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Kompjutorske igre Kultura igranja i ponoćnog ratovanja konzolom i tastaturom. Podforum: Konzole

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Old 05.01.2014., 16:36   #41
Ja bi rađe prošlost, First Contact War ili neš slično.

Također bi volio nešto neočekivano, a to je da glavni protagonist bude Hanar ili Vorcha, prvi puta da smo vidjeli njihovu badass stranu u Citadel dlc-u.
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Old 05.01.2014., 18:57   #42
phiber kaže: Pogledaj post
Zasto? Po tebi ispada da jedina prica koja u cijelom svemiru Mass Effecta vrijedi je ona od Sheparda. Moze biti nesto u buducnosti, moze biti nesto u proslosti, zanimljivih prica se moze napraviti.
pa cijeli mass effect serijal se vrtio oko reapera, sta ne? neka radnja bude u bilo kojem vremenu, samo bi htio da se zadrzi nacin igranja kao prije
Pravila za oblikovanje potpisa
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Old 05.01.2014., 19:17   #43
Zek@n kaže: Pogledaj post
a nisu nuzno unisteni, 4 su moguca kraja. e to me zanima sa novim ratom. radujem se novim vijestima
Vijesti ce sad biti pomalo, no kazu da ce biti najvise detalja kada izadje Dragon Age Inquisition.
Samo se nadam da ce pikirat kvalitetnu eru dogadjaja, bilo u proslosti ili nesto novo u buducnosti, ali dalekoj gdje su sire opcije medju rasama za igrat, veci exploring svemira itd.

Rat Reapera je gotov ako je suditi po main end creditsu.

phiber kaže: Pogledaj post
Zasto? Po tebi ispada da jedina prica koja u cijelom svemiru Mass Effecta vrijedi je ona od Sheparda. Moze biti nesto u buducnosti, moze biti nesto u proslosti, zanimljivih prica se moze napraviti.
Da, ako bi isli kao prequel onda bi imalo jako puno opcija sta za napraviti. Primjerice Council Era je puno duza od svih evenata u napravljenoj ME trilogiji.

Bilo bi dobro vidjeti i raniju povijest Common ere, Geth war, Rachni war, te formiranje Citadel Councila.

Zadnje uređivanje *Hades* : 05.01.2014. at 19:26.
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Old 06.01.2014., 00:51   #44
Mass Effect 4: That Title Ain’t Right
IGN said that Bioware had said that Mass Effect 4 wouldn’t have anything at all to do with any of the previous games in the trilogy. Mac Walters, who is the lead writer of Mass Effect 3 has said that the new game should stand out on its own. This was said recently during an interview with Complex.

He said that Shepard would not make an appearance in the game, but at the same time he said that Mass Effect 4 would not seem to be just a spin off from the other games. So while fans know what not to expect, the question is, what can they expect? One thing Bioware did say was that the game would not have the title of Mass Effect 4.
Pitam se koji ce novi title smislit.

Highly anticipated games – Mass Effect 4, Thief, Fallout 4 and more

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Old 06.01.2014., 01:11   #45
Ako prate najnovije trendove bit će ili Mass Effect ili Mass Effect: Revengenaeanance, Mass Effect: Revision, Mass Effect: Redemption, Mass Effect: ReZolution, Mass Effect: Retaliation, Mass Effect: Remenissence...
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Old 06.01.2014., 12:11   #46
Kako je ovo najvjerojatnije spinoff, ne bi bilo loše ni Conrad Verner Chronicles: The Legend Begins, Javik: Trough the Airlock, Blasto: Ultra Spectre Elite 7000, Vorcha: New Dawn.
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Old 06.01.2014., 21:40   #47
Mass Effect 4 – A Year in Review
According to Priestly’s words, later backed up by BioWare Montreal chief Yanick Roy, the game will be set in the Mass Effect universe a few years after the end the previous trilogy.
Cini se da ce ME4 biti samo nekoliko godina u buducnosti, nakon trilogije.

Yanick Roy; studio director for BioWare kaže:
Don't worry: we have a large and talented team, we started a while ago, and we are "borrowing" a lot of game systems from DA3.
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Old 07.01.2014., 09:27   #48
crob kaže: Pogledaj post
Možda Bianca nije dobra u davanju glasova!
Možda je dobra u davanju nečeg drugog Hihihihi :-D

Evo da se i ja uključim na ovu temu.
Kupio jučer ME3 na Originu, 5,99€ Standard Edition i malo manje od 10GB za skidanje. Igrao sam je i prije ali iz ilegale :-P
Koliko je bitno ako staviš Sheparda da sam radi razgovore tj. da igrač nema tu opciju?
I jel itko igrao multi player i o čemu se tu radi?

