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Astrologija Astrološka edukacija, razmjena mišljenja, diskusije...

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Old 03.04.2008., 20:17   #1
Odnos principa znakova unutar osobe

Nisam znala gdje bih s da izbjegnem dilemu, otvorit cu novu temu.

U svakome od nas krije se pomalo od svakog znaka, bez obzira gdje nam se nalazi Sunce. Odnosno, i sami smo primijetili da se ponekad ne mozemo naci u potpunosti u opisu jednog znaka, nego se u mnogocemu pronalazimo i kod opisa onih drugih.

Da bismo uspjesno suradjivali, odnosno skladno se odnosili prema drugima, ali i da bismo unutar sebe sto kvalitetnije razvili vlastite sposobnosti, potrebno je da integriramo (svatko na svoj nacin) principe i drugih znakova.

Pa evo jednog nacina kako prepoznati u kojoj smo mjeri unutar sebe razvili te principe (preuzeto sa stranice

Za svaki znak navedene su izjave koje bi onaj tko se osjeca kao doticni znak rekao za sebe. Provjerite s kojim se izjavama najvise poistovjecujete, odnosno koliko je zdrav vas odnos s tim principima (unutar i izvan sebe). Zatim je zgodno to usporediti s natalnom slikom.
"Though the seas threaten, they are merciful. I have cursed them without cause."
S.C. is offline  
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Old 03.04.2008., 20:18   #2

I feel no guilt in doing whatever I feel like doing.
I don't let relationships and obligations keep me from pursuing my dreams and interests.
I can be very blunt with people when I want to be.
I highly value my independence, I won't live without it.
I enjoy intense, physical activity.
I stand up for what is right and true.
I can release my anger without directing it at others.
There is no one else in the world like me.
I can make suggestions directly, without beating around the bush, or sugar-coating.
I can use my power to fight and stand up for myself.
I can use my power and strength to fight for others.
I have a lot of energy.
I know I am strong.
I usually come out on top.
I feel like I have a special mission or purpose.
I'm not afraid of competition.
I should try not to be overly competitive.
Whatever I do, I do it in ways no one has ever done before.
I know the best way to give to others is to put yourself first.
I go my way, people can come along if they want to.
My masculine qualities are strong.


I always take my time.
I am good at really savoring and enjoying pleasures.
I am truly peaceful deep inside.
I am good at giving myself most everything I need.
I can make money.
I am patient.
I'm good at enjoying the simple pleasures of life.
Once I get going, I have incredible determination and never quit.
If I want to build something in the world, I have the persistence to accomplish it.
I enjoy having nice things.
I do not need other people around to be happy.
It is easy for me to give to myself.
It is easy for me to give to others.
I love money. I really love having money.
It's good to have a big ______ (CD, book, movie, etc.) collection.
I am very practical and realistic.
When I eat a rich desert, I allow myself to fully enjoy every bit of it.
I regularly allow myself a lot of time for rest and quiet.
I think music is perhaps the most spiritual thing on the planet.
I love being in a physical body.
I allow myself to be "selfish" and indulge in things I enjoy.


I'm good at not taking things too seriously.
I enjoy learning about everything.
I enjoy moving around a lot, and not staying home too much.
I enjoy my freedom and independence.
I don't take "spirituality" too seriously.
I am not that attached to my beliefs and opinions.
I eat candy.
I don't get real caught up on needing people to be loyal to me.
I do not have issues with commitment.
If people were more like kids, the world would be a much better place.
I am naturally witty.
I communicate easily with others.
I enjoy being the trickster.
I am totally honest.
I like to do a little bit of everything.
I am very open-minded.
I'll try anything once.
I enjoy a good disagreement.
It's fun to play the devil's advocate.
My mind is one of my greatest assets.
I don't judge people who are not honest.
I'm good at small talk.
It's nice to do fun things that seem ultimately trivial and unimportant.


