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Usamljena srca Lonely Hearts Club Band
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Old 21.11.2017., 21:53   #5721
Rejnna kaže: Pogledaj post
Pa nego...
Kad krepamo, sve bude bolje

Ma što me zafrkavaš ti sa Marsom u Djevici :klap::klap:
Lukavi švaleraj :klap:
Pas possible
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour
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Old 21.11.2017., 22:06   #5722

Wikiceha kaže: Pogledaj post
Pas possible
No andersten ju
Aj em, stupidna
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Old 21.11.2017., 23:53   #5723
Rejnna kaže: Pogledaj post
No andersten ju
Aj em, stupidna
Ok, počet ću 'ablat espanjol
¿Yo? imposible/no es posible

Naglasak je uvijek na aureoli

No zbilja, kaj se sekiraš?
Samo polako, laganini i sve se sredi
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour
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Old 22.11.2017., 00:54   #5724

Wikiceha kaže: Pogledaj post
Ok, počet ću 'ablat espanjol
¿Yo? imposible/no es posible

Naglasak je uvijek na aureoli

No zbilja, kaj se sekiraš?
Samo polako, laganini i sve se sredi

No jo tengo hablar espanjol

Super sam ja, samo se žalkim po malo, da ne bude monotono....
Ovdje niko ne piše sem tebe i mene....
Razbježali se svi,...
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Old 22.11.2017., 01:12   #5725
Rejnna kaže: Pogledaj post

No jo tengo hablar espanjol

Super sam ja, samo se žalkim po malo, da ne bude monotono....
Ovdje niko ne piše sem tebe i mene....
Razbježali se svi,...
Sve žene pričaju španjolski
Pa da, ne kužim di su svi zbrisali
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour
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Old 22.11.2017., 07:29   #5726

Wikiceha kaže: Pogledaj post
Sve žene pričaju španjolski
Pa da, ne kužim di su svi zbrisali
Sa Španjolskim u svijet

Pa mislim da su zbrisali upravo zato što im se ne pari ova zafrkancija kao zanimljiva...
A želje za tumačenjima nema i eto...
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Old 22.11.2017., 08:10   #5727
Danas neptun krece direkt.
Trenutno je u ribama, u mojoj petoj kuci i kvadrira moju veneru u drugoj vec godinu dana.

Zdravo divni svijete, nek jos bolja vremena pocnu.

Sent from my D2403 using Tapatalk
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Old 22.11.2017., 08:13   #5728

Flat kaže: Pogledaj post
Danas neptun krece direkt.
Trenutno je u ribama, u mojoj petoj kuci i kvadrira moju veneru u drugoj vec godinu dana.

Zdravo divni svijete, nek jos bolja vremena pocnu.

Sent from my D2403 using Tapatalk

Moguće uploviš u neku bajkovitu emotivnu vezu

A ja zaboravila da mi je taj Neptun sad na Mjesecu......
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Old 22.11.2017., 12:42   #5729
Neptun ti sad prelazi preko Mjeseca?
Čuvaj se pogrešnih procjena.
Širom otvori oči.
To je stanje totalne iluzije, opčinjenosti nečim što ne valja ili čak uopće ne postoji.
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Old 22.11.2017., 15:02   #5730

Etta kaže: Pogledaj post
Neptun ti sad prelazi preko Mjeseca?
Čuvaj se pogrešnih procjena.
Širom otvori oči.
To je stanje totalne iluzije, opčinjenosti nečim što ne valja ili čak uopće ne postoji.
Tačnije, sad pogledah, Neptun je tranzitno na 11* sada a moj natalni Mjesec je na 29 * Riba

Samo da mi ne prišije kakav problem, nadam se da neće,,,

Pri tom je inače vladar 7 kuće upravo taj Mjesec
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Old 22.11.2017., 15:40   #5731
Daleko je još taj Neptun od tvog Mjeseca. Nije to konjukcija, još će proći godina i godina do toga...
Možeš se opustiti
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Old 22.11.2017., 15:48   #5732

Etta kaže: Pogledaj post
Daleko je još taj Neptun od tvog Mjeseca. Nije to konjukcija, još će proći godina i godina do toga...
Možeš se opustiti
O, pa onda je situacija još i dobra.

Jer mi je dovoljan ovaj tranzitni Saturn u 12 kući, tačno na natalnom Neptunu....
A Pluton na asc na JMC......

Dosta je biloo lekcija meni za naredne par godina.....
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Old 22.11.2017., 17:11   #5733
Rejnna kaže: Pogledaj post
O, pa onda je situacija još i dobra.

