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Serije U nastavcima, a nisu sapunice

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Old 07.06.2010., 11:36   #81
Super epizoda
Genijalan kraj
Jedva čekam finale.
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Old 07.06.2010., 12:46   #82
imam jos 10min do kraja, ali moram komentirat..
strgala sam se na scenu iz bolnice sa hankom aahahhahhaha kako mu se izraz face poceo mijenjat i na kraju on u kolicima sa kutijom punom balona, cvijeca i karta ''get well soon''

idem sad zadnjih 10min pogledat
this baby got a temper, you'll never tame her
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Old 07.06.2010., 12:57   #83
(oprostite na prostacenju) AUQURAC koji kraj epizode!!

predobra epizode!
this baby got a temper, you'll never tame her
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Old 07.06.2010., 13:47   #84
Mike: I used to be a beat cop,long time ago,and I'd get called out on
domestic disputes all the time.Hundreds, probably,over the years.But there was this one guy,this one piece of shit,that I will never forget.Gordie. He looked like Bo Svenson.
You remember him?
Walking Tall?
You don't remember?
big boy,
but his wife or whatever she was,his lady was real small,like a bird,wrists like little branches.Hmm. Anyway, my partner and I get
called out there every weekend,and one of us would pull her
aside and we'd say,"Come on, tonight's the night we press charges."
And this wasn't one of those "deep down he really loves me" set-ups.
We got a lot of those,but not this.
This girl was scared.She wasn't going to cross him no way, no how.Nothing we could do but pass her off to the EMTs,put him in the car,drive him downtown,throw him in the drunk tank.
He sleeps it off.
Next morning, out he goes back home.
But one night my partner's out sick, and it's just me.And the call comes in,
and it's the usual crap broken-nose-in-the-shower kind of thing.
So I cuff him,put him in the car,and away we go.
Only that night...we're driving into town,and this sideways asshole is in my back seat humming "Danny Boy."And it just rubbed me wrong.
So instead of left,I go right, out into nowhere.And I kneel him down,and I put my revolver in his mouth,and I told him,
"This is it.
This is how it ends."
And he's crying,going to the bathroom all over himself,swearing to God
he's going to leave her alone,screaming...
as much as you can with a gun in your mouth.
And I told him to be quiet...'cause I need to think about what I was gong to do here.
And of course he got quiet.
Goes still.
And real quiet.
Like a dog waiting for dinner scraps.
Then we just stood there for a while.Me actinglike I'm thinking things over,and Prince Charming kneeling in the dirt with shit in his pants.
And after a few minutes I took the gun out of his mouth,and I say,
"So help me,if you ever touch her again,I will such and such
and such and such and blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah."
Walter: Just a warning?
Mike:Of course.Just trying to do the right thing.
But two weeks later he killed her.
Of course.
Caved her head in with the base of a Waring blender.We got there, there was so much blood, you could taste the metal.
Hmm.The moral of the story is...
I chose a half measure when I should have gone
all the way.
I'll never make that mistake again.
No more half measures, Walter.

tu se totalno osjetilo da ce biti ekspolozivan zavrsetak... iii jao bogme je bio, ovo mi ide ruku pod ruku sa nastavkom One Minute... kad Hanka srede ^^
u finalu sljedi kaos Oo
I got a Nikon camera
I love to take a photograph
So mama, don't take my Kodachrome away
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Old 07.06.2010., 16:13   #85
No more half measures pre, pre predobro

finale ce biti epic, jedva cekam.
No more half measures.
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Old 07.06.2010., 18:15   #86
sad sam pogledala 12. epizodu i suza mi krenula od dobrote

Always be closing.
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Old 07.06.2010., 22:48   #87
sad će još the boss fakat ispast mega gadan lik...i walt i jesse će se morat izvlačit iz tog sranja svega, i guess
odlična 12. epizoda, taj kraj isuse ono s autom je bilo već wow, a onda to pucanje tommy vercetti stil...jakost
Limeni: idem spunat jastučić dok me ne odbaci tokom noći :cry:
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Old 08.06.2010., 12:42   #88
What a Shot! What a Season!