I am really looking forward to having a family. / I love having a family.
I love my Mom.
I know that I have a need to give and receive love.
I like staying at home.
My family is very important to me.
I can let myself be vulnerable.
I am good at nurturing and supporting other people.
I don't mind being in the background.
I am good at being sensitive to and nurturing others when I can tell they are in the bad mood.
I am good at knowing what others are feeling.
I enjoy cooking for people.
I try not to be defensive about myself.
I value emotional bonds with others more than most anything.
I like my friends to feel like my family.
I enjoy my imagination.
Family is perhaps the most important thing to me.
I value intimacy very highly.
I try to work out most of my childhood scars.
Being abandoned or being the abandoner shouldn't be a large part of my life.
I honor my neediness.
I allow myself to be human.
I should always be aware that there are people around me who love me.
I feel my feelings.


I am the (wo)man.
I am a good teacher.
I allow myself to be childlike.
I am special.
I have special gifts and talents.
I allow myself to receive praise and appreciation from others.
I should learn not to be too dependent on receiving praise and recognition from others.
I should be less dependent on receiving love and praise from my romantic partners.
I love being a performer.
I express myself easily.
I am very creative.
I am a good leader.
I believe in myself.
I shuold learn to be comfortable with being on the same level as everyone else.
I have a big, open heart.
I use my wisdom to guide and help others.
I accomplish amazing things when I want to.
I trust my own intuition.
I don't put other people up on pedestals.
I care a lot about humanity.
I tend to command respect.
I shouldn't feel like I am more special than most people.
I should more often praise others.
It is very important for me to accomplish what I intend to accomplish.
I can be funny and dramatic.
I am comfortable being the center of attention.
I have worked out my issues with my father.
You gotta love me.


I am very healthy.
I am disciplined.
My work is sacred to me.
A am good at focusing on one thing.
I enjoy feeling a sense of order in my life.
I am basically humble.
I should learn to be okay with imperfecion.
I enjoy serving others.
I am good at focusing on my personal growth and development.
I have a sharp mind, I spot flaws and imperfections easily.
When I find a flaw within my life, it's days are numbered.
I should learn that there is nothing wrong with me.
I enjoy being productive.
I maintain regular rituals or practices in my life.
I like to bring things ever closer to perfection.
I should develope my strong sense of self-worth.
I enjoy work.
I know a lot about health.
I write well.
I am organized.
I enjoy being the student/disciple.
I work under others well.
I don't mind seeing the negative.
I value what is natural.
I enjoy the idea of mastery.
"Though the seas threaten, they are merciful. I have cursed them without cause."
S.C. is offline  
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Old 03.04.2008., 20:18   #3

I want a partner who fulfills my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs.
I always see both sides of the story.
Art and beauty are very important to me.
I don't let myself get too needy.
Marriage is sacred to me.
I value commitment in relationships.
I like to keep things balanced.
I don't like to go overboard with anything.
I would rather yield to others than fight.
I value harmony with others very highly.
I value mental activity very highly.
I love people.
I should learn not to get caught up in thinking, "It's not fair!"
When good things happen for others, I am happy for them. I don't get caught up in wishing they were happening to me.
I enjoy refined tastes and the nicest things.
I feel both masculine and feminine.
I like it when things are light-hearted.
I know that you should hold out for the perfect partner.
I like to keep a smile on my face.
I don't like negative energy.
I can be very persuasive.
I am instinctually diplomatic.


I am not afraid of the dark.
I love power.
I like to take everything to its deepest intensity as quickly as possible.
I like keeping things a little mysterious.
I have a very private side.
I can handle intensity.
I have immense willpower and resourcefulness.
I don't avoid the negative.
People tend to be attracted to me.
I tend to have a healing effect on others.
I can be very silent when I want to.
I can control and direct my inner dimensions more than most people.
I feel people intuitively.
I transform my darkest experiences into light.
I have a powerful ability to help others to transform themselves.
My power is guided by my love.
I try to control my vengeful nature, return love in the face of betrayal.
I am powerfully connected to something spiritual.
I am very passionate.
I can be very intimate.
I truly feel that sex is as natural as eating.
I love oral sex.
I enjoy having money.
When someone has earned my trust, I am fiercely loyal to them.
I have tremendous healing energy.
I transmute my negative emotions and judgments into love.