Jer mi je dovoljan ovaj tranzitni Saturn u 12 kući, tačno na natalnom Neptunu....
A Pluton na asc na JMC......

Dosta je biloo lekcija meni za naredne par godina.....
Meni samaranje traje 6-7 g.
Mislim da je sad gotovo.
Inace, saturn mi je u vagi kao i tebi pa mi je nakon saturnovog povratka, saturn ubrzo usao u prvu kucu.
Veselje samo takvo kad se sve spoji.
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Old 22.11.2017., 17:16   #5734
Meni 5-6 godina.
Prvo Saturn kroz 12., pa preko ASC-a, pa po velikoj prvoj kući.
Ne znam dokle to tako.
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Old 22.11.2017., 17:29   #5735
Rejnna kaže: Pogledaj post
Sa Španjolskim u svijet
Pa mislim da su zbrisali upravo zato što im se ne pari ova zafrkancija kao zanimljiva...
A želje za tumačenjima nema i eto...
A gle, kako se svijet nekoć dijelio između Španjolske i Portugala, a kralj Španjolske je bio i kralj Portugala
Ajde, sad je come back

Kako Neptun utječe na mene?
Išao gledati malo na;

Imam sunce u konjunkciji s Uranom, Mjesec u kvadratu sa Saturnom, Merkur u konjunkciji s Venerom i Neptunom, Mars sa Saturnom i Merkurom, Saturn s Neptunom.
I Uran kontra Jupitera i Plutona.
Te Pluton u kvadratu s Merkurom.

Venera-Merkur:+ (avanture/putovanja)
Mars-Merkur:+ (top forma)
Merkur-Neptun:+ (telepatija i snovi, realnost)
Saturn-Neptun:+ (smirenost, jačina) -(moguća razočaranja)
Jupiter-Uran: -(potreba za nezavisnošću)
Pluton-Merkur: -(sklonost ljutnji, potreba za smirivanjem)
Mars-Saturn: +(strpljiva energija)

Za sad mi se čini sve ok?

Transits of the Major Planets

The transits of the outer planets, in other words those furthest from the Sun, have the greatest influence and determine the most important events in life. The more distant a planet and the longer it takes on its path around the Sun, the more lasting are its effects. You might see these longer-term transits below for months.

The minor transits, with their rapid movement, only produce fleeting states of mind, or actions of less significance in everyday life. These will appear in your transit report below for a few days.

The information given below is not valid in isolation. One must also take into account the signs of the Zodiac and the houses where these aspects are found. The position of the planets and their aspects in the natal chart must also be taken into account.

The gift of foretelling by the stars requires a lot of work, but also a lot of tact and human feeling. Never make fatal predictions, as everyone can get things wrong.

549 Conjunction Mercury - Venus

Positive short-term aspect: You could have an amorous adventure, or travel to see your heart's choice. This transit can put you in a good mood. Keep things light today. Express your affection. Focus on harmony.

496 Conjunction Mars - Mercury

Positive aspect: You will feel in top form, like a teenager. You will want to move about, go out, and meet new people. You will know how to express your ideas in a good-humored way, frankly, sincerely, and convincingly. Generally a good time for business with a possibility of new contracts. This is a good time to get going on a project or for studying.

379 Conjunction Mercury - Neptune

Positive aspect: A time when distractions and dreams can make you lose contact with reality, in a mostly positive way. You can be telepathic right now, or at least very perceptive, as your sensors for subtleties are working extremely well. Intuition serves well at the moment. You might speak about dreams and fantasies, give advice to someone in need, persuade someone.

145 Conjunction Saturn - Neptune

Positive aspect: Your faith in yourself will be stronger, your convictions will be reinforced. Some of your doubts will leave you, and you will be convinced of your opinions and ideas.

You will feel calm, your spirit at peace. You will enjoy solitude: you will need to recollect your thoughts in isolated places, far from noise, near water - still water, like a lake.

If this is a conjunction, however, you can experience some disillusionment now. You may be frustrated with those things within that are irrational, such as your own fears, phobias, or anxieties, as you want to make sense of them. There can be resurfacing of old addictions, phobias, and negative habits to be dealt with. There can also be challenges to previously-held belief systems.

-135 Opposition Uranus - Jupiter

Negative aspect: You will greatly need independence, you will feel a prisoner, trapped. You will rebel in order to gain your independence. You will not be able to stand the humdrum everyday existence, you will want to change your life. You will feel ill-at-ease and have the feeling that something amazing is passing you by. Often no big change comes about, so you are left with being ill-at-ease.

