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Old 20.08.2016., 13:51   #41
Piše da 6 grama godišnje proizvodi Sunce ukupno, to što si potcrtao, ali to je bespredmetno. Bez nečega kao što je puna Dysonova sfera to se ne može koristiti. Uzalud ti je gledati koliki je ukupni flux Sunca.

Zato ispod piše da se oko Zemlje može uhvatiti oko 100 nanograma godišnje, što je jako malo i s tom količinom ne možeš ništa.
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Old 20.08.2016., 14:21   #42
darkwood kaže: Pogledaj post
Pa da, na pocetku teme piše da ce se više znati na kraju mjeseca, kada ce se prezentirati podaci,
I to je glasina jer iz ESA vele da nemaju pojma o tome.

Valjda sada zato i treba toliko da objave nešto više, jer sada ce provjeriti podatke više puta, kako im se ne bi ponovia "Alpha Centauri B".
Pa ni takve stvari nisu čudne...dešava se, to je znanost Zato se ponekad to i objavljuje tako da neki drugi tim provjeri situaciju.
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Old 20.08.2016., 18:19   #43
"Lightsails" je mnogo realnije rešenje propulzije od nuklearnih, fuzionih i antimaterijskih rešenja od kojih smo jako daleko u ovom trenutku.
Pri tom trenutno jedini aktivan program sa jasnim ciljevima i pokusajem da se step bz step reše tehnički izazovi "STARSHOT" planira "Lightsails" propulziju.

Breakthrough Starshot is a $100 million research and engineering program aiming to demonstrate proof of concept for a new technology, enabling ultra-light unmanned space flight at 20% of the speed of light; and to lay the foundations for a flyby mission to Alpha Centauri within a generation.
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Old 20.08.2016., 19:24   #44
entropy kaže: Pogledaj post
"Lightsails" je mnogo realnije rešenje propulzije od nuklearnih, fuzionih i antimaterijskih rešenja od kojih smo jako daleko u ovom trenutku.
Pri tom trenutno jedini aktivan program sa jasnim ciljevima i pokusajem da se step bz step reše tehnički izazovi "STARSHOT" planira "Lightsails" propulziju.
Primjeti da piše da bi to bila flyby misija. Sonde bi proletjele brzinom 0.2 c kraj Proxime. Meni se ne cini da bi puno toga mogle istraziti u tim uvjetima.
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Old 20.08.2016., 22:12   #45
wand_1 kaže: Pogledaj post
Primjeti da piše da bi to bila flyby misija. Sonde bi proletjele brzinom 0.2 c kraj Proxime. Meni se ne cini da bi puno toga mogle istraziti u tim uvjetima.
Prati STARSHOT od početka, znam da su flyby koncept, ali sa druge strane jedini trenutno realan sa nekim šansama ze uspeh u sledećih par decenija.
Sve ostalo nisu projekti izvodljivi tokom 21 veka.
Ono što je pozitivno što postoji lista inžinjerskih praktičnih probelma koje treba rešiti, kao i finansijski proračuni.
Npr. u vezi kamere:

During an encounter with an exoplanet, the nanocraft’s camera would need to rotate in order to image the target. If the planet were imaged with a focal plane area, it would be necessary to hold the planet still within the image plane during the integration time for exposure.
If an object-to-nanocraft distance of 1 AU and a velocity of 0.2c are assumed, an angular rate of (6x107m/s) / (1.5x1011 m) ~ 80 arc sec/s is needed. The nanocraft would traverse a distance of 1 AU in about 2500 seconds. To stabilize the image, the camera would need to “slew” at this rate.
The slewing would be accomplished either by using the photon thrusters or via motion in the focal plane. For example, using a 4-meter-scale camera array at a distance of 1 AU would provide image resolution of order 40km, assuming visible spectrum imaging. The resolution scale could be improved by closer approaches of less than 1 AU. Extremely efficient image compression and smart feature detection algorithms would be crucial.
Another challenge is locating the planet inside the Alpha Centauri system. This would be achieved through the use of ‘star trackers’ based on the star’s ephemeris (orbital position at specific times) and the planet’s position relative to the star. The star would be very bright and the planet reasonably bright. Dead reckoning navigation is being considered that would be updated by measurements of the location of the star and planet. Image recognition software would be required to decide which target had the highest value, and it currently seems the most promising form of rudimentary artificial intelligence for this mission.

Možeš da pogledaš još neke izlistane ovde:
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Old 22.08.2016., 18:56   #46
24tog ovog mjeseca ESO ima konferenciju za medije. Pretpostavljam da ce biti upravo o ovom otkricu.
Monkeys are really the end of the line in the pet world. I think when you're at the monkey level of pet ownership, have a kid. I mean, come on. I mean, you're so close. If you need a pet that can roller skate and smoke cigars, it's time to think about a family
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Old 24.08.2016., 11:50   #47
Izgleda da je otkrice stvarno. Vise detalja popodne
Monkeys are really the end of the line in the pet world. I think when you're at the monkey level of pet ownership, have a kid. I mean, come on. I mean, you're so close. If you need a pet that can roller skate and smoke cigars, it's time to think about a family
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Old 24.08.2016., 12:21   #48
Konferencija za novinare je u 13 sati, ali zbog embarga na objavu podataka, za više informacija treba se cekati do 19h.

