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Podforum: Teologija i religijska praksa

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Old 16.02.2007., 17:15   #21
Mano kaže: Pogledaj post
je pa to se zna

nego ufff, da preciziram:

koja je simbolika (zastupljene su sve vjeroispovjesti mašta i sportski klubovi):
1. Bog
2. Adam
3. Eva
4. Zmija
5. Drvo
6. Jabuka

Ajmo ???
1. Univerzalna svijest , kozmos
2. Duh ,razum
3. Duša , intuicija
4. Materija
5. Stanje, ravnoteža
6. Mijena, proces
Nema Istočnog grijeha! Kušanje ploda sa drveta spoznaje je dosad najveći ljudski podvig - izlazak iz inkubatora!
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Old 16.02.2007., 17:21   #22
FSabrina kaže: Pogledaj post
Hvala na zaista kvalitetnim tekstovima i komentarima.
Samo ti nastavi.
Naravno. Pemo hung.

"The Serpent became the type and symbol of evil, and of the Devil, only during the middle ages. The early Christians -- besides the Ophite Gnostics -- had their dual Logos: the Good and the Bad Serpent, the Agathodaemon and the Kakodaemon. This is demonstrated by the writings of Marcus, Valentinus, and many others, and especially in Pistis Sophia -- certainly a document of the earliest centuries of Christianity."

"Thus, in the beginning of their joint existence as a glyph of Immortal Being, the Tree and Serpent were divine imagery, truly. The tree was reversed, and its roots were generated in Heaven and grew out of the Rootless Root of all-being. Its trunk grew and developed, crossing the planes of Pleroma, it shot out crossways its luxuriant branches, first on the plane of hardly differentiated matter, and then downward till they touched the terrestrial plane.
It is only when its pure boughs had touched the terrestrial mud of the garden of Eden, of our Adamic race, that this Tree got soiled by the contact and lost its pristine purity; and that the Serpent of
Eternity -- the heaven-born LOGOS -- was finally degraded. In days of old -- of the divine Dynasties on Earth -- the now dreaded Reptile was regarded as the first beam of light that radiated from the abyss of divine Mystery. "

Toliko o Zmiji, od moje drage Madam Blavatsky.
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Old 16.02.2007., 19:33   #23
ljetopisac kaže: Pogledaj post
Bog covjeku postavlja vrlo jednostavno pravilo: ne smije jesti s jednog drveta. drvo ne mora biti jabuka - moze jednako tako biti i hrast, bitno je samo da covjek ima mogucnost izbora. covjek bira zloupotrebu svoje slobode, i jede sa stabla samo zato da bi vidio kako je to kad radi ono sto ne smije. a kad jednom proba, onda je kasno za povratak neduznosti...
Inače, drvo zaista nije od jabuke. Čak ni paradajz, kako se smatra, nije sigurno.
Najvjerojatnije je to NAR, jer on ima mnogo koštica i smatran je još u Grka simbolom plodnosti. Spominje se u mnogim mitološkim pričama, a ako se sjećam, i u Orfeju i Euridici (ovo nisam sigurna).
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Old 16.02.2007., 19:35   #24
Maatsya kaže: Pogledaj post
Toliko o Zmiji, od moje drage Madam Blavatsky.
Cijenim majku teozofije, madam Blavatsky, ali ipak moramo naglasiti i da je dotična gospođa bila ponekad naporna sa anatemiziranjem stvari koje vidi oko sebe.
Tako su teozofi napričali grozomorne priče o budističkoj sekti Dag Dugpa i to me malo podsjeća na one priče o užasnim židovima koji jedu djecu.
Tako nekako.
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Old 16.02.2007., 19:52   #25
FSabrina kaže: Pogledaj post
Cijenim majku teozofije, madam Blavatsky, ali ipak moramo naglasiti i da je dotična gospođa bila ponekad naporna sa anatemiziranjem stvari koje vidi oko sebe.
Tako su teozofi napričali grozomorne priče o budističkoj sekti Dag Dugpa i to me malo podsjeća na one priče o užasnim židovima koji jedu djecu.
Tako nekako.
Žito od kukolja. Madam je neprevaziđena po pitanju zapadnih mističkih tradicija, za istok bi se obratio nekom drugom autoritetu.
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Old 16.02.2007., 20:04   #26
Dag Dugpa

