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Alternativa Noetički pristup stvarnosti.
Podforumi: Astrologija, Na rubu znanosti, Magija i mistika, Alternativno liječenje

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Old 28.09.2007., 15:09   #1
Zanimljivost vezana za WTC

Ne znam da li je neko pisao o ovome ako jeste izvinjavam se unaprijed.

Prije nekog vremena citao sam neke zanimljivosti i ova je bila jedna od njih


Q33 neki kazu da je oznacavao rutu koja ide direktno do WTC-a a neki da je to oznaka aviona koji su preuzeli teroristi za napad na WTC, NY naravno oznacava New York, u glavnom ako prebacite Q33NY u font Wingdings mozda se i iznenadite.
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Old 28.09.2007., 15:22   #2
Q33 nije oznaka za ništa.

Avioni su bili AAL11 i UAL175
admiral Norton Valiant
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Old 28.09.2007., 15:38   #3
Nisam tvrdio da je bila oznaka za avione, neki su rekli da je bila ruta iznad koje se kretao avion
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Old 28.09.2007., 15:42   #4
Te rute se ne označavaju jedinstvenim oznakama kao ono kuda ide bus ili tramvaj. Svaka avionska kompanija ima svoje oznake za svoje letove, pa je nemoguće da su i United Airlines i American Airlines imali baš Q33, a poznato je da nisu imali. Za aerodrome je to broj leta kao što su oni koje sam naveo.
admiral Norton Valiant
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Old 28.09.2007., 15:48   #5
Da...ovo je staro i provaljeno kao hoax.
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Old 29.09.2007., 14:33   #6
I opet mi nije jasno sto davidova zvijezda ima s islamom?
Ok shvacam poantu aviona i 2 "zgrade" (to su zapravo listovi papira) i kosturske glave,ali davidova zvijezda?
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Old 29.09.2007., 14:45   #7
M3NT4L kaže: Pogledaj post
I opet mi nije jasno sto davidova zvijezda ima s islamom?
Ok shvacam poantu aviona i 2 "zgrade" (to su zapravo listovi papira) i kosturske glave,ali davidova zvijezda?
E ameri su najebali sad cemo se napiti krvi Izraelcima :P
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Old 29.09.2007., 14:52   #8
M3NT4L kaže: Pogledaj post
I opet mi nije jasno sto davidova zvijezda ima s islamom?
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Old 29.09.2007., 15:16   #9
The September 11, 2001 attacks (often referred to as 9/11) consisted of a series of coordinated terrorist[2] suicide attacks by Islamic extremists on that date upon the United States of America.

On that morning nineteen terrorists[3] affiliated with al-Qaeda[4] hijacked four commercial passenger jet airliners. Each team of hijackers included a trained pilot. The hijackers intentionally crashed two of the airliners (United Airlines Flight 175 and American Airlines Flight 11) into the World Trade Center in New York City, one plane into each tower (1 WTC and 2 WTC), resulting in the collapse of both buildings soon afterward and extensive damage to nearby buildings. The hijackers crashed a third airliner (American Airlines Flight 77) into the Pentagon in Arlington County, Virginia, near Washington, D.C. Passengers and members of the flight crew on the fourth aircraft (United Airlines Flight 93) attempted to retake control of their plane from the hijackers;[5] that plane crashed into a field near the town of Shanksville in rural Somerset County, Pennsylvania. In addition to the 19 hijackers, 2,974 people died as an immediate result of the attacks, and the death of at least one person from lung disease was ruled by a medical examiner to be a result of exposure to WTC dust.[6] Another 24 people are missing and presumed dead. The victims were predominantly civilians.

United Airlines Flight 175 was a morning flight that regularly flew from Logan International Airport in East Boston, Massachusetts to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) in Los Angeles, California. On September 11, 2001, the United Airlines Boeing 767-222, registered N612UA,[1] was hijacked and crashed in New York City during the September 11, 2001 attacks. It was the second plane hijacked and flown into the World Trade Center, but was the single airline crash that morning to be witnessed live on television around the world as it happened. It was preceded by American Airlines Flight 11, which had struck the top of the North Tower 17 minutes earlier. The resultant inferno drew live mass media attention on to the scene of the impending Flight 175 crash into the nearby South Tower.

American Airlines Flight 11 was the first flight hijacked in the September 11, 2001 attacks. It was an American Airlines flight aboard a Boeing 767-223ER aircraft, registration number N334AA,[1] which regularly flew from Logan International Airport in East Boston, Massachusetts, to Los Angeles International Airport. On September 11, 2001, the aircraft on this route was hijacked, and was crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City at 8:46 a.m. Out of all the planes hijacked that day, Flight 11 contained the most passengers.