-81 Square Pluto - Mercury

Challenging long-term aspect: You may easily get angry over differing opinions, leading you to perhaps exchange unkind words with others during this transit that can last several months. You may be critical and sarcastic more than usual. Watch out for spiteful acts. You may feel you have difficulty controlling yourself.

Your mind may be one-track and you can easily become obsessed over concepts, ideas, people, or projects. Watch for a suspicious attitude that leads you to trouble. Truths may be exposed during this time, about you or about important people in your life, but avoid pushing others for answers, as you may not like what you hear, and it can never be "unheard". When feeling nervous, suspicious, or obsessed over negative issues, consciously try to regain perspective and sense of humor. Tone things down with others. Be gentler in your communications.

72 Conjunction Mars - Saturn

Positive short-term aspect: You are very determined and energetic right now, but also patient. You can be feeling strong and able to carry out your plans. You can be hard and unshakeable in your decisions. You realize your plans with the will-power to overcome any resistance.

Gledao sam i po astru, naobećavali su mi svakakvih lijepih stvari

Koliko gledam (pogledao još osim danas i za 2 tjedna) ima još i ;

38 Trine Uranus - Neptune

Positive long-term aspect: Your faith in yourself and lack of materialism will be obvious now during this transit that can last several months. Intuition and inspiration will be useful for you during this period. Spirituality can be awakened in enlightening ways.
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour
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Old 22.11.2017., 18:11   #5736

Flat kaže: Pogledaj post
Meni samaranje traje 6-7 g.
Mislim da je sad gotovo.
Inace, saturn mi je u vagi kao i tebi pa mi je nakon saturnovog povratka, saturn ubrzo usao u prvu kucu.
Veselje samo takvo kad se sve spoji.
Eto, pretpostavljam da su nam šamaranja onda dolazila u istom vremenu kada je ljepota Saturn imala svoj ugodni povratak....
Sam povratak mi je dao užasne slomove,,,,,dobro nije psihičke, srećom...
Sam Saturn ima tu egzaktru Ve180Saturn šta je gazio u samom njegovom povratku ......

Mene je iskreno mislim iscrpio zato što mi sjedi dugo na Neptunu koji je loše aspektovan donio mi je svašta da bih knjigu mogla napisati ....

Sad se samo pitam dal će me dokusuriti kada stane na asc.....jer sam dovoljno već izmrcvarena da ne znam što da mislim dalje,,,,,,.
Još samo da neko valjkom predje preko mene i da slika bude potpuna....
__________________________________________________ ______________

@Etta, ženo, ja sad baš pišem što će me snaći sa ovim pozicijama koje si prošla.
Reci mi je li ti gore prolaz preko 12 ili 1 kuće ???
Jesi li se "ponovo rodila" kako kažu kada prodje 1 kuću i uzme dušu i krv i sve.....
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Old 22.11.2017., 18:25   #5737

Wikiceha kaže: Pogledaj post
A gle, kako se svijet nekoć dijelio između Španjolske i Portugala, a kralj Španjolske je bio i kralj Portugala
Ajde, sad je come back

Kako Neptun utječe na mene?
Išao gledati malo na;

Imam sunce u konjunkciji s Uranom, Mjesec u kvadratu sa Saturnom, Merkur u konjunkciji s Venerom i Neptunom, Mars sa Saturnom i Merkurom, Saturn s Neptunom.
I Uran kontra Jupitera i Plutona.
Te Pluton u kvadratu s Merkurom.

Venera-Merkur:+ (avanture/putovanja)
Mars-Merkur:+ (top forma)
Merkur-Neptun:+ (telepatija i snovi, realnost)
Saturn-Neptun:+ (smirenost, jačina) -(moguća razočaranja)
Jupiter-Uran: -(potreba za nezavisnošću)
Pluton-Merkur: -(sklonost ljutnji, potreba za smirivanjem)
Mars-Saturn: +(strpljiva energija)

Za sad mi se čini sve ok?

Transits of the Major Planets

The transits of the outer planets, in other words those furthest from the Sun, have the greatest influence and determine the most important events in life. The more distant a planet and the longer it takes on its path around the Sun, the more lasting are its effects. You might see these longer-term transits below for months.

The minor transits, with their rapid movement, only produce fleeting states of mind, or actions of less significance in everyday life. These will appear in your transit report below for a few days.

The information given below is not valid in isolation. One must also take into account the signs of the Zodiac and the houses where these aspects are found. The position of the planets and their aspects in the natal chart must also be taken into account.

The gift of foretelling by the stars requires a lot of work, but also a lot of tact and human feeling. Never make fatal predictions, as everyone can get things wrong.