I think life should be fun.
I don't like work.
I think it is important to have a sense of humor.
I would like to travel the world.
I love freedom.
I love animals.
I like being with groups of people for social activities.
I believe in Truth.
I love God.
We all have so many gifts.
I believe in some kind of Divine Power.
I am good at praising others.
I should know others don't need to believe the same things i believe.
I believe in living my truth and setting a positive example.
I am right-brained (the creative/intuitive half).
I know that you have to commit to some beliefs to make your life meaningful.
I want to know as much as possible
I love my friends.
I should learn that others don't need to be into the same things i am into.
I have big plans/dreams.
I am naturally lucky, and I attract positive opportunities to myself.
I believe in expanding your mind.
Community is so important to me.
We all need to come together.
I work with imagination and intuition.
I am very honest.
Like a child, I say what I think.
I should be less blunt if my words are going to hurt someone's feelings.
I don't like things to get boring or routine.


I am a very responsible person.
I have tremendous will power.
I can accomplish whatever I want to.
I want to make my mark on the world.
I can work very hard.
I believe in taking on my share of responsibility for others/the world.
I can receive as much as I give.
I am very mature.
I am very practical.
I appreciate difficult experiences because the most growth comes through them.
If I set my sights on a goal, I can work on it long and hard.
I value my family.
I believe in respecting and looking to the elders.
I don't let my parents' opinions and feelings influence me too much.
Tradition is very important.
I think that in the past, people have lived as well or better than we do.
It is one of the most fulfilling things to achieve something real in the world.
I should learn that having other people like me is not always important.
I learn that being successful in the world will not necessarily make me happy.
I enjoy making money.
I appreciate being recognized for the things that I have done.
I don't just believe anything; I need to see it proven to some extent.
I can be serious when I need to be.
I can sacrifice to give to others.
I like to fit in and get along with others.


I am weird.
I care so much about the common good.
It is important to better the quality of life for future generations.
I believe rules were made to be broken.
I know that anything is possible.
It's good to shake everything up every once in a while.
If we were less attached to things, there would be far less suffering in the world.
I appreciate all differences among people.
I am glad to be on planet Earth.
Universal brotherhood/sisterhood is possible, and I believe in it.
Technology is a good thing.
I am in my body.
I should learn to love being in my body.
It's best to be open to experiment with almost anything.
It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of you.
Aliens exist.
I am friendly to everyone I meet.
I like to say: "I love you".
I need my freedom.
It's good to be ahead of your time.
Everyone is equal.
I like to do volunteer service.
It's important to end racism and prejudice.
Intuitive flashes provide the best information.
The human mind has produced amazing and wonderful things.


I care about everyone.
Sometimes its best to sacrifice selfish interests for the sake of others.
I can cry.
Compassion is the highest virtue.
It's all relative.
Poets are among the most enlightened people.
Art and music are truly sacred.
When my feelings get going, it's hard for me to stop.
I do not like to drink alcohol or do drugs.
Dance is truly sacred.
This reality is one of many.
It's easy for me to surrender my life to a Higher Power.
I should try not to indulge in sadness.
All of life is interconnected.
The greatest wisdom is paradoxical and illogical.
It's best to trust your intuition, even when it doesn't make good, common sense.
I can feel the pain of the world.
I often feel like a victim.
Dreams are just as real as our world, but in a different way.
It's best to live a spiritual life.
I live to infuse life with magic.
When I give a lot to others, i do not feel like they owe me anything.
I encourage others to feel their feelings.
I can put others ahead of myself when it's appropriate.
Everything has life and energy.
I believe in dedicating your life to serving others.
"Though the seas threaten, they are merciful. I have cursed them without cause."
S.C. is offline  
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Old 03.04.2008., 20:21   #4
Isto tako, svatko od nas ima neki znak (ili znakove) za koje moze reci da mu "ne odgovaraju", da se ne slazu ili ne razumiju. Vrlo je bitno uzeti u obzir koji je to znak i sto on predstavlja, prilikom tumacenja nase vlastite osobnosti.

Moze se reci da su to one karakteristike koje mi nismo na pravi nacin razumjeli, prihvatili i integrirali u sebe te kada ih takve primjetimo u drugima, izazivaju nase negodovanje. Ili s druge strane, kada ih vidimo lijepo integrirane, u nama pocinje djelovati ljubomora.