An urban legend that spread after the September 11, 2001 attacks was that if the sequence "Q33NY" is typed in Wingdings, the Q becomes an aircraft, the threes become lined documents (which resemble skyscrapers), the N becomes a skull and crossbones, and the Y becomes the Star of David. The resulting graphics look like an aircraft preparing to impact the World Trade Center, with a message of death for those of Jewish faith. The "NY" stands for New York, and "Q33" allegedly was the designation of one of the aircraft. However, the theory that this has any valid non-accidental connection with the attacks falls apart under scrutiny: the terrorist attacks were not specifically directed at Jews, and none of the aircraft used on that day bore the designation of Q33. Another suggestion was that "Q33" was a reference to a bus route, typically alleged to be at the World Trade Center itself, or to one of the airports involved. In reality, bus route Q33 serves LaGuardia Airport, and none of the hijacked aircraft took off from or were heading to there.
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Old 29.09.2007., 15:54   #10
čitala sam nešto slično tome već negdje.
i pisalo je još nešto o broju 11.
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Old 29.09.2007., 16:19   #11
Rie kaže: Pogledaj post
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Old 29.09.2007., 16:32   #12
M3NT4L kaže: Pogledaj post
Šta da ti objasnim?

Pa piše u tekstu. Avion-Dva tornja-Lubanja-Davidova zvijezda

Avion u tornjeve smrt židovima, tako piše na wikipediji.

A drugi govore kako niti jedan židov taj dan nije bio na poslu u toweru.
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Old 29.09.2007., 16:52   #13
Rie kaže: Pogledaj post
Šta da ti objasnim?

Pa piše u tekstu. Avion-Dva tornja-Lubanja-Davidova zvijezda

Avion u tornjeve smrt židovima, tako piše na wikipediji.

A drugi govore kako niti jedan židov taj dan nije bio na poslu u toweru.
Nije,nego je Avion-Dva listsa - Lubanja- Davidova zvijezda...

A objasni zašto bi napad na židove bio usmjeren na wtc?
Kakve veze ima Amerika,Židovi i Al-Qaida te njen napad?
Ovo je hoax...
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Old 29.09.2007., 19:12   #14
New York City ima 11 slova.

Afghanistan ima 11 slova.

Ramsin Yuseb (Terorist, koji je prijetio vec 1993 da ce unistiti blizance) ima 11 slova.

George W Bush ima takodjer 11 slova.

Moze biti neobicna slucajnost. Ali, idemo dalje:
New York je 11. drzavica USA.
Prvi avion, koji je udario u tornjeve, imao je broj leta 11.
Taj let je imao 92 putnika. 9+2=11.
Avion s brojem leta 77, koji je takodje udario u blizance imao je 65 putnika.
Tragedija se desila 11 Septembra. Ili, kako se danas naziva:
\\\\\\\"9/11. 9+1+1=11.
Datum je jednak broju telefona americke pomocne sluzbe 911. 9+1+1=11.

Nije slucajnost...?! procitajte dalje, bice jos bolje:
Sveukupno broj zrtava u kidnapovanim avionima iznosio je 254.
11. Septembar je 254.dan u kalendaru. I opet 2+5+4=11.
Atentat u Madridu je bio 3.11.2004. 3+1+1+2+4=11.
Desilo se tacno 911 dan nakon atentata na WTC.
Opet 911, opet 9/11, opet 9+1+1=11.

sto se tice Q33 NY, mozemo zakljuciti da bi Bill Gates bio povezan s tim atentatima.
Sick we are! Sick we are of this bottomless pit of lies!
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Old 29.09.2007., 19:46   #15
..::ThE_!MMORTAL::.. kaže: Pogledaj post
sto se tice Q33 NY, mozemo zakljuciti da bi Bill Gates bio povezan s tim atentatima.
Dobro, taj Q33 nije povezan sa ničime, to je netko izmislio tu oznaku. Napisao je tekst u windingsima i prebacio ga u MSov neki font i dobi Q33NY.
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Old 29.09.2007., 19:47   #16
Što se žrtava tiče....

