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Povijest Politička, društvena, kulturna, univerzalna povijest.
Podforumi: Vojna povijest i tehnologija, Domovinski rat

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Old 06.06.2010., 22:45   #81
rakijetina kaže: Pogledaj post
Možda je znao, možda nije. Kao da naši u Afganistanu danas znaju paštu, urdu ili istočnoiranski, pa se svejedno sporazumijevaju – za to služe prevoditelji.

Je li starija verzija izmišljena ili nije, ne znamo. Tako da ne možemo tvrditi ni da je hoax ni da nije. A što se same poruke tiče ona nije uopće loša, dapače kad pogledam osnovnu verziju nije puno drugačija od primjerice “neka nitko ne dira u moj mali dio svemira”, “moj dida i ja”, “lijepa li si”, “vjetre s Dinare"...nisu cure što su bile sve su se u gradu skrile…
Poruka je OK, ali podmetati je kao nesto istinito sto je stvarno poglavica rekao, to je nesto sasvim drugo.
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Old 06.06.2010., 23:00   #82
FARC guilty of war crimes, crimes against humanity: UN

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Old 07.06.2010., 11:36   #83
Kada treba osudjivati zlocine imperijalistickih agresora poput USA ili Izraela, UN nikada nema ni vremena ni volje za to. Ali kada treba siriti propagandu o FARC-u i ostalim organizacijama koje se bore za slobodu i socijalnu pravdu naroda , oni su uvijek spremni da sluze korporacijskim interesima. Naravno, nikada se ne bi ni usudili da ukazu na zlocine americkog sticenika i fasistickog diktatora Uribea:

Hundred of murders have been committed throughout the entire country following the pattern of forced disappearances and extrajudicial executions; both considered crimes against humanity committed by the State, mainly by members of the Colombian armed forces and/or their paramilitaries in a systematic and widespread manner.

These aberrant practices are presented as “results” of the counterinsurgency war in order to justify the support obtained through the Plan Colombia, and clearly infringe the Criminal Law of Colombia, the Geneva Convention, the International Law of Human Rights and, especially, the American Convention of Human Rights.

This pattern also includes the disabled or young people who are considered potential or real opposition to the regime, for which we found reason to qualify these crimes against humanity as a policy of “social cleansing,” comparable only to that practiced by the execrable fascist regimes prevalent in the last century. It can be said, without resorting to any kind of rhetoric, and facing the dimensions of the tragedy of the Colombian people, that the Uribe government has made State crime the policy of the State.

Impunity is a common characteristic of these crimes for which the perpetrators are never investigated, let alone judged or sanctioned. The Colombian authorities in their three branches, and the agencies of state control such as the Attorney General’s office, and even agencies that supposedly defend and preserve human rights have acted as accomplices, by omission or commission, while the major communications media for the most part, echo the official versions surrounding the condemned acts, when they don’t completely mask or conceal these serious transgressions as well as the principal responsibility of the Colombian state.

I onda se neko jos usudjuje da kritikuje FARC. Uzgred, opet pravis potpuni offtopic koji nema nikakve veze sa temom. Ovo nije mjesto za komentarisanje slika koje forumasi stavljaju u svoj potpis. Dakle, ili konstruktivno doprinesi ovom topicu ili nemoj spamati.

Jos nekoliko citata od Voa

"The success of our Party's military line is typical of the creative application, in our concrete conditions, of the universal principles of Marxism-Leninism on revolutionary war, on the building up of revolutionary armed forces, and of revolutionary bases, and so forth. Its content reflects the character and the universal laws of revolutionary war in general and the character and the particular laws of revolutionary war in our country. Its content is particularly rich and creative in the combination of political struggle with the entire people's uprising, with the people's war, in order to win the greatest victories for the revolutionary cause. This military line regards the leading role of our Party as most important, as a sure guarantee of final victory. The reason is that our Party is the vanguard Party of the working class, the people, and the nation. Our Party is not only determined to carry out a most thorough revolutionary struggle, it is also imbued with the principles of Marxism-Leninism which is the most progressive science. Thus, it is capable of determining the most correct strategy and tactics to ensure victory. On the one hand, our people's revolutionary struggle in the present period applies the precious experience of fraternal countries in revolutionary struggle; on the other hand, it continues and develops to a high decree our people's traditions of indomitable struggle against foreign aggression and the spirit of resolute and heroic struggle of our peasants uprisings in the past. Marxism-Leninism never disowns the history and the great constituent virtues of a nation; on the contrary, it raises these virtues to new heights in the new historical conditions. During the many thousand years of their history, our people repeatedly rose up to struggle heroically against foreign aggression and reconquer national independence."

"Our nationwide resistance war, which was a people's war, was a new development; it was a true revolutionary war, a war by the entire people, a total war. A revolutionary war, because it was carried out by the mobilization and organization of the masses, with the aim of achieving a national democratic revolution. A war by entire people, because it was a war in which a whole ation struggled in unity, each citizen becoming a combatant, a war in which our Party's correct revolutionary line succeeded in grouping all patriotic strata of the population in a broad front based on a strong worker-peasant alliance, and mobilizing together for the struggle. A total war, because armed struggle was combined with political struggle, because at the same time as we engaged in a military struggle, we carried out reduction of land rent, land reform, political struggle in urban centers and enemy-occupied areas, and struggle in the economic and cultural fields. It should be stressed that during the resistance, we used armed struggle as an essential form of struggle, with the countryside as a base. The enemy we faced was the expeditionary corps of French colonialism. It was only through armed struggle that it was possible to decimate and annihilate the enemy, and win victory for the resistance."

