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Domovinski rat Domovinski rat bez politike

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Old 02.07.2005., 10:46   #1
Operacija Una, 18. rujna 1995.

Franjo Tudjman and the late Minister of Defence, Gojko Susak, the two most powerful national figures at that time, were responsible for the death of 50 soldiers from elite Croatian units - the First and Second Guard Brigades

Recently on Pantovcak, transcripts of conversations were found which uncover the scandalous way in which one of the most mysterious and unsuccessful war operations by the Croatian Army, "Operation Una" was led.

Firstly, Operation Una went ahead without the knowledge of the then-head of Chief Headquarters, Cervenko however it was known to the late Minister of Defence, Gojko Susak who was in accordance with President Tudjman. Of the top officials who knew of the operation were General Vinko Vrbanac, Operative executive head of GS HV, Admiral Davor Domazet and General Ante Gotovina

Information provided for Nacional from top military circles said two poorly judged decisions were made. Not even in line with basic military logic, at a totally inappropriate time, sometime after noon, in the middle of the day ,the units began penetrating the river. The water level was too high and the Una was too fast for such a tactical maneuver. The boat overturned. Aside from that, scouts did not test the terrain prior to crossing the river, a bridge-head was not established, so the "Tiger" and "Thunder" units, who were not expecting any real resistance, fell into, as one Nacional source said, a hornets nest. Serbian forces had not retreated, they were well trenched and began to fire from all sorts of weapons. Once they saw what was happening, the team which led the operation got scared and the operation simply fell apart.

It was becoming apparent that not enough forces had been gathered to see the operation successfully through to the end. On the other hand, the expected support from the Fifth Corpus of the Bosnia-Hercegovinian army failed to arrive, they remained stationary in the region of Bosanska Krupe and Otoke.
balkanac is offline  
Old 02.07.2005., 10:48   #2
Ovo malo baca drugacije svjetlo na tvrdnje nekih na forumu o nepobjedivoj HV.
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Old 02.07.2005., 10:52   #3
Aftermath je i 35 ubijenih civila u Bos. Dubici:



Members of the 2nd Guard Brigade "Thunders" and members of the l7th, 2nd and lst Home Guard Regiments also participated in this attack. Members of the 2nd Guard Brigade's Shock Unit called "'The Black Mambas" had a special role in the killing of civilians.

On that occasion, members of the Croatian Army were killing all the Serbs, civilians, whom they found on the route of their advance. The attack was directed toward the KNEŽOPOLJKA (TIK) factory, which was in operation at the time. They killed the largest number of civilians on the plateau in front of the KNEŽOPOLJKA factory.

Tu je detaljan izvjestaj o dogadjaju i spisak poginulih

Ovo govori i o 'pojedinacnim' zlocinima koje su pocinile snage HV.
balkanac is offline  
Old 02.07.2005., 13:50   #4
balkanac kaže:

The boat overturned. Aside from that, scouts did not test the terrain prior to crossing the river, a bridge-head was not established, so the "Tiger" and "Thunder" units, who were not expecting any real resistance, fell into, as one Nacional source said, a hornets nest. Serbian forces had not retreated, they were well trenched and began to fire from all sorts of weapons. Once they saw what was happening, the team which led the operation got scared and the operation simply fell apart.mna
It was becoming apparent that not enough forces had been gathered to see the operation successfully through to the end. On the other hand, the expected support from the Fifth Corpus of the Bosnia-Hercegovinian army failed to arrive, they remained stationary in the region of Bosanska Krupe and Otoke.
balkanac kaže:
Aftermath je i 35 ubijenih civila u Bos. Dubici:



On that occasion, members of the Croatian Army were killing all the Serbs, civilians, whom they found on the route of their advance. The attack was directed toward the KNEŽOPOLJKA (TIK) factory, which was in operation at the time. They killed the largest number of civilians on the plateau in front of the KNEŽOPOLJKA factory.

Tu je detaljan izvjestaj o dogadjaju i spisak poginulih

Ovo govori i o 'pojedinacnim' zlocinima koje su pocinile snage HV.
Hmmmm nisu uspjeli preći Unu jer nisu imali dovoljno vojske i jer su ih "hrabri" srbi dočekali ukopani na drugoj strani a onda u drugom dijelu isti ti koji nisu uspjeli preći rijeku počinili neke zločine. Lažov ostaje lažov.
"Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed."
Škorpion_07 is offline  
Old 02.07.2005., 14:00   #5
Iz priloženog je očito da je HV, a to znači njeno vodstvo radilo neprofesionalno, neekonomično, bez strategije, naivno, glupo.
Ne samo da nisu bili sposobni suprotstaviti se neprijatelju, već nisu mogli svladati ni prirodne prepreke.