549 Conjunction Mercury - Venus

Positive short-term aspect: You could have an amorous adventure, or travel to see your heart's choice. This transit can put you in a good mood. Keep things light today. Express your affection. Focus on harmony.

496 Conjunction Mars - Mercury

Positive aspect: You will feel in top form, like a teenager. You will want to move about, go out, and meet new people. You will know how to express your ideas in a good-humored way, frankly, sincerely, and convincingly. Generally a good time for business with a possibility of new contracts. This is a good time to get going on a project or for studying.

379 Conjunction Mercury - Neptune

Positive aspect: A time when distractions and dreams can make you lose contact with reality, in a mostly positive way. You can be telepathic right now, or at least very perceptive, as your sensors for subtleties are working extremely well. Intuition serves well at the moment. You might speak about dreams and fantasies, give advice to someone in need, persuade someone.

145 Conjunction Saturn - Neptune

Positive aspect: Your faith in yourself will be stronger, your convictions will be reinforced. Some of your doubts will leave you, and you will be convinced of your opinions and ideas.

You will feel calm, your spirit at peace. You will enjoy solitude: you will need to recollect your thoughts in isolated places, far from noise, near water - still water, like a lake.

If this is a conjunction, however, you can experience some disillusionment now. You may be frustrated with those things within that are irrational, such as your own fears, phobias, or anxieties, as you want to make sense of them. There can be resurfacing of old addictions, phobias, and negative habits to be dealt with. There can also be challenges to previously-held belief systems.

-135 Opposition Uranus - Jupiter

Negative aspect: You will greatly need independence, you will feel a prisoner, trapped. You will rebel in order to gain your independence. You will not be able to stand the humdrum everyday existence, you will want to change your life. You will feel ill-at-ease and have the feeling that something amazing is passing you by. Often no big change comes about, so you are left with being ill-at-ease.

-81 Square Pluto - Mercury

Challenging long-term aspect: You may easily get angry over differing opinions, leading you to perhaps exchange unkind words with others during this transit that can last several months. You may be critical and sarcastic more than usual. Watch out for spiteful acts. You may feel you have difficulty controlling yourself.

Your mind may be one-track and you can easily become obsessed over concepts, ideas, people, or projects. Watch for a suspicious attitude that leads you to trouble. Truths may be exposed during this time, about you or about important people in your life, but avoid pushing others for answers, as you may not like what you hear, and it can never be "unheard". When feeling nervous, suspicious, or obsessed over negative issues, consciously try to regain perspective and sense of humor. Tone things down with others. Be gentler in your communications.

72 Conjunction Mars - Saturn

Positive short-term aspect: You are very determined and energetic right now, but also patient. You can be feeling strong and able to carry out your plans. You can be hard and unshakeable in your decisions. You realize your plans with the will-power to overcome any resistance.

Gledao sam i po astru, naobećavali su mi svakakvih lijepih stvari

Koliko gledam (pogledao još osim danas i za 2 tjedna) ima još i ;

38 Trine Uranus - Neptune

Positive long-term aspect: Your faith in yourself and lack of materialism will be obvious now during this transit that can last several months. Intuition and inspiration will be useful for you during this period. Spirituality can be awakened in enlightening ways.
Koliko teksta, oči mi iskočište !!!

A da ti kažem....
Meni ko pogleda kartu, pitam me odmah čime se bavim, misleći da sam u nauci debelo .....

No praksa je mnogo bitna....

Ti imaš izazovne aspekte, a rekla bih ok život,,,tako da, sudbina nam daje život, prilike i izazove pa kako mu mi uzvratimo...
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Old 22.11.2017., 19:18   #5738
Flat kaže: Pogledaj post
Danas neptun krece direkt.
Trenutno je u ribama
Sent from my D2403 using Tapatalk
ajd fala bogu da će biti manje spletaka,a vise novih spoznaja
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Old 23.11.2017., 00:11   #5739
Rejnna kaže: Pogledaj post
Koliko teksta, oči mi iskočište !!!

A da ti kažem....
Meni ko pogleda kartu, pitam me odmah čime se bavim, misleći da sam u nauci debelo .....
No praksa je mnogo bitna....
Ti imaš izazovne aspekte, a rekla bih ok život,,,tako da, sudbina nam daje život, prilike i izazove pa kako mu mi uzvratimo...
Trudim se

Dobar sam s prstima, pa onda iskače toliko teksta
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour
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Old 23.11.2017., 12:27   #5740

Wikiceha kaže: Pogledaj post
Trudim se

Dobar sam s prstima, pa onda iskače toliko teksta
Pa to je super.
Ne bi bilo loše onda da sviraš klavir
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