"In order to carry out a people's war, the armed forces must have adequate forms of organisation comprising main-force troops, regional troops, militia and self-defence units. The main-force troops are mobile units which may be used in fighting in any part of the country. Regional troops are the mainstay of armed struggle in a region. Militia and self-defence groups are extensive semiarmed forces of the laboring people who, while continuing their production work, are the main instrument of the people's power at the base. The practice of revolutionary armed struggle by our people has proved that the three above-mentioned forms of organization of the armed forces are wholly adequate for the tasks of promoting a people's war, for mobilising and arming the entire people for the war. We have to look back at our people's struggle through successive periods to grasp fully the importace and strategic role of those three categories of armed forces. If we had not organized secret self-defence units during the preinsurrection period, the powerful armed forces such as we had later on would never have come into being; if during the resistance we had not organized an extensive network of self-defence groups and strong regional units, guerilla warfare could not have developed to a high degree, and still less could we have built a powerful main force. On the other hand, if we had not had a large mobile main force when the armed struggle was at a victorious stage, there would have been no great battles to annihilate enemy forces, no victorious campaigns, and the glorious victory in the Dien Bien Phu battle would not have taken place."

"Today in the South of our country, the armed forces are developing according to the same laws as those discussed above. The extensive semiarmed organizations efficaciosly supported the movement of the masses in the countryside, when the people were rising up to free themselves from the enemy's grip, underake partial uprisings at the base, and promote gerilla warfare. It was while these political and armed struggles were raging that the three categories of armed forces were formed and developed. The South Vietnam Liberation Army has been growing rapidly and unceasingly. We can say that the above three forms of organisation have extremely close, organic relations, which ensure an inexhaustible source of strength from the masses of the people for the people's armed forces, and make it possible for them not only to carry out their task of annihilating enemy forces but also to protect our political and economic bases and preserve the potential of the liberation war."

"Our country has no vast territory, no large population; numerically, our armed forces cannot compare with those of large countries. For this very reason, to defend our country efficiently, to defeat an enemy who is stronger than we are materially and technically, we have to apply those three forms of armed forces strictly. Extensively and strongly organised militia and self-defence troops, strong regional troops, powerfull and highly mobile main-force troops: that is a sine qua non condition for developing our fighting power."

Zadnje uređivanje Legion : 07.06.2010. at 12:39.
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Old 07.06.2010., 11:40   #84
"According to our military theory, in order to ensure victory for the people's war when we are stronger than the enemy politically and the enemy is stronger than we are materially, it is necessary to promote an extensive guerilla war which will develop gradually into a regular war combined with a guerilla war. Regular war and guerilla war are closelly combined, stimulate each other, deplete and annihilate enemy forces and bring final victory. Today on the South Vietnam battlefields, guerilla war in the form of a partial uprisings in the countryside has attained an extremely important strategic role and is developing to an increasingly high decree."

"In all wars, the activities of the armed forces are either offensive or defensive. A revolutionary war uses both forms but regards offensive activities as the most essential. As a result of concrete practice of revolutionary armed struggle, our military art has created original forms of struggle: guerilla warfare, mobile warfare and positional warfare. All these forms, in offensive and defensive operations can raise the determination of the people's armed forces to wipe out the enemy, to defeat what is strong with what is weak, to carry out a thorough revolution. Our military art has also established correct principles of operational direction to guide all war activities by our armed forces. These principles have gradually taken shape in the course of our people' armed struggle. These principles attach the greatest importance to the determination to wipe out enemy manpower and preserve and strenghten our forces; they are, at the same time, penetrated with the thought that everything should be done to gain initiative in offensive operations, achieve great mobility, develop political superiority and heroism in fighting in order to defeat an enemy stronger than we are in equipment and technique. Our military art must develop continuously if it is to meet the requirements of revolutionary tasks and the requirements of a people's war in the present conditions. A war may take place when the enemy has modern equpment and weapons, while our side does not, as on the the Southe Vietnam battlefield at present. Our countryman in the South have enhanced their fighting tradition and applied in a creative manner the experience gained during the resistance in order to defeat the enemy. A war may also take place where the enemy has modern equipment and weapons while our equipment and weapons, though still inferior to those of the enemy, are becoming relatively modern. In these circumstances, our military art is still based on the popular character of the war, on politics and heroic fighting spirit, and thus the efficiency of equipment and weapons will be increased, the organization and direction of operation will be brought to a higher level, and our armed forces will have an increasingly greater fighting power."

"A strongly organized rear is always a factor of sucess because it is a source of political and moral stimulation to the front, a source of manpower, materials and money for the war. As the war grows in scale, the role of the rear becomes increasingly important. As soon as the question of armed struggle was posed, another question was also posed, that of having places where our people's armed forces could be hidden, trained, supplied, strenghtened and could rest. While revolutionary struggle was developing, we created a rear where there had been none, developed it, beginning with political bases among the masses, and now have a relatively complete system of popular national defence. In the early days when our Party made the decision to prepare for an armed struggle, we did not have a single inch of free territory; at that time, our only rear was our secret political bases, and the loyalty of the people who had become conscious of their revolutionary cause. It was from these secret political bases that our Party organized our first guerilla units, concentrating on armed propaganda, built up bases for the armed struggle, and gradually waged partial guerilla war. Afterward, during the long resistance war, we had vast free zones as an organized rear for the armed struggle, besides the guerilla bases in the enemy's rear. Our rear, increasingly strenghtened, was the starting point from which our concentrated main-force units launched offensive operations on battlegrounds favorable to us; this rear made it possible to prepare and supply the armed forces in ever greater counteroffensive campaigns."