Half Measures - Final Scene (YT)

Vec je netko spomenuo, Half Measures definitivno je u rangu antologijske epizode trece sezone - One Minute.

Was there a moment in this series that was as confounding and damn cool as the final words of the episode? "Run." That's going to stick in our memories for a while. And just like in Season 2, the final moment in the second-to-last episode of the season completely altered the landscape. Now we're hooked. We want more.

God damn that was good.
I mali Pinkman se tim suprotstavljanjem Gusu (plus zadnja scena) iskupio za sva ona prethodna nja-nja pickaranja:

You know, you heard all of that talk about Jesse accepting that he's the bad guy at the start of the season, as if he had changed or at least realized what his role in life was, and suddenly he's not. He's the moral one. It's not a mis-step or contradiction by the creative team at all, it was a character not knowing who or what he really is. He sees children run as a sort of shield for dealers and says "this is wrong," and no one sides with him. The one thing that's kept him from being the bad guy he claims to be--kids--is the one thing that's bringing about his downfall. He's hoisting himself on his own petard.
Svaka cast i kreativnom timu/scenaristima, od srca im zelim naramak Emmyja. Bryan Cranston Emmy Win 2009, hocemo i treceg!

Skyler, koja transformacija lika! Odvalih na onu scenu kad sjedi za compom i zuri u Wikipedijinu stranicu Money laundering. Pravo pitanje je: sto biste vi ucinili da ste na njezinom mjestu? Nista se drugo od nje i nije moglo ocekivati, vraski realna karakterizacija lika.

Odlican komentar s IGN-a: The Pontiac Aztec came outta nowhere to save the day (how's Walt Jr. going to use it for his driving test now?). Enivej, Walt je ubio po drugi puta, to me uopce ne zabrinjava. Sve je receno u komentaru 593: Sad sam pogledala 12. epizodu i suza mi krenula od dobrote. Predivno. Walt je zastitio Jessea, riskirajuci sve.

Kako sad docekat finale: Episode 13: Full Measure.


With Jesse on the run and Mike in hot pursuit, Walt negotiates a bargain with Gus and concocts a disturbing plan to provide for his and Jesse's safety.

p.s. bacite pogled na:



Zadnje uređivanje lie : 04.10.2014. at 17:13. Reason: IMG > 640
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Old 08.06.2010., 18:11   #89
jej i na IGNu su se dotakli monologa od Mike-a meni uistinu sjajan dio nastavka,mislim da bi i on mogao imati kljucnu ulogu u finalu,
ufh ufh jos samo 6 dana
I got a Nikon camera
I love to take a photograph
So mama, don't take my Kodachrome away
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Old 08.06.2010., 23:50   #90
Tko će dočekati zadnju epizodu, ova je bila izvrsna

Samo jedno pitanje - kad će se znati hoće li biti četvrte sezone? Navodno je gledanost ove slabija od prošle sezone...
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Old 09.06.2010., 00:06   #91
Vepar kaže: Pogledaj post
Samo jedno pitanje - kad će se znati hoće li biti četvrte sezone? Navodno je gledanost ove slabija od prošle sezone...
Daj nemoj plasiti ljude.

The third season of ‘Breaking Bad’ premiere’s to the highest ratings of the entire series. With such success, how many more seasons will AMC greenlight before it becomes too much?
S posebnim naglaskom na:

Unless something extremely drastic occurs, there’s no doubt that AMC will renew Breaking Bad for a fourth season. Although, one has to question how long they plan on continuing the series. Despite a consistent increase in ratings, the story of Walter White is somewhat coming to a close.

I’m not saying that’s where the series currently is or that’s where they’ll be next year, but I honestly don’t expect Breaking Bad to go past six seasons. If anything, it looks like they could wrap things up nicely with a fifth and finale season.


