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Svijet Zbivanja u svijetu

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Old 24.04.2012., 14:45   #221
Linda Hathor kaže: Pogledaj post
Je, Time se srozao u odnosu na neka zlatna vremena, ali isto znaju ispravno procijenit bar neke od 100 najutjecajnijih ljudi na svijetu.
Go, Stephen!

Inače, možda zato što živim u Hrvatskoj pa mi je ljestvica tolerancije na skandale znatno drukčija, ali ova halabuka oko sex skandala tajnih službi je malo over the top. Mislim, jesam li nešto bitno tu propustila? Meni ovo u rangu Weinerove Twitter slike, što je Colbert, usput, epohalno odradio.
Sex je sex.

Mediji to vole.
Raja to voli.
Konzervativci i vjerske zajednice pogotovo to vole,čim dižu toliku buku
Everybody Makes Fun Of The Redneck-Until the Zombie Apocalipse!
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Old 25.04.2012., 02:25   #222
Racionalizacija "svi to vole" i nije baš neka.

I ovo uopće nije pitanje potezano od konzervativaca i vjerskih zajednica, nego histerije sveokupne javnosti, medija napose (sic!). I zato sam ja i pitala jesam li išta propustila kad vidim toliku harangu, ono, jel državna sigurnost ili Obamina zadnjica bila u pitanju jer su ovi zaglavili s prijateljicama noći, no ne vidim ničega takvog. Pa, budući da je to onda prije svega pitanje narušenog moralnog integriteta dotičnih, što je lako rješivo, prije svega je skenj za te ljude i njihove familije doma.

U svjetlu mora gadosti koje se provlače od-do, ovoliko snebivanje mi je, onako, malo smiješno. Definitivno u rangu navlačenja nakon što je Weiner na Twitteru postao fotku svoje erektirane dike i ponosa. I razumijem ja kako to može biti zabava za mase, ali kad bi ovo bio ultimativni i jedinstveni prikaz kvarnosti državnih struktura, ni riječ ne bih rekla, ali, ono...
"...practices that were long abandoned - imprisonment without trial, the use of war prisoners as slaves, public executions, torture to extract confessions, the use of hostages and the deportation of whole populations - not only became common again, but were tolerated and even defended by people who considered themselves enlightened and progressive." George Orwell, 1984.
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Old 25.04.2012., 10:56   #223
Nego, ako veći tražiš od kurve da šuti, što je ideš raspizditi time da joj umjesto 800 doara platiš 30...

A što bi tek bilo da je njezin svodnik poginuo ili ranjen u sukobu s dakle tjelohraniteljima predsjednika, jer ovi nisu htijeli platiti račun
Everybody Makes Fun Of The Redneck-Until the Zombie Apocalipse!
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Old 25.04.2012., 11:18   #224
Kyle Reese kaže: Pogledaj post
Nego, ako veći tražiš od kurve da šuti, što je ideš raspizditi time da joj umjesto 800 doara platiš 30...
Naravoučenije: čuvaj se senjske bure i cartagenske cure.
"...practices that were long abandoned - imprisonment without trial, the use of war prisoners as slaves, public executions, torture to extract confessions, the use of hostages and the deportation of whole populations - not only became common again, but were tolerated and even defended by people who considered themselves enlightened and progressive." George Orwell, 1984.
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Old 26.04.2012., 01:46   #225
Colbert's Super PAC, Americans for A Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow has $794,000 cash-on-hand sitting untouched in its coffers, according to March documents filed with the Federal Election Commission, making it wealthier than some PAC's intended to back (legitimate!) presidential candidates.
The PAC raised just $44,000 in March, but spent only $28,000, mostly on Internet bills and legal fees. Though the March haul is paltry, the committee is sitting on a significant sum.
By contrast, as Politico first reported, Take Endorse Liberty, a PAC dedicated to supporting Ron Paul's candidacy has just $54,000 in the bank.

Jedino zabavnije od čitanja ove vijesti su bile reakcije ekipe Rona Paula koja, tobože zdvaja zbog siromaštva u društvu, a gle koje cifre se vrte oko ovog cirkusanta.
"...practices that were long abandoned - imprisonment without trial, the use of war prisoners as slaves, public executions, torture to extract confessions, the use of hostages and the deportation of whole populations - not only became common again, but were tolerated and even defended by people who considered themselves enlightened and progressive." George Orwell, 1984.
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Old 26.04.2012., 08:59   #226
Zašto je Paul cirkusant?

OK je momak i obojica, i STewart i Colbert ga poštuju iako su obojica 100% protiv njegovih ideja.