"Since their defeat in Korea, and after the first failures if the GIs in South Vietnam, the American imperialists foresaw the impossibility of a war waged by the American infantry on the Asian mainland. Accordingly, a war with their air force against the Democratic Republic of Vietnam seemed to them a fortunate discovery at the beginning. They attacked indiscriminately channels of communication, industrial centers, populous regions in North Vietnam, sparing not even day nurseries, schools, hospitals, pagodas and churches. The American imperialists have not, for all that, attained the objectives envisaged. And in Soth Vietnam? Our compatriots in the South have wiped out the best American units in Zone D to the north of Saigon, at Pleime, at Ia Drang, in the plains of Central Vietnam; they have succesfully attacked bases which are still solidly defended: Da Nang, Chu Lai, and most recently Tan Son Nhut. The South Vietnamese mercenary army has suffered a series of defeats."

"The war which the United States government now wages in South Vietnam is a war of aggresion, a war of neo-colonialist aggression. As for our people in South Vietnam, they pursue a fight of legitimate defence in order to safeguard their national rights and to contribute to the maintenance of peace in Asia and throughout the world. Courageous for good reason, united as a single man, knowing how to wield this invincible weapon which is people's war, supported by the socialist countries and by those throughout the world who cherish peace and juctice, they have gone from one sucess to another. Whatever the means which the Americans put to work or could put to work, they cannot modify this irreversible truth: The epoch in which we live is the epoch of the triumph of socialism and of the peoples liberation movements. Our war is a just war. We shall win. Vietnam is one; it is indivisible. Our people are resolved to fight in order to defend the North, liberate the South, and accomplish the peaceful reunification of the fatherland."

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Old 07.06.2010., 12:30   #85
Dilberth kaže: Pogledaj post
Poruka je OK, ali podmetati je kao nesto istinito sto je stvarno poglavica rekao, to je nesto sasvim drugo.
Slažem se. Ja recimo osobno njezinu vjerodostojnost uzimam s otprilike onoliko rezerve koliko i npr. dobar dio europskih (i drugih) srednjovjekovnih spisa – naime, i oni su također u najvećoj većini prijepisi i “prijepisi” starijih dokumenata čiji se izvornik izgubio, bio različit, ili pak nije nikad ni postojao.

Moderatori, isprika na offu.
"A human being is part of a whole, called by us the 'Universe,' a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest--a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." - Albert Einstein
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Old 07.06.2010., 12:38   #86
malimačak kaže: Pogledaj post
Aleksandar Sergejevič Puškin
◦"Teško je voljeti, još teže ne voljeti, a najteže je naći voljenog koji te voli."

Prekrasan citat, nije ni čudo od čovjeka koji je napisao Jevgenija Onjegina.
Zna li itko da li današnji gimnazijalci uopće uče Puškina ili je i lektira otišla u .......HDZZZZZZZZZ
Hm, zadnji put kad sam provjeravao ovo je bio forum povijest i povijesne teme a ne književnost
Legion drinks his weight, drinks like Richard Burton, dance like John Travolta, now
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Old 07.06.2010., 12:42   #87
Gilese... nemam ništa protiv tvojih antiameričkih slika, pogotovo kad su neki dobri komadi na njima ali slike kakvu sam ti izbrisao nemoj više stavljati.
Legion drinks his weight, drinks like Richard Burton, dance like John Travolta, now
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Old 07.06.2010., 19:47   #88
Gilles de Rais. kaže: Pogledaj post
"According to our military theory, in order to ensure victory for the people's war when we are stronger than the enemy politically and the enemy is stronger than we are materially, it is necessary to promote an extensive guerilla war which will develop gradually into a regular war combined with a guerilla war. Regular war and guerilla war are closelly combined, stimulate each other, deplete and annihilate enemy forces and bring final victory. Today on the South Vietnam battlefields, guerilla war in the form of a partial uprisings in the countryside has attained an extremely important strategic role and is developing to an increasingly high decree."

"In all wars, the activities of the armed forces are either offensive or defensive. A revolutionary war uses both forms but regards offensive activities as the most essential. As a result of concrete practice of revolutionary armed struggle, our military art has created original forms of struggle: guerilla warfare, mobile warfare and positional warfare. All these forms, in offensive and defensive operations can raise the determination of the people's armed forces to wipe out the enemy, to defeat what is strong with what is weak, to carry out a thorough revolution. Our military art has also established correct principles of operational direction to guide all war activities by our armed forces.....

...“One, two, three, four, we don’t want your racist war! Five, six, seven, eight, Israel is a terrorist state!”
“Gaza, Gaza, don’t you cry, Palestine will never die!”
Nisam siguran da je otvaranje Al-Qaida filijale na ovom forumu bas najbolja ideja...
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Old 08.06.2010., 04:02   #89
Legion kaže: Pogledaj post
Gilese... nemam ništa protiv tvojih antiameričkih slika, pogotovo kad su neki dobri komadi na njima ali slike kakvu sam ti izbrisao nemoj više stavljati.

Zasto? Zato sto bi neka osjetljiva dusica mogla da se emotivno uvrijedi prikazivanjem pravog lica borbe za "demokratiju" i "slobodu"? Onda neka se i uvrijedi! Sve dok ljudi ne budu imali nocne more i od same pomisli na takve scene, ratovi ce se i dalje odvijati.

Dilberth kaže: Pogledaj post
Nisam siguran da je otvaranje Al-Qaida filijale na ovom forumu bas najbolja ideja...


“When France has a cold, all Europe sneezes”

“Any plan conceived in moderation must fail when the circumstances are set in extremes.”

"Stability is not immobility.”

"Italy is only a geographical expression”

"The men who make history have no time to write it”

"It is useless to close the gates against ideas; they overlap them”

"In Europe democracy is a falsehood."

"I came into the world either too early or too late, at present I am good for nothing."

