top reproductive medicine journals have shown that when these nutrients are abundant in the follicular fluids, IVF success is more likely, embryos tend toward higher quality and hormone levels are more consistent with good fertility.

A diverse range of nutrients including: myo-inositol, vitamin D, DHEA, L-Arginine, zinc, Co-Enzyme Q10, melatonin and pycnogenol are often recommended. These are just some of the ingredients in the nutrient cocktails being used in top fertility clinics with enviable IVF success rates. Such nutrient cocktails may be able to help you too if you need to up your odds of succeeding.

For best results at least 3 months is required, and the male partner should be on a pre-IVF program too. Optimizing sperm health is equally important especially when the man is 40 or over.

Because the egg - and sperm - generation process is an entire 3 months long this nutrient cocktail is taken for at least this long to give the developing oocytes the maximum benefit from their super-food bath. The quality - and purity - of the supplements that you buy is important for optimal success, choose a reputable source with good absorption and manufacturing processes so you know what you are getting.
Moje cure..L i N
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Old 21.05.2013., 10:42   #12
Evo da ostavim ovdje shemu po kojoj sam vjerovatno (nadam se) poboljsala kvalitetu JS.
Prije prva dva postupka sam imala broj antralaca 3-5. AMH je bio 0.5, oscilirao je na max. 0.8.
Imam dvije ostvarene trudnoce prirodnim putem, od toga jedan missed ab. Drugi spontani se desio u 5/2012 (ICSI trudnoca) i sad sam uz pomoc ICSI-ja u 20.tjednu trudnoce.
prije ove kure sam imala losu stopu fertilizacije (uz sve to sam i low responder) sto je moguce i do same MPO ordinacije, no nakon toga sam kod dr. L ali i ovdje gdje sam uspjela imala odlicnu stopu fertilizacije..npr. zadnji put su se od tri dvije oplodile, ali treca je tako i tako bila mala i nezrela i nije bilo za ocekivati da ce se oploditi.

Par mjeseci nakon uvodjenja ‚rezima‘ se broj antralaca u prosjeku popeo na 8, cak sam imala cikluse s 10-12 antralaca. Tu i tamo sam imala cikluse s 5-7 antralaca, nikad ispod. Najvisi FSH prije ‘rezima’ je bio 12.5. Nakon toga svakako ispod deset, najcesce oko sedam, s tim da se i kvocijent FSH /LH poboljsao. Bio je prije oko 2.2-2.3, da bi spao na oko 1.4..sto je super.
izgled menstruacije se promijenio..krv bi bila svijetla, a ne zgrusana kao sto je prije znalo biti..ovulacije uredne.

Dakle od 5/2011 sam pocela uvoditi sljedece..
Najprije sam pocela s
Ujutro 2 suhe smokve iz maslinovog ulja
Wheatgrass - 3 zlicice praha na casu vode (obadvoje dobro za revitaliziranje jajnika)

Vitex (pms free) – snizava FSH, uz njega mi se popravio kvocijent FSH/LH
600mg coencym q10
Prenatalni vitamini
Cink 10-15mg
500mg calcija
Folna 5mg (zbog mthfr mutacije)
U formi kure sam uzimala I inositol 2g (podijeljeno na ujutro I navecer), spade u grupu vitamin B

Pojacala sam unos proteina na kojih 50-60g dnevno, prije sam bila vise orijentirana na ugljikohidrate i voce/povrce – protein su bitni za regeneraciju celija uopce.
u 1/2012 mi je utvrdjen nizi ferritin pa sam nekoliko mjeseci uzimala ferrosanol duodenal, od tada uzimam redovito i B complex. Mjesec nakon suplementiranja zeljeza sam ostala trudna, ali se desio spontani

Melatonin 3mg – neke japanske studije pokazuju da se on pozitivno odrazava na oksidacijski stress te da je stopa fertilizacije bolja nego u testnoj grupi. Pacijentice su ciklus ispred postupka uzimale 3mg melatonina.
tko ga uzima na duze, ne bi bilo lose cekirati melatonin jer ako je melatonin u normi, moze djelovati kontraproduktivno, cak izazvati aovulatorne cikluse.
Ja sam prije uzimanja cekirala melatonin koji je bio ocajno nizak, gore no u stare babe
Dakle uz uzimanje Melatonina sam imala redovne cikluse kao i ovulacije.
Po dogovoru s mojim MPOvcem sam ga uzimala sve do stoperice.

