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Old 26.04.2010., 23:59   #21
Čini mi se bolesno po traileru. Moglo bi bit dobro. Ali kakav god film ispao (iako mi se po ovome čini da bi mogao biti odličan a Nolan barem do sada nije razočarao) već vidim pljuvanja ko po Shutter Islandu u stilu: "Kud je Nolan baš Leonarda uzeo", "Odma sam znao u prvih 20 min kraj" i "Nema smisla ovo ono" itd
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Old 29.04.2010., 09:36   #22
Novi poster...

Well, opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one.
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Old 07.05.2010., 10:35   #23
Još jedan poster...i izgleda fenomenalno...

Well, opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one.
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Old 07.05.2010., 11:49   #24
Spominju se i prve projekcije, jako pozitivne reakcije na tek do kraja "sklepan" film, a nisu ni škrti na pohvalama DiCapriju i Page.
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Old 07.05.2010., 21:18   #25
ovaj film iščekujem već godinu dana.

imam osjećaj da ga neću skužit.
it's not like you're gonna track me down, right?
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Old 08.05.2010., 17:05   #26

LouReeth, gdje si našao to za projekcije?
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Old 08.05.2010., 17:16   #27
Studena92 kaže: Pogledaj post

LouReeth, gdje si našao to za projekcije?
Ovo jednostavno izgleda previše cool!
Stop jednoumlju. I dvostrukim mjerilima.
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Old 08.05.2010., 17:38   #28
Potencijalni spoileri!

Studena92 kaže: Pogledaj post
LouReeth, gdje si našao to za projekcije?
Inception test screening

there was screening held for the execs over at WB

this is the word that got out

"The most unique and best sci-fi movie he's ever seen. Not even Blade Runner measures up."
PR. Svejedno, izgleda da celnici WB-a imaju razlog za zadovoljstvo.


geoff boucher
on April 11, 2010 at 2:56 pm
Thanks for the kind words about the article and for the link. I’ve seen about 12mins of film and I can tell you it looks extraordinary
It gets even better: I saw it at Chris and Emma’s house in his editing suite which is in the offices that sit on a front corner of their property.
The movie is, on the page, every bit as intricate as “Memento” and as slippery as “The Prestige” but the footage I saw presented Nolan as his best — using deft visual storytelling to make simple a script that is dense with ideas and twists.
I seriously would not be surprised one bit to see the Nolans on stage at the Kodak Theatre accepting a best picture Oscar for this movie
geoff boucher
on April 11, 2010 at 6:24 pm
Eternalist: I’d say existential is more accurate, that’s what I’m going with now.
DHOPW42: Believe me, I’m holding back on a lot of spoilers. The last thing I’d want to do is undermine the movie for you guys. Nolan, too, was very glad to see that I didn’t give away much about the film. There is for instance a major character/actor I didn’t even mention because his\her plot position in the film is such a big twist.
APW: No comment


Check this out. They are making a documentary on dreams (hopefully it is on the DVD release) and they asked JGL and his fans to help recreate some of their own dreams. These dream recreations will be used as examples for archetype dreams in the documentary (falling, embarrassing clothes, flying, etc.). Pretty neat stuff!


big arse inception poster (Super-HD resolution! Awesome!)


From the Guardian

"Speaking to the LA Times last month, Nolan described Inception as being in the same vein as late 1990s efforts such as The Matrix, Dark City, and The Thirteenth Floor, as well as his own Memento. All of the above share the sense that the reality which we see around us may not be entirely real. Where Inception also seems to differ is that its characters are fully aware of the nature of their surroundings: the film posits the idea that it is possible to enter a shared dream state with other human beings, a sort of virtual reality of the consciousness. Nolan specifically rejected the idea that his film might borrow "second-life" tropes from movies such as Avatar, Surrogates, Gamer, or the Tron movies, however. He said he was inspired to write the story, which took him a decade, by his own experiences with lucid dreaming during the moments in between sleep and wakefulness.
He told the Times:

You can look around and examine the details and pick up a handful of sand on the beach. I never particularly found a limit to that; that is to say, that while in that state your brain can fill in all that reality.