Zadnje uređivanje Gilles de Rais. : 08.06.2010. at 04:33.
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Old 08.06.2010., 05:03   #90
Gilles de Rais. kaže: Pogledaj post
Zasto? Zato sto bi neka osjetljiva dusica mogla da se emotivno uvrijedi prikazivanjem pravog lica borbe za "demokratiju" i "slobodu"? Onda neka se i uvrijedi! Sve dok ljudi ne budu imali nocne more i od same pomisli na takve scene, ratovi ce se i dalje odvijati.

Da, zato što se odvuvijek pazilo da se bar direktno ne pokazuju slike takvog tipa. Ne zato da se netko politički ne uvrijedi, već jednostavno nismo dopuštali nikakve "grublje" slike, moglo je preko linka uz upozorenje.

Uostalom, ovo je podforum Povijest, a ne Svijet na Politici kamo ti postovi dijelom često pripadaju. O tome se radi.
Wollt ihr den totalen Krieg? Ihr werdet totalen Krieg haben.
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Old 08.06.2010., 09:03   #91
Gilles de Rais. kaže: Pogledaj post
Zasto? Zato sto bi neka osjetljiva dusica mogla da se emotivno uvrijedi prikazivanjem pravog lica borbe za "demokratiju" i "slobodu"? Onda neka se i uvrijedi! Sve dok ljudi ne budu imali nocne more i od same pomisli na takve scene, ratovi ce se i dalje odvijati.
a ovo kao nije spam

Gilese... scooliraj se malo, dobro ti je Scott rekao-ovo nije politika a tvoji postovi su itekako politički obojeni + što izgledaju ko šarene slikovnice.
Mislim fakat mi nijie jasno kaj tim svojim antiamerikanizmom ovdje, na povijesti, misliš postići osim biti naporan
Legion drinks his weight, drinks like Richard Burton, dance like John Travolta, now
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Old 08.06.2010., 09:21   #92
"Sila je uvijek privlačila ljude niska morala i vjerujem da bez izuzetka genijalne tirane nasljeđuju nitkovi." - Albert Einstein
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Old 08.06.2010., 10:54   #93
Moderatiri na ovom forumu pazljivo prate da nitke ne skrece sa topika ili spamuje.

Ne razumijem sto sve ove beskonacne teroristicke tirade sa ili bez "grubljih" slika imaju sa forumom Povijest?

Da li g. Gilles uopce dobiva ikakve infrakcije za to? Vidim da su mnogi bili banovani, ukljucujuci i moju malenkost, ali g. Gilles se nesmetano i dalje bori za Talibanska prava i radnicko samoupravljanje.
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Old 09.06.2010., 04:30   #94
Scotsman kaže: Pogledaj post

Dobro, necu vise stavljati tu sliku...

Legion kaže: Pogledaj post
Mislim fakat mi nijie jasno kaj tim svojim antiamerikanizmom ovdje, na povijesti, misliš postići osim biti naporan


Mislim fakat mi nijie jasno kaj tim svojim antiburekovskim stavom ovdje, na povijesti, mislis postici osim biti naporan.

Legion, jedan savjet. Ovo je podforum povijest, a takvom potpisu je mjesto na podforumu za kulinarstvo.

Za ozbiljno, ne vidim zasto ti smeta stavljanje slika u moj potpis. Na mnogim stranim forumima je dozvoljeno njihovo postavljanje, a ovdje je to zabranjeno. Zbog cega? Takodje ste ogranicili i kolicinu teksta po jednom postu, kao i velicinu potpisa. Nije valjda da je recesija pogodila i forum?

Dilberth kaže: Pogledaj post
Moderatiri na ovom forumu pazljivo prate da nitke ne skrece sa topika ili spamuje.

Ne razumijem sto sve ove beskonacne teroristicke tirade sa ili bez "grubljih" slika imaju sa forumom Povijest?

Da li g. Gilles uopce dobiva ikakve infrakcije za to? Vidim da su mnogi bili banovani, ukljucujuci i moju malenkost, ali g. Gilles se nesmetano i dalje bori za Talibanska prava i radnicko samoupravljanje.

Ja sam u svakom svom postu naveo citate relevantne za ovu temu. A ti? Mislim da je i vise nego ocigledno ko ovdje spamuje.

U vezi "terorista", ne postoji niti jedno pravilo na ovom forumu koje bi forumasima branilo da postavljaju slike ili citate u svoj potpis, tako da mi zaista nije jasno zbog cega bih ja trebao biti kaznjen? Zbog tvojih licnih antipatija prema meni ili zbog mojih stavova od kojih se ti uzasavas?
U vezi talibanskih prava, nisam siguran da li je ovo tipicna jeftina provokacija u tvom stilu, ali ne vidim kakva je njihova veza sa slobodnom Palestinom? (ili pod "teroriste" svrstavas i FARC?) Naravno, nikada ne bi trebali zaboraviti ko je velikodusno finansirao i vojno pomagao Talibane u njihovoj borbi protiv socijalistickog Avganistana, a sve radi razvoja "demokratije", ljudskih prava i "slobode" u toj zemlji.

Dilberth kaže: Pogledaj post
Da li g. Gilles uopce dobiva ikakve infrakcije za to? Vidim da su mnogi bili banovani, ukljucujuci i moju malenkost, ali g. Gilles se nesmetano i dalje bori za Talibanska prava i radnicko samoupravljanje.

Zelio bih da se licno zahvalim moderatoru koji je svojim inteligentnim i promisljenim potezom oslobodio ovaj forum spamera zvanog Dilberth na barem nekoliko dana. Nadajmo se da ce novi ban ubrzo uslijediti.