Bez obzira na ova objasnjenja, Astrologija je ovdje da nam ukaze na vlastite vrijednosti, sposobnosti i mogucnosti......te na nasu vlastitu odgovornost nad nasim zivotom. A koliko se cesto moze cuti: Ah, ti Ovnovi (umetnite po volji), samo mi zivce dizu/donose nesrecu/cine me nesretnim/pokvare stvar......

Najcesce znak na koji se tako obrusavamo predstavlja one karakteristike na kojima sami trebamo poraditi.

Pa evo nekih:

Aries : Ability to pursue self-interest; Ability to break from tradition; Assertiveness; Directness; Self-expression; Independence; Honoring oneself and what one wants; Passion for physical activity; Energy; Passion for what is right and true

Taurus : Ability to take care of oneself; Peacefulness; Gentleness; Ability to enjoy sensuality/material things; Communion with nature; Going slowly; Patience; Stability; Dependability; Enjoying the present; Indulging in simple pleasures; Enjoying life; Self-sufficiency; Simplicity

Gemini : Not being too attached to honesty; Ability to speak freely; Not taking things too seriously; Valuing mental stimulation; Not demanding loyalty from others; Enjoying the freedom to move around; Flirtatiousness; Enjoying socializing; Valuing non-commitment

Cancer : Honoring "neediness"; Honoring the importance of family; Sensitivity; Expressing emotion; Taking care of others; Valuing peace/harmony with others; Humility; Thrift; Ability to be "in the background," receptive, feminine

Leo : Loving yourself, Celebrating yourself; Fulfilling yourself; Expressing all of yourself; Teaching/leading; Having authority; Playing; Loving children; Believing in yourself; Having a sunny disposition

Virgo : Humility; Thirst for personal growth; Interest in health/diet; Sharp eye/analysis for flaws/detail; Discipline; Organization; Ability to serve others; Neatness; Working hard

Libra : Ability to yield/cooperate; Valuing relationship/marriage, Valuing beauty/nice things; Emotional strength/independence; Valuing balance/avoiding extremes; Seeing the other side of the story; Valuing friendship

Scorpio : Intensity; Valuing the dark; Valuing intimacy; Valuing money; Interest in breaking taboos; Sexuality; Power; Interest in "the mysteries"; Interest in healing; Ability to keep silent/to oneself; Spirituality; Feeling all feelings; charisma

Sagittarius : Youthfulness; Valuing travel; Valuing freedom; Valuing religion; Positivity; Looking on the bright side; Noticing the good things in others; Having fun; Honesty; Uprightness; Leadership by example; Interest in philosophy/systems of thought; Valuing intuition/the higher mind; Enjoying trends; Happiness

Capricorn : Maturity; Dedication; Groundedness; Interest in getting along with others/fitting in; Contributing to society; Hard work; Enjoyment of wealth/fame/position/physical existence; Taking on responsibility; Self-sufficiency; Not avoiding the negative; Frugality

Aquarius : Friendliness; Tolerance; Interest in community; Interest in the greater good; Valuing of friends; Eccentricity; Progressiveness; Appreciating others; Originality/new ideas/doing things a new way; Splitting from traditional ways; Emotional independence; Openness to experimentation/excitement

Pisces : Compassion; Sensitivity; Valuing of art as art; Ability to yield; Surrender to a Higher Reality; Feeling feelings; Valuing service; Giving to others; Spirituality; Valuing dance; Taking care of others; Humility

Evo, necu reci da ne volim Vage, ali princip Vage mi nikako ne "lezi". Da ne ulazim u detalje, mogu samo reci da u mom horoskopu ionako nedostaje opozicija (i inkonjunkcija) pa je vec i iz toga jasno da mi je tesko uspostaviti tu ravnotezu, uzeti u obzir drugu stranu, nauciti kooperirati, osvjestiti suprotnosti te objema dati priliku (sto Vaga jako dobro zna).

Isto tako, moj Suncev znak Skorpiona ne da mi da pobjegnem od ekstrema - ili je crno ili je bijelo.....nema kao kod Vage sivog.

Drugi znak kojeg "ne volim" je Lav, iako nemam neki poseban razlog. No, nije tesko zakljuciti da je malo teze integrirati u sebe sunny - celebrating yourself - znak kad si Scorpio/Capricorn osoba.
Da ne spominjem - expressing all of yourself.

