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Old 02.04.2017., 19:30   #41
EliEliLama kaže: Pogledaj post
Samo ta dva slova vizuelno zajedno su PI a i podjeljena jedno s drugim daju PI.

To ima samo Hebrejski..
Dobra aproksimacija.

22/7 is a widely used Diophantine approximation of π. It is a convergent in the simple continued fraction expansion of π. It is greater than π, as can be readily seen in the decimal expansions of these values:

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Old 08.04.2017., 12:46   #42
EliEliLama kaže: Pogledaj post
Samo ta dva slova vizuelno zajedno su PI a i podjeljena jedno s drugim daju PI.

To ima samo Hebrejski..

Koje od ovih izgleda kao pi kada se spoji sa Zayin?
Evo, pobijedi Lav iz plemena Judina, Korijen Davidov, on će otvoriti knjigu i sedam pečata njezinih
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Old 08.04.2017., 15:00   #43
Evo vam još analogije iz Hebrejske tradicije vezano za PI.

Menora je 7 svjećnjaka koji su sedam koncentričnih kružnica prepolevljenih jer je preslika na zemlju dok drugi obrnuti dio kad se spoji s tim zemaljskim menorom tvori krug a 22 slova Aleph Beisa su raspoređene po kružnici.
Isto tako lice božije Metatron ili korektnije malo lice je jer bog je veliko lice ili beskonačnost a malo lice je gematrijske vrijednosti 314.

Sad će netko reći vidi krkana 3kako je površan našao 314 pa odmah PI povezica tobože...Metatronova kružnica ili točnije cvijet života koji je sjecište kružnica je poznato u misticizmu tisućama godina kao Merkaba koćije.
Metatron je po Hebrejskom misticizmu i onaj koji je u viziji Mojsiju objašnjavao kako se sile raspoređuju u u univerzumu.
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Old 08.04.2017., 15:32   #44
Gilgal ili kruznica u Hebrejskom misticizmu zauzima centralno znacenje.Kad se doda Tau i Alef ili prvo i posljednje imamo Golgotu famozni misterij evandjelja.
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Old 08.04.2017., 19:15   #45
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Old 09.04.2017., 00:58   #46
Ask The Rabbi » The Bible » Prophets & Writings » Book Of Kings
Torah Source for Pi
I am a scientist and enjoy studying the Torah lessons found on But from a professional standpoint, I feel that scientific information is more accurate and reliable. Is that a valid perspective?

The Aish Rabbi Replies:

Yes and no. on one hand, when it comes to things like medicine, we have to rely on modern science. Yet on the other hand, we have seen time and again where science evolves its theories, and something that was once considered crazy - like the Big bang - becomes accepted as fact.

The Torah is absolute and immutable, and there are many examples of how the Torah reflects a deeper scientific wisdom. Here's one:

The verse says: "[King Solomon] made a molten sea of 10 cubits from rim to rim, with a round circumference, five cubits in height, and a 30-cubit line of circumference." (1-Kings 7:23, 2-Chronicles 4:2)

The verse describes King Solomon's pool as a circular structure with a circumference of 30 cubits and a diameter of 10 cubits. Thus: 30 divided by 10 equals 3. This value is considered a very primitive approximation of Pi.

Historians have generally attributed the first close approximation of Pi to the Egyptians, in their construction of the Great Pyramid, as described by Abbe Moreux in his "La Science Mysterieuse des Pharaons" (Paris, 1923).

Now let's look at the writings of The Vilna Gaon (18th century Lithuania), who writes:

In each of the two Biblical verses describing King Solomon's pool, the word for "line" is written differently. What is the possible reason? If we take the gematria (numerical value) of the two spellings, we find something very significant.

The word "line" in 1-Kings 7:23 is spelled Kuf-Vav-Heh, which equals a numerical value of 111. The word "line" in 2-Chronicles 4:2 is spelled Kuf-Vav, a numerical value of 106.

If you calculate the ratio of these two values to four decimal places (1.0472), then multiply by 3 (the biblical value of Pi in its simple reading), the result is 3.1416 - the precise mathematic value of Pi, correct to four decimal places.
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Old 09.04.2017., 01:03   #47
Ajd to je bezveze nategnuto isčupano iz kontexta.
Bespotrebna sramota !
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Old 09.04.2017., 23:58   #48
Molim vas, uz tekstove na stranom jeziku, barem kratak rezime onoga o čemu tekst govori.
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Old 11.04.2017., 22:00   #49
Riječ je o broju PI u Bibliji i objašnjenje za to od Vilne Gaona.
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