"I know of no country in which there is so little independence of mind and real freedom of discussion as in America." -Alexis de Tocqueville

"Not a nut or bolt shall reach Chile under Allende. Once Allende comes to power we shall do all within our power to condemn Chile and all Chileans to utmost deprivation and poverty." -U.S. Ambassador to Chile three years before the U.S. backed coup against Chile's democraticly elected President Allende in 1973

"Many Americans want to nurture an image of innocence and decency and yet most Americans want most of all to stay on top and continue to applaud clear victories in the Third World however achieved." -Richard Falk

"Don't Treat Us Like Americans!" -German auto workers posters protesting reductions in sick pay and the failure of German auto manufacturers to consult with the unions, Summer 1996

"The 1964 military takeover in Brazil was "totally democratic" and "the single most decisive victory for "freedom" in the mid-twentieth century." -Lincoln Gordon, Ambassador to Brazil under John Kennedy describing the overthrow of Brazil's parliamentary democracy by generals backed by the United States

"There is a system of terroristic states -- the real terror network -- that has spread throughout Latin America and elsewhere over the past several decades, and which is deeply rooted in the corporate interest and sustaining political-military-financial propaganda mechanisms of the United States and its allies in the Free World." -Edward S. Herman

"Among Latin American elites, a peasant asking for a higher wage or a priest helping organize a peasant cooperative is a communist. And someone going so far as to suggest land reform or a more equitable tax system is a communist fanatic. There is no word or act suggesting the desirability of elite generosity toward the poor, or the need for education, organization or material advance for the majority, that has not been branded communistic in Latin America in recent decades. ... Since communism is the enemy and peasants trying to improve themselves, priests with the slightest humanistic proclivity, and naturally anyone seriously challenging the status quo, are communists, they are also, by definition, enemies." -Edward S. Herman

"I don't feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from them... There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves." -John Wayne, in a Playboy interview, May 1971

"It may be necessary to kill half the Filippinos in order that the remaining half of the population may be advanced to a higher plane of life." -General Shafter
US Field Commander during the Spanish-American War (i onda se oni jos usudjuju da kritikuju i demonizuju Staljina...)

"I think it's a terrible injustice to the Salvadoran Government and the military system when you suggest that they were somehow responsible for terrorism and assassination." -Jeanne Kirkpatrick, Reagan's ambassador to the U.N. in the 1980s, indignant about the Salvadoran government's implication in death squads

"There is no such thing in America as an independent press, unless it is in the country towns.
You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write his honest opinions, and if you did you know beforehand that it would never appear in print.
I am paid one hundred and fifty dollars a week for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with--others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things--and any of you who would be so foolish as to write his honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job.
The business of the New York journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his race and his country for his daily bread.
You know this and I know it, and what folly is this to be toasting an "Independent Press."
We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping-jacks; they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes." -John Swinton, editor of the New York Tribune, in the 1880s, at a banquet of his fellow editors

"As long as there is breath in my body, I will speak and work, strive and struggle, for the cause of the Nicaraguan "freedom fighters." -Ronald Reagan

"They are not freedom fighters. They are terrorists." -Colonel Philip Roettinger
about contras in Nicaragua

"I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country go Communist due to the irresponsibility of its own people." -Henry Kissinger about Chile under Salvador Allende

"Make the economy scream." -Agency Director Helms at a meeting with President Nixon about Salvador Allende’s Chile had the following scribbled among his notes

"From the early nineteenth century to the present, school textbooks have functioned as catechisms to teach a civic religion whose central article of faith is that America's government is the most perfectly functioning democracy humans have thus far devised." -Daniel Hellinger

"Thanks mostly to an invasion by murderous 'Contra' squads, who were paid, armed and directed by the CIA, Nicaragua has been returned to its status under the Washington-sponsored Somoza dictatorship: that of the poorest, most indebted country in Latin America. Gone are the literacy programmes, the child mortality figures, the 'barefoot doctors', the improving community schools, the agricultural co-operatives." -John Pilger

"Anti-Americanism is not based on a hatred of modernity or technology-envy. It is based on a narrative of concrete interventions and specific depredations - the Iraqi people's suffering under US-imposed sanctions and US support for the 34-year-old Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories." -Edward Said

"I came to America because of the great, great freedom which I heard existed in this country. I made a mistake in selecting America as a land of freedom." -Albert Einstein

"It would be easy for us, if we do not learn to understand the world and appreciate the rights, privileges and duties of all other countries and peoples, to represent in our power the same danger to the world that Fascism did." -Ernest Hemingway

"The army is not killing communist guerrillas, despite what is reported. It is murdering the civilians who side with them.

... Its a beautiful technique. By terrorizing civilians the army is crushing the rebellion without the need to directly confront the guerrillas.

... Attacking civilians is the game plan.... Kill the sympathizers and you win the war." -El Salvador, a U S. Mercenary Speaks Out On Counterinsurgency, 1986

"Sure, we'll have fascism, but it will come disguised as Americanism." -Senator Huey P. Long

"The country seemed blessed, but its people seemed blind." -I.F. Stone about America

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Old 09.06.2010., 12:05   #95
Gilles de Rais. kaže: Pogledaj post
Dobro, necu vise stavljati tu sliku...