Zabavljajte se.
"Though the seas threaten, they are merciful. I have cursed them without cause."
S.C. is offline  
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Old 08.04.2008., 20:15   #5
Baš mi je čudno da ova tema nije zaživila. Mene je odma zainteresirala, ali nisam baš imala vremena da se pozabavim ovim pustim izjavama.
Moram priznati da su mene neki rezultati pomalo iznenadili. Najviše sam se složila sa izjavama za vodenjaka. To mi je onako nigdje veze, vodenjaci ko ljudi su mi ok ali znam ih malen broj i nismo si nešto specijalno dobri. MC mi je u vodenjaku, Uran u jarcu i sve nekim lošim aspektima, uključujući i opoziciju sa suncem
Slijede rak, strijelac i blizanci. Ja sam rak/blizanac pa mi je to jasno. Blizanci su mi dragi, mada često povrijede, ali opraštam im jer znam da nije namjerno. Rakove baš i ne volim, nemam pojma zašto, možda jer smo preslični. Ne sviđa mi se račija cendravost. Ne sviđa mi se moja cendravost DSC mi je u strijelcu, a jupiter u konjukciji sa mjesecom(vladar sunčevog znaka). Mada mi ovo više vuči da bi karakteristike strijelaca trebale biti nešto što meni fali, a ne da ih imam na pretek. Inače sviđaju mi se strijelci kao ljudi, zabavni su i znaju se pobrinuti za sebe. To su većinom ljudi koji su sretni svojim životom kakav jeste i znaju izvući najbolej od dana, uvijek se smiju.
Najmanje sam se složila sa izjavama Ovnova, koje obožavam, a i mars mi je u ovnu, ali je kukavac sa svih strana pritisnut kvadratima i Škorpiona sa kojim se super slažem ali mi nekako ne leži njihova mračnost...Većina mojih partnera su bili ovnovi i škorpioni
Ne postoji neki znak koji ne volim, recimo da mi ribe i djevice nisu baš nešto ekstra drage. Djevice, posebno muške su mi na prvu nenormalno odbojne, ali s vremenom se složimo. Pretpostavljam da je to zbog naglašenosti blizanaca kod mene. A Ribe baš i ne znam zašto...možda što u svom horoskopu nemam ništa značajno, a da je povezano s njima. Ipak ovdje ispade da su mi oni na nekoj sredini ljestvice
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Old 09.04.2008., 01:10   #6
ćićolina kaže: Pogledaj post
Baš mi je čudno da ova tema nije zaživila.

To se Blizanci iz nasih podznaka vole zabavljati, pa im cudno kako drugi ne.

Moram priznati da su mene neki rezultati pomalo iznenadili. Najviše sam se složila sa izjavama za vodenjaka. To mi je onako nigdje veze, vodenjaci ko ljudi su mi ok ali znam ih malen broj i nismo si nešto specijalno dobri. MC mi je u vodenjaku, Uran u jarcu i sve nekim lošim aspektima, uključujući i opoziciju sa suncem
Da, kuzim sto hoces reci. To sto kazes da ih ne znas puno i da nemas neki specijalni odnos s njima: pa ne znaci da se svi Uranci moraju medjusobno slagati. Ja, s druge strane ne mogu reci da sam se slozila s vecinom izjava za Vodenjaka ali priznajem da ima dosta uranskog u mojoj osobnosti......a nije da me Vodenjaci pretjerano odusevljavaju. Osim ako nije rijec o Mjesecu u Vodenjaku, to je posebno fatalan polozaj za mene. Moj Uran u konjunkciji s DSC-om mi valjda odredjuje da mora biti tako.

Vidim da imamo jako slican polozaj kuca po znakovima. A ti imas istaknutog Urana koliko mi se cini. Vodenjak na MC-u, Uran u kontaktu sa Suncem......i jos s cime......bez obzira na "lose aspekte"?