Najgore od svega, pobjegli sa ratišta ko zadnje kukavice.

Ovo sve govori i o Gotovini, zar ne? Koliko je on zapravo dobar vojnik, strateg. Izgleda da mu mozak ne vrijedi više od topovskog mesa.
Old 02.07.2005., 14:06   #6
tovariš Ris XI kaže:
Iz priloženog je očito da je HV, a to znači njeno vodstvo radilo neprofesionalno, neekonomično, bez strategije, naivno, glupo.
Ne samo da nisu bili sposobni suprotstaviti se neprijatelju, već nisu mogli svladati ni prirodne prepreke.

Najgore od svega, pobjegli sa ratišta ko zadnje kukavice.

Ovo sve govori i o Gotovini, zar ne? Koliko je on zapravo dobar vojnik, strateg. Izgleda da mu mozak ne vrijedi više od topovskog mesa.
Konjino, te "kukavice" su bar bile na ratištu i te "kukavice" su tebi omogućile da pišeš ovakva sranja po forumu.
"Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed."
Škorpion_07 is offline  
Old 02.07.2005., 14:17   #7
Škorpion_07 kaže:
Konjino, te "kukavice" su bar bile na ratištu i te "kukavice" su tebi omogućile da pišeš ovakva sranja po forumu.

Čemu uvrede? Tvoja rečenica i bez prve riječi sve govori.
Simba-OS is offline  
Old 02.07.2005., 14:42   #8

Čemu uvrede? Tvoja rečenica i bez prve riječi sve govori.

Duhovna nemoc.
Velebit is offline  
Old 02.07.2005., 15:10   #9
Škorpion_07 kaže:
Hmmmm nisu uspjeli preći Unu jer nisu imali dovoljno vojske i jer su ih "hrabri" srbi dočekali ukopani na drugoj strani a onda u drugom dijelu isti ti koji nisu uspjeli preći rijeku počinili neke zločine. Lažov ostaje lažov.

Ako pogledas detaljnije govori se o liniji od 50tak kilometara. Prelazak se desio u blizini Kozarske Dubice, a nisu uspjeli prijeci 20 kilometara uzvodno, kod Kostajnice. VRS je ionako bila toliko razvucena da niti blizu nisu mogli cuvat cijele granice.
balkanac is offline  
Old 02.07.2005., 17:08   #10

In actuality, an illegal air war was waged on Yugoslavia, an independent nation, a founding member of the United Nations and a Western Ally in two World Wars because it refused foreign troops on its soil. Any other justifications are post facto rationalizations.

A tek ovo:

The Centre for Peace in the Balkans is a non profit Toronto based corporation whose members are actively engaged in the collection of information and materials related to the region with the goal of scrutinizing the reasoning and assumptions, both cultural and geopolitical, behind the West’s flawed Balkan strategy and providing support and alternative solutions to the conflict management process in the Balkans.

The Centre is also working towards eliminating the discriminatory practices which currently exist in Canada for individuals from Balkan region and is engaged in the continued action of bringing NATO military and political leaders to stand trial at a independent tribunal for the crimes they committed in Yugoslavia.

** Government is a disease masquerading as its own cure.
newcomer is offline  
Old 02.07.2005., 18:02   #11
newcomer kaže:

A tek ovo:

Nista od toga nije tajna. Oni su samo naveli dva razlicita izvora. Inace, spomenik poginulim tigrovima mozes vidjeti kod mosta u Hrvatskoj Kostajnici, a isto tako nije tesko dokazati niti nesto vise od 30 poginulih Srba na drugoj strani rijeke.
balkanac is offline  
Old 02.07.2005., 19:35   #12
balkanac kaže:
Ovo malo baca drugacije svjetlo na tvrdnje nekih na forumu o nepobjedivoj HV.

za razliku od tvoje malenkosti - kojoj su sve ovo "linkovi" - jebiga ovdje ima ljudi koji su poznavali recimo one neke - sad već davno nepostojće - ljude koji su ginuli po zasjedama i slične "pizdarije" o kojima ti sad "otvaraš oči" puku s IMF - svojim linkovoljastim pričicama...

nadam se da si JAKO SIGURAN U RAZLOGE zbog kojih to činiš

Those who do not move, do not notice their chains
NOlogo is offline  
Old 02.07.2005., 19:43   #13