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''Za onoga koji čeka, sekunde izgledaju kao vječnost''
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Old 07.01.2014., 09:32   #49
m.inic kaže: Pogledaj post
Možda je dobra u davanju nečeg drugog Hihihihi :-D

Evo da se i ja uključim na ovu temu.
Kupio jučer ME3 na Originu, 5,99€ Standard Edition i malo manje od 10GB za skidanje. Igrao sam je i prije ali iz ilegale :-P
Koliko je bitno ako staviš Sheparda da sam radi razgovore tj. da igrač nema tu opciju?
I jel itko igrao multi player i o čemu se tu radi?

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Ako sam radi razgovore, imas minimalni impact na iste, ne preporucam ti to.

Multiplayer je horda, 1-4 igraca protiv nekoliko waveova neprijatelja, razlicite rase i klase, leveliranje istih. Nudi dosta zabave, al ti za Gold navise, treba malo bolji tim.
All You Zombies.
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Old 07.01.2014., 09:46   #50
Hvala phiber.
A jel mogu u postavkama promijeniti opciju za razgovore s obzirom da igram već.

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''Za onoga koji čeka, sekunde izgledaju kao vječnost''
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Old 07.01.2014., 18:11   #51
Mass Effect 4 Confirmed Features: What We Already Know
He said that the developers agreed the new game wouldn’t have Shepard in it, or any events associated with him. This doesn’t mean that Mass Effect 4 would feel like a spin-off, though. So now we know what the game won’t feature, what will it actually feature? Will it even be called Mass Effect 4? Apparently not!

BioWare did get some criticism, but the company released the extended cut DLC to address the complaints. The plot has been laid down, and the company doesn’t plan to change anything now, as the dev team’s been working on it for almost two years as it is.

So “Mass Effect 4” is still a bit of an unknown quantity. Bioware Montreal’s director did say that everyone was beavering away on it, and that there’d be some info soon.

Mass Effect 4: Expanded Universe, Alien Diversity & Engaging Storyline
There is little fact that Mass Effect 4 is going to be huge when it arrives on the scene. This is to be the fourth instalment in what has been a very successful franchise and it has been said that we could see it very soon.

Yanik Roy, the Bioware Montreal Studio Director said that the game will still be good without Shepard. The game is going to have all the traditional gameplay that makes the game distinct and of course fans were delighted to hear this.

Mass Effect 4 will no doubt deliver a superb storyline and it should be rich and appeal to gamers. Commander Shepard is going to be missed by fans, but Bioware said that his demise from the game needed to be done or the trilogy could stand a risk of being spoiled.

Mass Effect 4 should be a great game but what might it offer with Shepard gone? Yanik said that the galaxy will be huge and the aliens will be diverse. At the moment we have no idea when the game will be set, it could be after, before or during Shepards time.

Bioware will offer a game that will be exciting and we cannot wait for them to release Mass Effect 4.
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Old 09.01.2014., 22:55   #52
Mass Effect 4 Tight-Lipped Release Date Information?
Date of Release:
Speculation: So, if the iconic Shepard is no longer our guy, who is? Casey Hudson, executive producer of the Mass Effect series, suggests users may be able to play as Garrus Vakarian, a loyal friend of Shepard. Other possibilities include Grunt, Aria, Wrex, the Illusive Man, Javik, or even Kai Leng, all of which offer a distinct set of attributes that would make the game very exciting. This is yet another detail awaiting confirmation from the BioWare boys.
Fan Input:
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Old 10.01.2014., 08:39   #53
m.inic kaže: Pogledaj post
I jel itko igrao multi player i o čemu se tu radi?
Phiber ti je otprilike objasnio.
Po nekima najbolji dio Mass Effecta je upravo taj multi, koji je ubačen tek tako, totalno bezveze bez ikakvih očekivanja. Ja sam ulupao više od 700 sati u to.
Samo, šteta što tek sad možeš igrati MP, vrlo malo igrača je ostalo igrati...
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Old 10.01.2014., 18:26   #54
Meni je žao što se nisam npr. susreo sa ovakvim tipom igara sto se mogu misije raditi skupa i real time-u, izuzev Star Trek online i Star Wars-a.