Za ozbiljno, ne vidim zasto ti smeta stavljanje slika u moj potpis. Na mnogim stranim forumima je dozvoljeno njihovo postavljanje, a ovdje je to zabranjeno. Zbog cega? Takodje ste ogranicili i kolicinu teksta po jednom postu, kao i velicinu potpisa. Nije valjda da je recesija pogodila i forum?
Gilles, stvar je u tome da ovaj forum, kao što si mogao i primjetiti, nema uključenu IMG opciju u potpisima (ona je u postovima omogućena da posluži kroz raspravu, ne da se kroz to zaobiđe potpis). S razlogom, jer bi forum ličio na slikovnicu kada bi to svi tako stavili. Tako da i tebe ovim putem molim da više ne stavljaš slike na kraju potpisa. To ne rade drugi pa se to odnosi i na tebe. Samim time što je isključeno kao opcija dovoljno govori te se ne treba dodatno naglašavati u pravilima. To što je dozvoljeno na drugim forumima je njihova stvar te nema veze s ovim forumom. To je njihova interna stvar te nema općeg pravila o tome koji vrijede za sve forume.

Usput, a još i dodatno svemu gore napisanom, slike koje stavljaš su redovito političkog motiva te nam ne trebaju na Povijesti. Svima je jasno što misliš i to je tvoje pravo. No, ako ti se o tome raspravlja, stvarno postoji podforum za svjetsku politiku i tamo možeš raspravljati o tome do mile volje. Tako da se nadam da smo se dogovorili za ubuduće oko stavljanja slika na kraju posta.

Sad se vratimo na temu.
Wollt ihr den totalen Krieg? Ihr werdet totalen Krieg haben.
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Old 11.06.2010., 18:28   #96
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.

Ronald Reagan, 40-i predsjednik SAD

Zadnje uređivanje Dilberth : 11.06.2010. at 18:34.
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Old 13.06.2010., 02:56   #97
"The most important effect of the Reagan policy was the tremendous destruction it wreaked on Nicaragua ... Approximately 30,000 Nicaraguans were killed and tens of thousands others were wounded, a death total higher in per capita terms than that suffered by the United States in the Civil War, World War One, World War Two, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War combined." -In the Name of Democracy, U.S. Policy Toward Latin America in the Reagan Years, Thomas Carothers

"The contras are the moral equivalent of our founding fathers. -Ronald Reagan, 1985

"Over 440 villages were totally destroyed and well over 100,000 civilians were killed or "disappeared," up to 150,000 according to the Church and others, all with the enthusiastic support of the Reagan Administration. Huge areas of the highlands were destroyed in a frenzy of irreversible environmental devastation. The goal was to prevent a recurrence of popular organization or any further thought of freedom or social reform. The toll since the US regained control is estimated at about 200,000 unarmed civilians killed or "disappeared," and in the highlands, episodes that qualify as genocide, if the word has meaning. In an amazing triumph of the human spirit, popular forces and leaders continue their struggle against US-inspired neo-Nazism." -Noam Chomsky, Year 501

"The U.S. campaign to oust the Sandinistas violated the basic principle of noninterventionism in the international system. The prodemocracy rationale did not hold water; the Reagan administration's root goal was getting rid of a foreign government it did not like, not promoting democracy."

"Thanks mostly to an invasion by murderous 'Contra' squads, who ... were paid, armed and directed by the CIA, Nicaragua has been returned to its status under the Washington-sponsored Somoza dictatorship: that of the poorest, most indebted country in Latin America. Gone are the literacy programmes, the child mortality figures, the 'barefoot doctors', the improving community schools, the agricultural co-operatives." -John Pilger, Heroes

"The number of people in prison, in jail, on parole, and on probation in the U.S. increased threefold between 1980 and 2000, to more than 6 million, and the number of people in prison increased from 319,598 to almost 2 million in the same period. This buildup has targeted the poor, and especially Blacks. In 1999, though Blacks were only 13 percent of the U.S. population, they were half of all prison inmates. In 2000, one out of three young Black men was either locked up, on probation, or on parole. The military-industrial complex of the 1950s, with its Cold War communist bogeyman, has been replaced by a prison-industrial complex, with young Black "predators" serving as its justification." -Dan Parkin, International Socialist Review

"Without repression, it is impossible for the rich to increase their income indefinitely at the expense of the mass of the people who, for all their ignorance and lack of political organization, have the advantage in numbers. These millions will not stay quietly on the farms or in the slums unless they are terribly afraid. As in Stroessner's Paraguay, the rich get richer only because they have the guns." -Penny Lernoux, Cry of the People

"Fortunately for us Sandanistas, the United States has never learned the lesson that in supporting cruel and corrupt dictatorships, it only radicalizes the population, causing the very thing it does not want—socialist governments." -Ernesto Cardenal, regarding Washington's many years of economic and military support of the Somozas in Nicaragua

"There are no two peoples whose concern for human dignity and for the basic values of man is more pronounced in the day-to-day lives of their people than Brazil and the United States." -Henry Kissinger in Brazil in 1976 during the inhumane dictatorship of Castelo Branco, who the US helped put in power in 1964 with the coup against democratically elected Goulart

"Why should we do anything about the death squads? They're killing commies. I'd give them more power! I'd give them cartridges if I could." -Fred Sherwood, former president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Guatemala

"I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1916. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenue in. I helped in the rape of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street.

I had a swell racket. I was rewarded with honors, medals, promotions... I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate in three cities. The Marines operated on three continents.