A on sumnja za cetvrtu.
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Old 09.06.2010., 08:30   #92
Hej, nitko sretniji od mene ako odmah odobre još nekoliko sezona

Kad sam pisao onaj post iznad, mislio sam na ovo i ovo. E, sad, ne znam kolika uopće gledanost mora biti na tom kanalu da bi se serija obnovila.
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Old 09.06.2010., 12:46   #93
Vepar kaže: Pogledaj post
Hej, nitko sretniji od mene ako odmah odobre još nekoliko sezona

Kad sam pisao onaj post iznad, mislio sam na ovo i ovo. E, sad, ne znam kolika uopće gledanost mora biti na tom kanalu da bi se serija obnovila.
Istina, rejtinzi variraju. Medjutim, uz rekordnu gledanost otvaranja trece sezone (u odnosu na dvije prethodne, prva je ionako bila osakacena zbog strajka scenarista), neogranicene kolicine pohvala kritike&publike za One Minute (imam osjecaj da ce svi eksplodirati i na finale), uopce ne dvojim oko nastavka snimanja cetvrte sezone (i peta je izgledna, upitnik je nad sestom*). Uostalom, AMC nije nacionalni broadcaster da ga toliko zabrinjavaju rejtinzi. Uz Mad Men, upravo je Breaking Bad njihov najveci dragulj.

*“My hope for the future is to know exactly how long we have left,” he says. “If you think about it, it’s sort of like Walter White’s situation upon learning that he has terminal cancer, the blast of clarity that he receives learning how long he has left. A similar blast of clarity would help my writers and I do our jobs better.”

In addition to sharing his ideas for the continuation of the Emmy-winning AMC drama, Gilligan walked us through what to expect from season three’s June finale, and why he was so nervous to sit in the director’s chair again.

Gilligan vrsi legitiman pritisak na AMC, kreativni tim mora znati kakvi su im planovi po pitanju serije (prvenstveno zbog lika Waltera Whitea). Bez straha, cekaju nas jos najmanje dvije sezone.
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Old 09.06.2010., 13:53   #94
Izgleda da se samo meni ne sviđa "finale". Odlicno je pocela sezona al zadnje 3-4 su me ubile, neam volje za dovrsit
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Old 09.06.2010., 18:41   #95
predobra 12-ta epizoda, monolog Mike-a i scena na kraju
zadnja epizoda ce bit brutalna
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Old 12.06.2010., 02:16   #96
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Old 14.06.2010., 01:56   #97

Nikako docekati finale, jos samo malo.

Dok cekamo:

Vince Gilligan Explains Why BREAKING BAD Is Called BREAKING BAD

Bas me zanima kako bi to biseri s nasih televizija preveli (), Cavek h glavi?
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Old 14.06.2010., 08:43   #98
What a beautiful day, Breaking Bad S03E13!


Pocastite se verzijom 720p HDTV x264, zasluzili su. I ostavite zahvalu/komentar na svojim trackerima. Moja skromna malenkost je napisala:

Muchas gracias, bro! Finale, whoooooa! God bless Vince Gilligan and all writers of Breaking Bad - the greatest television drama series on planet fuckin' Earth! Amen.
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Old 14.06.2010., 09:23   #99
4. sezona odobrena!
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Old 14.06.2010., 11:03   #100
La Familia kaže: Pogledaj post

Nikako docekati finale, jos samo malo.

Bas me zanima kako bi to biseri s nasih televizija preveli (), Cavek h glavi?
koje finale.... sad do jeseni ili proljeca cekamo novu sezonu? -.-

jep najbolja serija koju sam u zadnje dvije godine pratio.... od pocetka do kraja kroz ove tri sezone nije izgubila na kvaliteti, naprotiv iz nastavka u nastavak je postajala sve bolja i bolja.

hmmm nasi bi to preveli kak vec imaju tu neku idiotsku slobodu prijevoda...
reciiiiimoooo..... Zloceste Tvari
I got a Nikon camera
I love to take a photograph
So mama, don't take my Kodachrome away
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