Jedan Amerikanac mi je rekao da Pualove ideje "ni ne mogu biti razumljive Europljanima, jer mi smo potomci kmetova i težimo socijalizmu,a oni su potomci slobodnih ljudi i teže slobodi"
Everybody Makes Fun Of The Redneck-Until the Zombie Apocalipse!
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Old 26.04.2012., 09:00   #227
Aj opet pročitaj, br'te.
"...practices that were long abandoned - imprisonment without trial, the use of war prisoners as slaves, public executions, torture to extract confessions, the use of hostages and the deportation of whole populations - not only became common again, but were tolerated and even defended by people who considered themselves enlightened and progressive." George Orwell, 1984.
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Old 26.04.2012., 09:05   #228
Kyle Reese kaže: Pogledaj post

Jedan Amerikanac mi je rekao da Pualove ideje "ni ne mogu biti razumljive Europljanima, jer mi smo potomci kmetova i težimo socijalizmu,a oni su potomci slobodnih ljudi i teže slobodi"
ima pravo.oni njihovi puritanci su bili ''oličenje slobode''..
My Movies na IMDB
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Old 26.04.2012., 09:17   #229
Linda Hathor kaže: Pogledaj post
Aj opet pročitaj, br'te.
OK, ali Colbert je taj SuperPac napravio s dobrim razlogom, da pokaže običnim ljudima kako to rade razni političari i koliko se tu novca okreće, vjerujem da ni on nije sanjao koliko će doista love skupiti
Everybody Makes Fun Of The Redneck-Until the Zombie Apocalipse!
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Old 26.04.2012., 09:20   #230
Kyle Reese kaže: Pogledaj post
OK, ali Colbert je taj SuperPac napravio s dobrim razlogom, da pokaže običnim ljudima kako to rade razni političari i koliko se tu novca okreće, vjerujem da ni on nije sanjao koliko će doista love skupiti
U redu, no ono što ja govorim je tobožnja kivnost par RonPaulovaca jer je jedan komičar skoro iz sprdnje prikupio novac, a u osnovi ih svrbi jer je u usporedbi s njim financijski inferioran jedan republikanski kandidat, njima drag , što su ovi u tekstu naglasili.
"...practices that were long abandoned - imprisonment without trial, the use of war prisoners as slaves, public executions, torture to extract confessions, the use of hostages and the deportation of whole populations - not only became common again, but were tolerated and even defended by people who considered themselves enlightened and progressive." George Orwell, 1984.
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Old 26.06.2012., 23:12   #231
Colbertov ozbiljan komentar za Obamu (31.05.):

Colbert kaže:
The Obama administration reasons that anyone in a strike zone is likely Al Qaeda, so no one has to feel guilty about civilian casualties.

Obama has carried out more than five times as many covert drone strike as George Bush. So what’s behind the president’s righteous kill spree? Could it be that he’s just gunning for another Nobel Peace Prize?

Rather than sending prisoners to Gitmo, he is taking the high road by sending them to their maker. As the New York Times put it, Mr. Obama has avoided the complications of detention by deciding to take no prisoners alive. It’s brilliant — he doesn’t have to worry about habeas corpus because after a drone strike, sometimes you can’t even find the corpus.

The administration has developed a brilliant system of ensuring that those building engulfing explosions don’t kill non-combatants: they just count all military age males in a strike zone as combatants.

This isn’t just the president executing innocent people around the world by fiat, there is an appeals process. The men are considered terrorists unless ‘there is explicit intelligence posthumously proving them innocent,’ in which case, I assume, there is a legal process that un-kills them.
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Old 26.06.2012., 23:35   #232
Đilkoše, odakle je to?
"...practices that were long abandoned - imprisonment without trial, the use of war prisoners as slaves, public executions, torture to extract confessions, the use of hostages and the deportation of whole populations - not only became common again, but were tolerated and even defended by people who considered themselves enlightened and progressive." George Orwell, 1984.
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Old 26.06.2012., 23:38   #233
The Word iz epizode koja je emitirana 31.05.
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Old 26.06.2012., 23:40   #234
Đilkoš kaže: Pogledaj post
The Word iz epizode koja je emitirana 31.05.
Malo sam kratka s vremenom za ažurno gledanje svih epizoda, ali reče da je komentar ozbiljan, pa mi bilo čudno.
"...practices that were long abandoned - imprisonment without trial, the use of war prisoners as slaves, public executions, torture to extract confessions, the use of hostages and the deportation of whole populations - not only became common again, but were tolerated and even defended by people who considered themselves enlightened and progressive." George Orwell, 1984.
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Old 27.06.2012., 12:03   #235
Linda Hathor kaže: Pogledaj post
Malo sam kratka s vremenom za ažurno gledanje svih epizoda, ali reče da je komentar ozbiljan, pa mi bilo čudno.
Ozbiljan kolko već može biti. Naravno, malo je ubacio humora.

Niti ja baš ne stignem gledati, evo kasnim već mjesec dana.
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Old 27.06.2012., 15:14   #236
Je, a najozbiljniji je dio o sudskom procesu koji "un-kills" neduzne.
Kontra mraku, kontra sili Nareslo je ka iz vode I trkalo do slobode
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Old 30.06.2012., 13:16   #237
Oreo Pride Controversy:
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Old 30.06.2012., 13:17   #238
Colbert je kralj najveći.
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Old 13.01.2013., 16:04   #239
ocito slicno misle Iranci
>>Vratio im se Ivo. Lopovi, lupeži, kriminalci, oni koji daju i primaju mito, neće više mirno spavati!<<
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