I spent 33 years being a high-class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer for capitalism." -Major Smedley Butler, U.S. Marine hero in Nicaragua in 1912, spoke before the American Legion on August 21, 1931

"The national security regimes are becoming obsolete, but the policies of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank haven't changed. Transnational and U.S.-based corporations are seeking to maintain the same unjust policies without propping up openly repressive regimes. Accordingly, the U.S. government is promoting a new doctrine, not very well known yet, called democracia tutelaria, or 'controlled democracy.' This doctrine tries to avoid the brutal image of military rule, but the oppression of our people continues." -Esther Perez Aguirre, talked about the transition from Latin American military dictatorships of the 1970s to electoral democracies of the 1980s

"U.S. Planning documents stress that the role of Latin America is to provide resources and a favorable business and investment climate. If that can be achieved with formal elections under conditions that safeguard business interests, well and good. If it requires state terror "to destroy permanently a perceived threat to the existing structure of socioeconomic privilege by eliminating the political participation of the numerical majority." -Noam Chomsky, Year 501

"The so-called Salvadoran "democratic process" could learn a lot from the capacity for self-criticism that the socialist nations are demonstrating. If Lech Walesa had been doing his organizing work in El Salvador, he would have already entered into the ranks of the disappeared—at the hands of "heavily armed men dressed in civilian clothes"; or have been blown to pieces in a dynamite attack on his union headquarters. If Alexander Dubcek were a politician in our country, he would have been assassinated like Hector Oqueli [the social democratic leader assassinated in Guatemala, by Salvadoran death squads, according to the Guatemalan government]. If Andrei Sakharov had worked here in favor of human rights, he would have met the same fate as Herbert Anaya [one of the many murdered leaders of the independent Salvadoran Human Rights Commission CDHES]. If Ota-Sik or Vaclav Havel had been carrying out their intellectual work in El Salvador, they would have woken up one sinister morning, Iying on the patio of a university campus with their heads destroyed by the bullets of an elite army battalion. -Noam Chomsky, Deterring Democracy

"While the Moscow-imposed government in Prague would degrade and humiliate reformers, the Washington-made government in Guatemala would kill them. It still does, in a virtual genocide that has taken more than 150,000 victims, in what Amnesty International calls a 'government program of political murder'." -Noam Chomsky, Deterring Democracy

"A good part of the U.S. public, astonishingly ignorant about everything beyond its shores, fears and disdains all that it does not understand. The country that has done more than any other to develop information technology produces television news that barely touches on world events except to confirm that foreigners tend to be terrorists and ingrates. Every act of rebellion or explosion of violence, wherever it occurs, becomes new proof that the international conspiracy continues its inexorable march, egged on by hatred and envy." -Eduardo Galeano

"Bishop Juan Gerardi led a task force that rescued the recent history of terror in Guatemala. Bit by bit, through the testimonies of thousands of voices collected throughout the country, he and his colleagues gathered forty years of isolated memories of pain: 150,000 Guatemalans dead, 50,000 disappeared, 1,000,000 displaced refugees, 200,000 orphans, 40,000 widows. Nine out of every ten victims were unarmed civilians, most of them Indians. And in nine out of every ten cases, the responsibility lay with the army and its paramilitary bands.

The Church released the report on a Thursday in April 1998. Two days later, Bishop Gerardi was dead, his skull beaten in with a chunk of concrete." -Eduardo Galeano

"America is most fully a nation, most intensely alive as an entity, when it wages war against other nations. Even in peacetime it is the memory of past wars and the menace of future wars that keep the idea of the nation alive in America. War and the cult of the nation are virtually one and the same ..." -Walter Karp

"We celebrate every year ... "Columbus Day," and very few people are aware that they're celebrating one of the first genocidal monsters of the modern era. That's exactly what Columbus was. It's as if in Germany they would celebrate "Hitler Day."
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Old 13.06.2010., 02:56   #98
When the colonists from Spain and England and Holland and so on came to the Western Hemisphere, they found flourishing societies. Current anthropological work indicates that the number of native people in the Western Hemisphere may have approached something like 100 million, maybe about 80 million south of the Rio Grande and 12 million or so north of the Rio Grande. Within about a century, that population had been destroyed. Take just north of the Rio Grande, where there were maybe 10 or 12 million native Americans. By 1900 there were about 200,000, and most of them were killed off very quickly. In the Andean region and Mexico there were very extensive Indian societies, maybe something like 80 million people throughout the southern part of the continent south of the Rio Grande, and they're mostly gone. Many of them were just totally murdered or wiped out, others succumbed to European-brought diseases." -Noam Chomsky, Language in the Service of Propaganda

"We came across a gravestone which had on it an inscription, placed by the National Parks as a testimonial, in fact as a gesture, no doubt conceived as a liberal gesture toward the Indians in the past:

"Here lies an Indian woman, a Wampanoag, whose family and tribe gave of themselves and their land that this great nation might be born and grow."

That is so appalling that one doesn't even know how to discuss it. She and her family didn't "give of themselves and their land," rather they were murdered by our forefathers and driven out of their land.

It's as if 200 years from now you came to Auschwitz and found a gravestone saying, "Here lies a Jewish woman. She and her family gave of themselves and their possessions so that this great nation might grow and prosper." -Noam Chomsky, Language in the Service of Propaganda

"Between 1975 and 1983, the Argentine military killed 30,000 of its own people.

In October 1976, then Secretary of State Henry Kissinger told an Argentine Navy admiral, "The quicker you succeed, the better."

"The United States is a society in which people not only can get by without knowing much about the wider world but are systematically encouraged not to think independently or critically and instead to accept the mythology of the United States as a benevolent, misunderstood giant as it lumbers around the world trying to do good." -Citizens of Empire, The Struggle to Claim Our Humanity by Robert Jensen

"We live in a nation hated abroad and frightened at home. A place in which we can reasonably refer to the American Republic in the past tense. A country that has moved into a post-constitutional era, no longer a nation of laws but an autotocracy run by law breakers, law evaders and law ignorers. A nation governed by a culture of impunity, a term from Latin America where they know it well - a culture in which corruption is no longer a form of deviance but the norm. We all live in a Mafia neighborhood now." -Sam Smith, from a talk at the Shelter Rock Unitarian Universalist Congegration, Manhasset, NY, delivered one week before the election of 2004

"The exercise of power in this century has meant for all of us in the United States not arrogance but agony. We have used our power not willingly and recklessly ever, but always reluctantly and with restraint." -President Lyndon B. Johnson, 1966

"Fredrick Remington, writing his employer William Randolph Hearst from Havana in 1897

"Everything is quiet. There is no trouble here. There will be no war. I wish to return."