DSC mi je u strijelcu, a jupiter u konjukciji sa mjesecom(vladar sunčevog znaka). Mada mi ovo više vuči da bi karakteristike strijelaca trebale biti nešto što meni fali, a ne da ih imam na pretek.
Ne mora biti, ja isto imam Strijelca na DSC-u pa sam uspjela uravnoteziti i te karakteristike s onim blizanackim na ASC-u. A tebi je Jupiter u konjunkciji s Mjesecom. To nije zanemarivo, pogotovo sto ti je Sunce u Raku. Meni je pak Jupiter na drugi nacin naglasen. Kada sam isla po izjavama najvise se i jesam "poistovjetila" sa Skorpionom i Strijelcem. Osim toga, iz cisto zivotnog iskustva, izrazito se skladno poklapam sa strijelackim energijama.
"Though the seas threaten, they are merciful. I have cursed them without cause."
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Old 09.04.2008., 10:58   #7
ne sviđa mi se princip vodenjaka (iako imam mjesec tamo) i vage (podznak )...sviđa mi se princip strijelca i ovna...iako u rl, takvi ljudi mi idu na živce...zavidim im.
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Old 09.04.2008., 16:09   #8
S.C. kaže: Pogledaj post
To se Blizanci iz nasih podznaka vole zabavljati, pa im cudno kako drugi ne.
Neshvaćeni smo

S.C. kaže: Pogledaj post
Da, kuzim sto hoces reci. To sto kazes da ih ne znas puno i da nemas neki specijalni odnos s njima: pa ne znaci da se svi Uranci moraju medjusobno slagati.
To valjda po principu da se sličnosti odbijaju

S.C. kaže: Pogledaj post
...a nije da me Vodenjaci pretjerano odusevljavaju. Osim ako nije rijec o Mjesecu u Vodenjaku, to je posebno fatalan polozaj za mene. Moj Uran u konjunkciji s DSC-om mi valjda odredjuje da mora biti tako.
Imala sam ja jednog fatalnog sa mjesecom u vodenjaku, i to mi se baš navalio na MC. Njegov mjesec, venera i mars su u konjukciji sa mojim MC-om...

S.C. kaže: Pogledaj post
Vidim da imamo jako slican polozaj kuca po znakovima. A ti imas istaknutog Urana koliko mi se cini. Vodenjak na MC-u, Uran u kontaktu sa Suncem......i jos s cime......bez obzira na "lose aspekte"?
Hehe...uran mi je jedini planet koji aspektira sunce, ima još opoziciju sa jupiterom i kvadrat s marsom...Ne bavim se dugo ovim, ali nisam nikad ni naslućivala da bi mogla imati nešto uransko u sebi

S.C. kaže: Pogledaj post
Meni je pak Jupiter na drugi nacin naglasen. Kada sam isla po izjavama najvise se i jesam "poistovjetila" sa Skorpionom i Strijelcem. Osim toga, iz cisto zivotnog iskustva, izrazito se skladno poklapam sa strijelackim energijama.
Meni su oni jako dragi ljudi, zrače nekom jakom životnom energijom. Gušt mi je sa njim razgovarati i onaj inertni dio moje osobnosti pokreću bez po' muke, a to mi se sviđa Kako je tvoj jupiter aspektiran?
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Old 11.04.2008., 03:13   #9
ćićolina kaže: Pogledaj post
Neshvaćeni smo
Ma nego. Samo, Vodenjaci su prisvojili tu izjavu, eh.

Hehe...uran mi je jedini planet koji aspektira sunce, ima još opoziciju sa jupiterom i kvadrat s marsom...Ne bavim se dugo ovim, ali nisam nikad ni naslućivala da bi mogla imati nešto uransko u sebi
Pa usvojila si vodenjacke fraze, ako nista drugo.

Meni su oni jako dragi ljudi, zrače nekom jakom životnom energijom. Gušt mi je sa njim razgovarati i onaj inertni dio moje osobnosti pokreću bez po' muke, a to mi se sviđa Kako je tvoj jupiter aspektiran?
Isto djeluju na mene.

Jupiter u elevaciji, najblizi MC-u (u Vodenjaku), uzajamna recepcija s Uranom, kvadrat Venera/Pluton (Pluton vlada Suncem), sekstil Merkur (Vladar karte), trigon Mars, trigon Chiron. Rekla bih da je OK aspektiran.
"Though the seas threaten, they are merciful. I have cursed them without cause."
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