Gelee royale sam uzimala nekoliko mjeseci, no pred zadnji postupak nisam, sto je cak bilo i dobro, imunitet mi se srozao pa brijem da je prehlada i kumovala boljem ugnjezdjenju
Nadam se da nisam nesto zaboravila te da ce moje iskustvo nekome pomoci
Moje cure..L i N

Zadnje uređivanje zoro007 : 21.05.2013. at 11:26.
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Old 21.05.2013., 20:14   #13
Draga Zoro007...ovo je fenomenalno..hvala do neba!!!!
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Old 24.05.2013., 15:37   #14
zoro007, zanima me je li ovo sve nabrojano dostupno bez recepta, tj kako se nabavlja? DM ili ljekarna...?
I koliko to sve ukupno otprilike košta mjesečno?
I smije li se uzimati na svoju ruku ili se mora posavjetovati s MPO liječnikom?
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Old 24.05.2013., 16:37   #15
sve je to bez recepta.
mpovci cesto zastupaju misljenje da to nista ne pomaze..itd. da trosimo samo novce bezveze.
vidi gdje sto mozes povoljnije nabaviti. od 1.7. je HR u EU, pa ce i dostava biti neproblematicnija i jefitinija.

ja sam npr. wheatgrass nabavljala preko njemackog ebay-a, coencym q10 i inositol preko engleskog ebay-a. cink i kalcij imas u svakoj apoteci ili drogeriji.
melatonin sam nabavljala ovdje
Moje cure..L i N
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Old 17.07.2013., 08:22   #16
Ja sam prošla jedan IVF postupak tako da ne znam kako bi bilo da nisam uzimala koktelčić koji ću navesti ali obzirom na moju opaku endometriozu i godine dr nije bio optimističan. Postupak nije završio trudnoćom ali su mi i dr i biologinja rekli da su js iznad očekivanog. Dobili smo 2 js od 3 punktirana folikula, obje su se oplodile. I da, mm ima theratozoospermiu.

Ja sam uzimala: Prenatal, velike doze B kompleksa, E vitamin (200 IU - 134 mg), selen 100 mikrograma, matičnu mliječ (onu u ampulama) te probiotik VSL 3 (podijeljena 1 vrećica od 8g na 8 doza, odnosno 1 g dnevno) - kako bi crijevna flora bila što bolja i mogla apsorbirati što više vitamina, minerala...

Sada, dok čekamo slijedeći postupak ubacila sam i Goji bobice, a pauziram sa selenom i matičnom mliječi.
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Old 16.01.2014., 22:55   #17
slicno onome sto sam ja uzimala..
zoro007 kaže: Pogledaj post
Evo zanimljiv link za populaciju 35+ i za one koji se fajtaju s niskom ovarijalnom kako poboljsati kvalitetu js i pridonijeti pozitivom ishodu..

suplementi &co
Moje cure..L i N
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Old 24.01.2014., 21:06   #18
hm...moram priznati da me ovo jako zanima jer mi je to dio posla, ali tako smo slabo educirani po tom pitanju i sve se svodi na stranu literaturu i samoedukaciju da mi je ovo pravo otkriće. zanima me jer ću na IVF u svibnju, ako Bog da. kod mene je normogonadotropni (eugonadotropni) hipogonadizam. po meni bi Folacin, Prenatal i Omega-3 od Twinlaba bili čisto dovoljni, ali vidim da tu ima svega. ok, matična mliječ mi se jako drugo ne znam i nisam sigurna pa me zanima još vaših iskustava i savjeta ili likova. super mi je ovo čitati jer se, očito, uvijek može nešto naučiti.
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Old 27.01.2014., 12:06   #19
vidim da sam tražila likove ,umjesto linkove...

vidim da vas ima puno i iako idem tek krajem travnja po lijekove, već me "pere"

za sad ću se zadržat na prepisanom mi Folacinu, Twinlabovim Prenatalu i Omegi, a zanima me, iako mm nema problema, jel još uvijek aktualno davati im cink, selen i E vitamin? mislila sam mu kupiti antioksidante od Kala-a.
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Old 29.01.2014., 14:53   #20
twin, ne bi trebalo stetiti..
Moje cure..L i N
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