I tried to work that idea of manipulation and management of a conscious dream being a skill that these people have. Really the script is based on those common, very basic experiences and concepts, and where can those take you? And the only outlandish idea that the film presents, really, is the existence of a technology that allows you to enter and share the same dream as someone else.

On a technical level, Nolan told Collider he would be eschewing 3D in favour of the combination of Imax footage and high-definition film which made The Dark Knight such a bravura visual experience. CGI will be used for certain sequences (the latest trailer features a self-assembling building which must certainly be computer generated) but wherever possible the crew built real sets, which ought to give scenes where reality starts to break down into chaos a definite edge.

One of the most well-considered descriptions of what Nolan is trying to do with the movie comes from Page, who will play one of DiCaprio's two sidekicks in the film (the other is played by Tom Hardy).

"There's a tangible realism even when it gets crazy, and somehow that makes the jeopardy feel more real," she told the Times. "It's like reading a Haruki Murakami novel – it's fantasy, but instead of feeling like some strange surreal world it feels very honest. The emotional spine of the story is there too, which is the key to his movies. There's the big scale, but the sincerity isn't left behind. The story is complicated but never confusing."

Inception, then, is a sort of noirish existential thriller set within a reality which exists in our minds, which technology has allowed us to access: a sort of Alice in the Matrix, perhaps. I'll leave you with Nolan's own description of the thought processes which led him to develop the heist storyline.

What would that [technology] be used and abused for? That was the jumping off point," he told the Times. "And clearly being able to extract information from somebody's brain would be the obvious use of that because obviously any other system where it's computers or physical media whatever, things that exist outside the mind, they can all be stolen.

Up until this point or up until this movie I should say, the idea that you could actually steal something from somebody's head was impossible. So that, to me, seemed a fascinating abuse or misuse of that kind of technology."
p.s. awwwwwwwwwwwwh, kako OVO dobro izgleda kao desktop wallpaper!

Zadnje uređivanje La Familia : 08.05.2010. at 18:25.
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Old 08.05.2010., 17:56   #29
Jesus, novi trailer = .

Nadam se, zbilja se nadam, da trailer nije predobro napravljen, a film, s druge strane, loš ili mediokritetan ( "The Men Who Stare At Goats", recimo ). Doduše, "The Dark Knight" je, pak, imao izniman trailer, znamo kako je to završilo.

DiCaprio, Page, Hardy, Murphy, Gordon-Levitt, Cotillard, Berenger, Caine.

Ukoliko i ovaj film završi kao TDK, možemo mirne duše pričati o Nolanu kao najjačem redatelju u posljednjih 15ak godina, čovjeku koji je vrlo vješto plesao na tankoj liniji između alternative i mainstreama. Do sada, bez greške.

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Old 08.05.2010., 20:23   #30
Hvala kurcu, konačno trailer koji zove u kino.
Jer, ona prva dva bijahu -

Btw, Marion je prekrasna
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Old 08.05.2010., 20:30   #31
Studena92 kaže: Pogledaj post

LouReeth, gdje si našao to za projekcije?
Ovo je sve vise i vise obecavajuce.
Imam neki feeling da ce imat dobru ocijenu.
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Old 08.05.2010., 20:59   #32
Upravo sam pogledao trailer..trnci su mi prošli tijelom..taj osjećaj me nikad nije prevario.
Mogao bi ovo biti jako dobar film.

Inception, then, is a sort of noirish existential thriller set within a reality which exists in our minds, which technology has allowed us to access: a sort of Alice in the Matrix, perhaps.
Na suprotnoj strani.
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Old 09.05.2010., 13:57   #33
Hvala puno La Familia, ajme 16.7. izgleda tako daleko......