On the principle of the chela emulating the guru, one discerns suspicious parallels between the “magical” feats of Padmasambhava and the sorceries of some of the more-daring among his Red Hat followers. Thus, firstly, Evans-Wentz (op. cit., pp. xvi, 142-4, 166, 161) gives us the traditional Nyingma-Kargyud-Dugpa story of the yogini, Mandarava, Padma’s “most faithful and blessed disciple,” born of his own magical “light-ray” sent into the womb of the Queen of Urgyan. While Mandarava herself, for food, “went to the cemetery to eat the flesh of corpses,” her mother, the Queen, sent her to market to buy meat: but one day, finding none there for sale, Manarava “cut off flesh from a child’s corpse which she discovered on her way back to the palace, and gave it to her mother, who ordered her to make a stew of it and Mandarava did so. Upon partaking of the stew, the King was levitated from his seat and felt as though he could fly; and taking the meat to be that of a Brahmin seven times born, sent Mandarava to fetch the remainder of the corpse. The king took the corpse, had it turned into magical pills, and had these buried in a box in a cemetery under the guardianship of the dakinis.”
Padma, revered by the Red Caps as the “God of the Corpses,” having himself “become a Buddha at Bodh-Gaya,” afterwards transformed his appearance “into the son of a Brahmin… and made obeisance before a Brahmin possessed of divine prescience. ‘Why dost thou make obeisance to me?’ asked the Brahmin. And Padma replied, ‘ In order that I may aid the creatures of the world, I require the flesh of one who hath been born a Brahmin seven times successively. If thou canst not provide me with any now, please do it at the hour of thy decease.’” The Brahmin, not anxious to give up any portion of his living body for Padma to work magic with, promised only that, “as soon as I am dead then thou mayst have my flesh…”
The celebrated traveler and Buddhist, Mme. Alexandra David-Neel, who lived for some time in Tibet amoung lamas of different sects, recounts in her book, MAGIC AND MYSTERY IN TIBET, “certain information” given “with great reserve” by some Red Hat “anchorites” (pp. 133, 164): “There exist, so they said, certain human beings who have attained such a high degree of spiritual perfection that the original substance of their bodies had become transmuted into a more subtle one which possesses special qualities.
“Few people can discern the change which has come over these exceptional men. A morsel of their transformed flesh, when eaten, will produce a special kind of ecstasy and bestow knowledge and supernormal powers upon the person partaking of it.
“A hermit told me that when a naljorpa, through his clairvoyance has discovered one of these wonderful beings, he sometimes begs from him the favour of being informed of his death in order that he may obtain a small portion of his precious body.
“might fervent candidates for this gruesome communion not sometimes grow too impatient and refuse to wait for the natural death of the holy one?—Might they not hurry it forward?—
“One of those who disclosed this secret rite to me almost seemed to confess that the thing had happened. However, he was careful to mention the attenuating circumstance that the vicim consented to the sacrifice.”
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Old 16.02.2007., 20:09   #27
FSabrina kaže: Pogledaj post
“One of those who disclosed this secret rite to me almost seemed to confess that the thing had happened. However, he was careful to mention the attenuating circumstance that the vicim consented to the sacrifice.”
Koliko se sjećam originala, Alexandra prepričava kako tibetanski lama ima prijatelja indijskog jogija koji mu rijekom šalje ovakve leševe.
Jedenja leševa inače spada u Indiji u Aghora prakse.
Bile su priče kako je i veliki Ramakrishna prisustvovao ovakvoj incijaciji, ali je kao vegetarijanac samo okusio jezikom meso.
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Old 21.02.2007., 14:57   #28
ljetopisac kaže: Pogledaj post
poanta price o adamu i evi je u pokusaju objasnjavanja ljudske naravi.

Bog stvara covjeka slobodnog, jer samo slobodan covjek moze Bogu uzvratiti ljubav zbog koje je stvoren. ali da bi covjek mogao imati slobodnu volju, onda mora imati *mogucnost* grijeha. Bog covjeku postavlja vrlo jednostavno pravilo: ne smije jesti s jednog drveta. drvo ne mora biti jabuka - moze jednako tako biti i hrast, bitno je samo da covjek ima mogucnost izbora. covjek bira zloupotrebu svoje slobode, i jede sa stabla samo zato da bi vidio kako je to kad radi ono sto ne smije. a kad jednom proba, onda je kasno za povratak neduznosti...
možda je Bog baš htio da mi jedemo sa tog stabla. to me podsjeća na to kao da ste djeci dali pun stol hrane i znajući svoju djecu i njihovu izbirljivost htjeli ste im privući pozornost na određeno jelo. da ste im rekli da moraju pojesti to jelo oni bi na to sumnjičavo gledali ali ovako kad je zabranjeno....mašili su se prvo za to...
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Old 21.02.2007., 15:00   #29
shakti9 kaže: Pogledaj post
možda je Bog baš htio da mi jedemo sa tog stabla. to me podsjeća na to kao da ste djeci dali pun stol hrane i znajući svoju djecu i njihovu izbirljivost htjeli ste im privući pozornost na određeno jelo. da ste im rekli da moraju pojesti to jelo oni bi na to sumnjičavo gledali ali ovako kad je zabranjeno....mašili su se prvo za to...
Sve je moguće. Interpretacija ima onoliko koliko ima interpretatora.
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