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Old 17.01.2007., 01:44   #1
Anglikanska i Episkopalna crkva

Koliko je anglikanska (odn. engleska) crkva slična katoličkoj, a koliko se razlikuje?
Prema nekima, anglikanizam je od svih protestantskih denominacija ona koja je najbliža katoličkoj crkvi, nesto izmedu protestantizma i katoličanstva...
Ima li netko iz Hrvatske tko je u doticaju sa Engleskom crkvom, ili je njen pripadnik da malo objasni? Ili episkopalac mozda...
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Old 17.01.2007., 19:26   #2
Riječima Robina Williamsa: I'm an Episcopal. That's like Catholic Lite - same ritual, half the guilt.

Anglikanska se crkva od katoličke razlikuje po tome što ne priznaje papu, već joj je poglavar britanski monarh (koji ne smije biti katolik - zakonom je zabranjeno!)
Osim toga, kao i druge protestantske crkve, napustila je svu ikonografiju; zato su anglikanske crkve gole, bez slika, bez kipova.

Sam je ritual, koliko mi je poznato, uglavnom zadržan, iako se ne zove misom.
Krumpir Vampir ponovo je tu! Sisat će vam škrob dok vas ne otjera u grob!

math_baby reče: samo toliko da znate da vam cp.tar moze, u dogovoru s nekim od admina promijeniti sadrzaj vaseg bloga ukoliko mu se taj sadrzaj ne svidja!
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Old 17.01.2007., 19:33   #3
cp.tar kaže: Pogledaj post
Osim toga, kao i druge protestantske crkve, napustila je svu ikonografiju; zato su anglikanske crkve gole, bez slika, bez kipova.
Islam dozvoljava da se prekine zadana riječ ako se pojavi nešto korisnije i bolje od toga. (c) Derviš aka / Izrael 101
Kadija te tuži, kadija ti sudi / Case study / Legitimna kritika izraelske fiskalne politike / Izrael i UN / Arapsko-izraelski sukob
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Old 17.01.2007., 19:40   #4
A valjda su u zadnje vrijeme malo olabavili... jerbo mi rekoše na faksu da je to napuštanje ikonografije uzrokovalo propast likovne umjenosti u Engleskoj.
Krumpir Vampir ponovo je tu! Sisat će vam škrob dok vas ne otjera u grob!

math_baby reče: samo toliko da znate da vam cp.tar moze, u dogovoru s nekim od admina promijeniti sadrzaj vaseg bloga ukoliko mu se taj sadrzaj ne svidja!
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Old 19.01.2007., 17:55   #5
O anglikanstvu, samo je na engleskom.

Kratka skica:

- The members of the Church of England are professed Christians, and claim to be baptized members of the Church of Christ.
- They accept the Scriptures as contained in the Authorized Version, as the Word of God.
- They hold the Scriptures to be the sole and supreme rule of faith, in the sense that the Scriptures contain all things necessary to salvation and that nothing can be required of anyone as an article of faith which is not contained therein, and cannot be proved thereby.
- They accept the Book of Common Prayer as the practical rule of their belief and worship, and in it they use as standards of doctrine the three Creeds—the Apostles', the Nicene, and the Athanasian.
- They believe in two sacraments of the Gospel—Baptism and the Lord's Supper —as generally necessary to salvation.
- They claim to have Apostolic succession and a validly ordained ministry, and only persons whom they believe to be thus ordained are allowed to minister in their churches.
- They believe that the Church of England is a true and reformed part, or branch, or pair of provinces of the Catholic Church of Christ.
- They maintain that the Church of England is free from all foreign jurisdiction.
- They recognize the King as Supreme Governor of the Church and acknowledge that to him "appertains the government of all estates whether civil or ecclesiastical, in all causes."
- The clergy, before being appointed to a benefice or licensed to preach, subscribe and declare that they "assent to the Thirty-nine Articles, and to the Book of Common Prayer, and of Ordering of Bishops, priests, and deacons, and believe the doctrine of the Church of England as therein set forth to be agreeable to the Word of God".
- One of the Articles (XXV) thus subscribed approves the First and Second Book of Homilies as containing "a godly and wholesome doctrine necessary for these times", and adjudges them to be read in churches "diligently and distinctly".
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