Jako mi je drago što neće ić u 3D, haha sad kad svi nakon Avatara idu prebacivat

Ellen Page
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Old 09.05.2010., 14:21   #34
Studena92 kaže: Pogledaj post
Hvala puno La Familia, ajme 16.7. izgleda tako daleko......
Juhu, hvala tebi na novom traileru - svima si ovdje uljepsala dan.

Jako mi je drago što neće ić u 3D, haha sad kad svi nakon Avatara idu prebacivat
Nekoliko visprenih rijeci samog Nolana o tome:

Christopher Nolan Talks 3D, IMAX & ‘Inception

'Inception' director Christopher Nolan gives more details on the filming process and his own feelings towards 3D and IMAX formats.
Ellen Page
My girl.
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Old 09.05.2010., 14:34   #35
La Familia kaže: Pogledaj post
Juhu, hvala tebi na novom traileru - svima si ovdje uljepsala dan.
Pa mislila sam da svi znate kad izlazi treći trailer, ja sam inače redovita na gdje sam to vidila, taj tip Dominik je stvarno ažuran i pedantan, super stranica
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Old 10.05.2010., 22:17   #36
Inception (pocetak/zapocinjanje) ima novo znacenje:

Holy crap, TV Spot 3 has a great little quote from Leo's character to Cillian Murphy's character. Sounds like he is threatening Murphy's character:

"One thing you should know about me is I can access your mind through your dreams. It's called Inception."

Geoff Boucher (autor THE bloga LA Timesa: Hero Complex) donosi sjajne vijesti (pratim ga vec dosta dugo, recimo da se tipu moze vjerovati. Tek djelomicno, ove godine ipak izlaze Tree of Life i True Grit ):

A writer at the L.A. Times who has read the script, Geoff Boucher, is calling Inception "the only movie that matters in 2010."

This is not some insider from WB, it's not a member of the cast, and it's not the rep of one of those actors. It's just a newspaper reporter. He has been given a lot of access, however. Anyone who has actually read the script obviously has big time access when you consider how secretive Christopher Nolan is. Perhaps this access has corrupted the writer and he's just a biased guy. That being said, he's obviously got a better idea of the film's quality than any of us. For him to call it the only movie that matters this year is pretty awesome IMHO.

TV Spots HD

TV Spot 1

TV Spot 2

TV Spot 3


Dark Knight director Christopher Nolan on his latest film/BBC Video



Trailer 3 HD
1080p -

right click download

rename the file from 'makeplaylist.dll' so it has .mov at the end and not .dll (

it's online official

Samo glazba iz trailera.

Stvarno zvuci o-d-l-i-c-n-o.


Download trailera:



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Old 11.05.2010., 21:29   #37
..dok gledam treci Trailer prolaze me trnci kakve nisam osjetio jos od prvog Matrixa..

..imam velika ocekivanja od ovog filma i znam da me nece razocarati..

..sve mi se cini da su Michael Caine (i C. Bale) postali kucni glumci C. Nolana..isto kao i odnos J. Depp i Burtona
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Old 11.05.2010., 21:50   #38
Nimalo mi se ne sviđa naš prijevod, ne stoji mi nekako Početak
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Old 11.05.2010., 21:55   #39
Studena92 kaže: Pogledaj post
Nimalo mi se ne sviđa naš prijevod, ne stoji mi nekako Početak
Inception su preveli kao Početak !?
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Old 23.06.2010., 17:19   #40
Lakse se dise:

First review praises 'Inception,' but raises box-office doubts

Coeku nekako bude strasno drago (barem meni) da Nolan film nije nimalo prilagodjavao masovnoj kino publici, Inception je napisao, rezirao i producirao iskljucivo za svoj gust (ekranizacija te price progoni ga otkad zna za sebe), svi ostali su pozvani. I svaka mu cast na tome, takva suluda hrabrost na kraju mu se jednostavno mora isplatiti. Malo je danas takvih filmasa u hwoodu, pogledajte samo sto su od svojih karijera napravili M. Night Shyamalan i James Cameron. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Avatar 2?
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