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''Za onoga koji čeka, sekunde izgledaju kao vječnost''
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Old 12.01.2014., 01:36   #55
Mass Effect 4: The Direction That Bioware Needs To Take

Waiting on Mass Effect 4? Look for Mass Effect concept art in Agents of Shield!
The resemblance between the “Earth Alliance” concept art from Mass Effect 3 (which is under copyright protection, mind you) and the CGI setting in the show cannot be denied. Still, it seems that Bioware officials are more amused than bothered, and their responses to the issue at hand generated a few chuckles.
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Old 15.01.2014., 22:59   #56
Mass Effect 4: Elements From The Past Mass Effects Which Should Return
Mass Effect 4 is well in development and will be Bioware biggest title once the game has come to life. The fans have been on overdrive as every second brings us closer to the game’s release.
Najveci naslov u serijalu. Nadam se da nece ispasti lazno obecanje.

there are some things Bioware can consider bringing back in Mass Effect 4 for fans and nostalgia reasons. If the game developer consider Reddit’s discussion, it is clear that some features from the past titles deserve to be added in Masss Effect 4.
Vise slicnosti ukomponirano iz prijasnjih naslova.
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Old 16.01.2014., 09:46   #57
Nadam se da neće ubaciti staru ekipu, nekako su mi "potrošeni" i bez veze bez Shepice.
Kad bi to čudo uopće moglo izaći, s obzirom da se hvale da je već igrivo?
8. padež dubravativ - koga, čime?
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Old 16.01.2014., 11:38   #58
*Hades* kaže: Pogledaj post

Najveci naslov u serijalu. Nadam se da nece ispasti lazno obecanje.
Bioware i lazno obecanje vezano uz Mass effect?

Ma nema sanse, sjetimo se samo ME3.
All You Zombies.
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Old 16.01.2014., 20:27   #59
Valsharess kaže: Pogledaj post
Nadam se da neće ubaciti staru ekipu, nekako su mi "potrošeni" i bez veze bez Shepice.
Kad bi to čudo uopće moglo izaći, s obzirom da se hvale da je već igrivo?
Navode da nece bit starih likova, tj nitko od Shepardove ekipe.
Za release date samo kazu uskoro, no iako je vec u igrivom stanju, kazu da ce biti puno vise informacija kada izadje DA: Inquisition jer je to takodjer od Biowarea.
Zasad je zavrsen story mode, i vjerovatno obavljaju jos dodatna poliranja + rad na features, multiplayer itd.
Jos ni ne znamo sta sve planiraju ukomponirat, no zna se da ce biti nekih elemenata iz sve tri ME igre u cetvorci.

Pretpostavljam da ce igra izac u razdoblju Q4 2014 - Q1 2015, jer prije DA: Inquisitiona nece, a on je najavljen za ovu jesen.

phiber kaže: Pogledaj post
Bioware i lazno obecanje vezano uz Mass effect?
ME3 je bio odlican naslov, ali nikad ne reci nikad. Svakom se developeru moze omaknut s vremenom, iako se nadam da nece jer s ovim obecavaju.

Ali dobro, iako neki nemaju povjerenja u Bioware, nisu oni Blizzard xD

Vjerujem da ce grafika bit ispeglana, radit ce na Frostbite 3 engineu.

Zadnje uređivanje *Hades* : 16.01.2014. at 20:34.
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Old 17.01.2014., 20:19   #60
Mass Effect 4 Beta Has Already Done A 30 Day Run
We can take it from this that game developers have been testing Mass Effect 4 and it’s been a month now since this statement was made and there still hasn’t been any further updates about the game.

This leads us to believe that the game could be vast and that it will take many hours of game playing to complete it. This would be in-line with what Bioware have said about the Mass Effect 4.

It has been said that Mass Effect 4 will have graphical enhancements and new dynamics in the game, we know this, as it will run on the latest game engine. Frostbite 3 game engine has been tested with Dragon Age 3 and results of this were off the charts.

Bioware: Mass Effect 4 Release Date Will Be Around Christmas 2014 If Not Later
Bioware’s Mass Effect franchise will be expecting a fourth sequel added to its list of games and fans have been on overdrive following its announcement last year. Despite the hype, a release date for Mass Effect 4 is still unannounced.

This is not the case a problem for EuroGamer which revealed that Mass Effect 4 will look to arrive late this year. The website suggest that the release window will be open from the fourth quarter 2014 up until mid 2015.

Such a timeframe was provided by an anonymous Bioware team member. After all, it was 2 years ago when production for Mass Effect 4 started. The anonymous person was later identified as Mike Gamble.
Kao sta sam i pretpostavljao.
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