Detalji studije za sada su dostupni samo novinarima koji ih u javnost ne smiju puštati do danas u 19 sati.

link i novi link
Ja sam disleksičan!

Zadnje uređivanje darkwood : 24.08.2016. at 13:39. Reason: embargo na objavu infromacija traje do 19h
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Old 24.08.2016., 18:55   #49
Masa 1.3 Zemljine, orbita 11.2 dana, temperatura na povrsini cca 235 K, udaljenost od Proxime B 0.05 AU, osuncanost 65℅ Zemljine(Proxima je crveni patuljak).
Monkeys are really the end of the line in the pet world. I think when you're at the monkey level of pet ownership, have a kid. I mean, come on. I mean, you're so close. If you need a pet that can roller skate and smoke cigars, it's time to think about a family
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Old 24.08.2016., 19:09   #50
Vise detalja cemo znati kroz par mjeseci tj godina, ali djeluje obecavajuce
Ja sam disleksičan!
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Old 24.08.2016., 19:12   #51
Naslovnica novog Naturea.

Monkeys are really the end of the line in the pet world. I think when you're at the monkey level of pet ownership, have a kid. I mean, come on. I mean, you're so close. If you need a pet that can roller skate and smoke cigars, it's time to think about a family
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Old 24.08.2016., 19:21   #52
Velociraptor kaže: Pogledaj post
Masa 1.3 Zemljine, orbita 11.2 dana, temperatura na povrsini cca 235 K, udaljenost od Proxime B 0.05 AU, osuncanost 65℅ Zemljine(Proxima je crveni patuljak).
Bemti kelvine; 235K = -38 celzijusa. Mogli bi je nazvat Sibiria
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Old 24.08.2016., 19:30   #53
Da, al buduci da je planet masivniji od Zemlje, mogao bi imati i guscu atmosferu. Uz to, planet je vjerovatno tidally locked, tj pokazuje uvijek istu stanu svojoj zvijezdi, tako da je temperatura razlicita izmedju dvije strane planeta, a u teoriji izmedju dvije strane bi bili uvjeti najoovoljniji za tekucu vodu i zivot. Gusca atmosfera(ali ne toliko kao na Veneri) bi pogodovala boljoj izmjeni topline izmedju tamne i svijetle strane, sto je isto pozitivan ishod za zivot.
Monkeys are really the end of the line in the pet world. I think when you're at the monkey level of pet ownership, have a kid. I mean, come on. I mean, you're so close. If you need a pet that can roller skate and smoke cigars, it's time to think about a family
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Old 24.08.2016., 19:32   #54
BTW, s obzirom na polozaj planeta i velicinu Proxime B, zvijezda bi na nebu Proxime b bila oko 5 puta veceg promjera nego sto je Sunce na nebu gledano sa povrsine Zemlje.
Monkeys are really the end of the line in the pet world. I think when you're at the monkey level of pet ownership, have a kid. I mean, come on. I mean, you're so close. If you need a pet that can roller skate and smoke cigars, it's time to think about a family
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Old 24.08.2016., 19:38   #55
Znanstveni rad iz Nature-a je dostupan
Monkeys are really the end of the line in the pet world. I think when you're at the monkey level of pet ownership, have a kid. I mean, come on. I mean, you're so close. If you need a pet that can roller skate and smoke cigars, it's time to think about a family
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Old 24.08.2016., 19:43   #56

Velociraptor kaže: Pogledaj post
Znanstveni rad iz Nature-a je dostupan
Dostupan je, ali iza paywalla.

Ali ...


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Old 24.08.2016., 19:46   #57
Ovo je stvarno jaka stvar
Mislim da je ovo jako poticajno za znanost sljedećih 100 godina, jer daje neke realne vjerojatnosti za uspjeh tokom jednog života..

Znači, prilično hladno, sa "suncem" cijeli dan i noć.. Da mi odmah Norvežane pošaljemo tamo, Vikingi ionak vole istraživati
Netko jede grožđe i programira na kompjuteru, a jebemu pas, nar je tu za ukras...

Volim party, volim mali parking!
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Old 24.08.2016., 19:51   #58
Prvo što ide tamo je sonda. Najbolje što imamo je 'svemirska jedrilica'
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Old 24.08.2016., 20:06   #59
Postoji mogucnost i jos jednog masivnijeg planeta u daljoj orbiti

The corresponding minimum planet mass is ∼ 1.3 M⊕ . With a semi-major axis of ∼0.05 AU, it lies squarely in the center of the classical habitable zone for Proxima. As mentioned earlier, the presence of another super-Earth mass planet cannot yet be ruled out at longer orbital periods and Doppler semi-amplitudes <3 ms −1 . By numerical integration of some putative orbits, we verified that the presence of such an additional planet would not compromise the orbital stability of Proxima b
Monkeys are really the end of the line in the pet world. I think when you're at the monkey level of pet ownership, have a kid. I mean, come on. I mean, you're so close. If you need a pet that can roller skate and smoke cigars, it's time to think about a family
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Old 24.08.2016., 20:16   #60
memulica kaže: Pogledaj post
Bravo, hvala! :klap:

Čekkić kaže: Pogledaj post
Znači, prilično hladno, sa "suncem" cijeli dan i noć.. Da mi odmah Norvežane pošaljemo tamo, Vikingi ionak vole istraživati
To je prosječna temperatura. Sasvim sigurno nije jednaka temperatura na strani okrenutoj Proximi kao na suprotnoj.
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