There were 2,974 fatalities, not including the 19 hijackers: 246 on the four planes (no one on board any of the hijacked aircraft survived),[31] 2,603 in New York City in the towers and on the ground, and 125 at the Pentagon.[32] Lieutenant General Timothy Maude was the highest ranking person killed at the Pentagon[33] and John P. O'Neill was a former assistant director of the FBI who assisted in the capture of Ramzi Yousef and was the head of security at the World Trade Center when he was killed trying to rescue people from the South Tower.[34] An additional 24 people remain listed as missing.[25]

1366 people died who were at or above the floors of impact in the North Tower (1 WTC). According to the Commission Report, hundreds were killed instantly by the impact while the rest were trapped and died after the tower collapsed.[35] As many as 600 people were killed instantly or were trapped at or above the floors of impact in the South Tower (2 WTC). Only about 18 managed to escape in time from above the impact zone and out of the South Tower before it collapsed. At least 200 people jumped to their deaths from the burning towers (as depicted in the photograph "The Falling Man"), landing on the streets and rooftops of adjacent buildings hundreds of feet below.[36] To witnesses watching, a few of the people falling from the towers seemed to have stumbled out of broken windows.[37] Some of the occupants of each tower above its point of impact made their way upward toward the roof in hope of helicopter rescue, however no rescue plan existed for such an eventuality. The roof access doors were locked and thick smoke and intense heat would have prevented rescue helicopters from landing.[38]

Cantor Fitzgerald L.P., an investment bank on the 101st–105th floors of One World Trade Center, lost 658 employees, considerably more than any other employer.[39] Marsh Inc., located immediately below Cantor Fitzgerald on floors 93–101 (the location of Flight 11's impact), lost 295 employees, and 175 employees of Aon Corp. were killed.[40] The New York City Fire Department lost 341 New York City Fire Department firefighters and 2 paramedics, while 23 New York Police Department, 37 Port Authority Police Department officers, and 8 private ambulance personnel were killed.[41][42] The dead included 8 children: 5 on American 77 ranging in age from 3 to 11, 3 on United 175 ages 2, 3, and 4.[43] The youngest victim was a 2 year-old child on Flight 175, the oldest an 82 year-old passenger on Flight 11. In the buildings, the youngest victim was 17 and the oldest was 79.[44] After New York, New Jersey was the hardest hit state, with the town of Hoboken sustaining the most fatalities.[45] All of the fatalities were civilians except for some of the 125 victims in the Pentagon.[46]

According to the Associated Press, the city identified over 1,600 bodies but was unable to identify the rest (about 1,100 people). They report that the city has "about 10,000 unidentified bone and tissue fragments that cannot be matched to the list of the dead."[47] Bone fragments were still being found in 2006 as workers prepared the damaged Deutsche Bank Building for demolition. The average age of all the dead in New York City was 40.[45]
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Old 29.09.2007., 19:48   #17
M3NT4L kaže: Pogledaj post
Nije,nego je Avion-Dva listsa - Lubanja- Davidova zvijezda...

A objasni zašto bi napad na židove bio usmjeren na wtc?
Kakve veze ima Amerika,Židovi i Al-Qaida te njen napad?
Ovo je hoax...
Joj dobro, šta mene napadaš, preveo sam ti šta wikipedia kaže. Boli me ona stvar jel hoax ili nije.
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Old 29.09.2007., 20:01   #18
@the immortal: Hrpa gluposti

Prvo, Q33 nije oznaka za ništa, već sam to rekao, pa molim bez gluposti o tome.

World Trade Center = 17
United Airlines = 14
American Airlines = 16
Bill Gates = 9
George William Bush = 17
Let 77 je imao 64 putnika, a ne 65 (zbroj je 10)
Broj umrlih u Pentagonu: 125 1+2+5=8

Napad na podzemnu u Londonu je bio 7.11.2005. 7+1+1+2+5=16

Mogao bih navesti još bar stotinu stvari vezanih uz WTC koji nemaju veze s brojem 11. Naime, svaki put kad se tako nešto desi, dogode se imena i brojevi koji daju 11. Ali dogodi se i još puno veća masa stvari koje daju brojeve 8, 9, 10...

Ne piše se Ramsin Yuseb, nego Ramzi Ahmed Yousef, ali to uopće nema veze, jer njegovo ime na arapskom ima 6 slova, a raznih transkripcija arapskog ima kolko hoćeš.

I zadnje, broj žrtava u avionima je bio 246, a ne 254.

Dakle, ništa od ovoga
admiral Norton Valiant
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Old 30.09.2007., 00:29   #19
tko je george william bush????
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Old 30.09.2007., 16:03   #20
A kvragu, George Walker Bush, ne William
admiral Norton Valiant
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