Neka se zna istina.
Velebit is offline  
Old 02.07.2005., 21:25   #14
NOlogo kaže:
za razliku od tvoje malenkosti - kojoj su sve ovo "linkovi" - jebiga ovdje ima ljudi koji su poznavali recimo one neke - sad već davno nepostojće - ljude koji su ginuli po zasjedama i slične "pizdarije" o kojima ti sad "otvaraš oči" puku s IMF - svojim linkovoljastim pričicama...

nadam se da si JAKO SIGURAN U RAZLOGE zbog kojih to činiš

Jos jednom, zaista, nije mi cilj provocirati. Svjestan sam da je moguce da je neko poznavao ljude kojih vise nema. Isto kao sto i ja na svojoj strani imam u obitelji civila koji je hladnokrvno ubijen. Misljenja sam, da, kada bi Hrvatska usla u otvoreni rat protiv RS, a ne povremenim slanjem brigada u pomoc muslimanima, ili cak i vecim operacijama poput one kada ste zauzeli veci dio jugozapadne Bosne, Republike Srpske vise ne bi bilo. Ako nista, cista matematika. 4 milijuna Hrvata, 2.5 milijuna muslimana, naprema milijun Srba u Bosni (koji su '95 vec bili jako slabo naoruzani.. najbolje je da niti ne znate sa koliko metaka su ljudi slani na bojiste).. Sa kolikim zrtvama i kako je pitanje ali citav bataljun jedija tu ne bi promijenio konacni ishod.
Potaknut sam bio nakon jedne diskusije u kojoj je receno kako ste osvajali teritorije kao iz pi*ke da pokazem kako stvari nikada nisu crno-bijele.
Isto vazi i za pocinjene zlocine. Bilo ih je.

Nije mi cilj otvarati stare rane.. misljenja sam da ih treba prihvatiti i krenuti naprijed. Nikakva nova jugoslavija, to necemo ni mi ni vi, nego dobrosusjedstvo.

balkanac is offline  
Old 02.07.2005., 21:54   #15
Ovo sve govori i o Gotovini, zar ne? Koliko je on zapravo dobar vojnik, strateg. Izgleda da mu mozak ne vrijedi više od topovskog mesa.
Tko je planirao UNU??????
Car je go
Fourier is offline  
Old 02.07.2005., 22:02   #16
Fourier kaže:
Tko je planirao UNU??????
Od politickog vodstva, Tudjman i Susak, a od vojnog Vinko Vrbanac, Davor Domazet i Ante Gotovina. Zvonimir Cervenko, ocito nije znao o cemu se radi. Pitanje je ciji je plan bio, ali gorenavedeni su bili upoznati sa akcijom.
balkanac is offline  
Old 02.07.2005., 22:13   #17
tovariš Ris XI kaže:
Ovo sve govori i o Gotovini, zar ne? Koliko je on zapravo dobar vojnik, strateg. Izgleda da mu mozak ne vrijedi više od topovskog mesa.
Blento, Gotovina je bio na juznom bojistu.

Znas li ti gdje je Una uopce???

Najbolje mi je kad ovako pocnu o necemu o cemu nemaju pojma.
Vanjushka is offline  
Old 02.07.2005., 22:37   #18
newcomer kaže:

In actuality, an illegal air war was waged on Yugoslavia, an independent nation, a founding member of the United Nations and a Western Ally in two World Wars because it refused foreign troops on its soil. Any other justifications are post facto rationalizations.

A tek ovo:

The Centre for Peace in the Balkans is a non profit Toronto based corporation whose members are actively engaged in the collection of information and materials related to the region with the goal of scrutinizing the reasoning and assumptions, both cultural and geopolitical, behind the West’s flawed Balkan strategy and providing support and alternative solutions to the conflict management process in the Balkans.

The Centre is also working towards eliminating the discriminatory practices which currently exist in Canada for individuals from Balkan region and is engaged in the continued action of bringing NATO military and political leaders to stand trial at a independent tribunal for the crimes they committed in Yugoslavia.

Jos jedna srpska organizacija pod plastom NGO.
LjutiBronxBomber is offline  
Old 02.07.2005., 22:38   #19
balkanac kaže:
Ovo malo baca drugacije svjetlo na tvrdnje nekih na forumu o nepobjedivoj HV.
Nitko nije rekao da je HV bio "nepobjediv." Gdje si to procitao? No, u odnosu na srpske snage, "ratnike" i "delije," bolje bi bilo da sutis....

Jer ocito obraza nemas, niti stida poznajes.
LjutiBronxBomber is offline  
Old 02.07.2005., 22:39   #20
LjutiBronxBomber kaže:

Jos jedna srpska organizacija pod plastom NGO.
Cak i da je tako, ovo je tema o nespornom dogadjaju, a i naveli su u potpunosti hrvatski izvor.
balkanac is offline  
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