William Randolph Hearst's response to Remington regarding what became known as the Spanish-American War.'

"Please remain. You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war."

"Upon taking the Philippines from Spain in 1898, the US then had to fight a bloody three-year war against Filipino rebels. In Luzon alone over 600,000 people were killed by American troops or died from war-related diseases and privations-as the war against the guerrillas became a war against the people who supported the guerrillas. US General Arthur MacArthur issued a proclamation renouncing "precise observance of the laws of war." Among other things, MacArthur's troops tortured and executed prisoners (civilians included), destroyed crops, food stores, domestic animals, boats, and whole villages, and forced tens of thousands of Filipinos into "relocation camps." In 1901 the Philadelphia Ledger carried a dispatch from its Manila correspondent:

Our men have killed to exterminate men, women, children, prisoners and captives, active insurgents and suspected people from lads of 10 up. Our soldiers have pumped salt water into men to "make them talk," and have taken prisoners people who held up their hands and peacefully surrendered, and an hour later stood them on a bridge and shot them down one by one, to drop into the water below and float down, as examples to those who found their bullet-loaded corpses."

A Republican member of Congress gave an eyewitness report on the war:

You never hear of any disturbances in Northern Luzon because there isn't anybody there to rebel. That country was marched over and cleared out. The good lord in Heaven only knows the number of Filipinos that were put under the ground; our soldiers took no prisoners; they kept no records; they simply swept the country and wherever or however they could get hold of a Filipino they killed him." -Michael Parenti, Sword and Dollar

"In 1986, Bill Gandall, aged seventy-seven, recalled how in 1928 he spent two years as a Marine in Nicaragua. He remembers how the Marine Corps spread democracy in Nicaragua:... he busied himself "taking part in rapes, burning huts, cutting off genitals. I had nightmares for years. I didn't have much of a conscience while I was in the Marines. We were taught not to have a conscience." -Michael Parenti, Sword and Dollar

"They brought us parrots and balls of cotton and spears and many other things, which they exchanged for the glass beads and hawks' bells. They willingly traded everything they owned. They were well-built, with good bodies and handsome features... They do not bear arms, and do not know them, for I showed them a sword, they took it by the edge and cut themselves out of ignorance. They have no iron. Their spears are made of cane. They would make fine servants. With fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want." -Christopher Columbus
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Old 13.06.2010., 11:39   #99
Gilles de Rais. kaže: Pogledaj post
"Over 440 villages were totally destroyed and well over 100,000 civilians were killed or "disappeared," up to 150,000 according to the Church and others, all with the enthusiastic support of the Reagan Administration. Huge areas of the highlands were destroyed in a frenzy of irreversible environmental devastation. The goal was to prevent a recurrence of popular organization or any further thought of freedom or social reform. The toll since the US regained control is estimated at about 200,000 unarmed civilians killed or "disappeared," and in the highlands, episodes that qualify as genocide, if the word has meaning. In an amazing triumph of the human spirit, popular forces and leaders continue their struggle against US-inspired neo-Nazism." -Noam Chomsky, Year 501

U.S. Planning documents stress that the role of Latin America is to provide resources and a favorable business and investment climate. If that can be achieved with formal elections under conditions that safeguard business interests, well and good. If it requires state terror "to destroy permanently a perceived threat to the existing structure of socioeconomic privilege by eliminating the political participation of the numerical majority." -Noam Chomsky, Year 501

"The so-called Salvadoran "democratic process" could learn a lot from the capacity for self-criticism that the socialist nations are demonstrating. If Lech Walesa had been doing his organizing work in El Salvador, he would have already entered into the ranks of the disappeared—at the hands of "heavily armed men dressed in civilian clothes"; or have been blown to pieces in a dynamite attack on his union headquarters. If Alexander Dubcek were a politician in our country, he would have been assassinated like Hector Oqueli [the social democratic leader assassinated in Guatemala, by Salvadoran death squads, according to the Guatemalan government]. If Andrei Sakharov had worked here in favor of human rights, he would have met the same fate as Herbert Anaya [one of the many murdered leaders of the independent Salvadoran Human Rights Commission CDHES]. If Ota-Sik or Vaclav Havel had been carrying out their intellectual work in El Salvador, they would have woken up one sinister morning, Iying on the patio of a university campus with their heads destroyed by the bullets of an elite army battalion. -Noam Chomsky, Deterring Democracy

"While the Moscow-imposed government in Prague would degrade and humiliate reformers, the Washington-made government in Guatemala would kill them. It still does, in a virtual genocide that has taken more than 150,000 victims, in what Amnesty International calls a 'government program of political murder'." -Noam Chomsky, Deterring Democracy

Gilles de Rais. kaže: Pogledaj post
When the colonists from Spain and England and Holland and so on came to the Western Hemisphere, they found flourishing societies. Current anthropological work indicates that the number of native people in the Western Hemisphere may have approached something like 100 million, maybe about 80 million south of the Rio Grande and 12 million or so north of the Rio Grande. Within about a century, that population had been destroyed. Take just north of the Rio Grande, where there were maybe 10 or 12 million native Americans. By 1900 there were about 200,000, and most of them were killed off very quickly. In the Andean region and Mexico there were very extensive Indian societies, maybe something like 80 million people throughout the southern part of the continent south of the Rio Grande, and they're mostly gone. Many of them were just totally murdered or wiped out, others succumbed to European-brought diseases." -Noam Chomsky, Language in the Service of Propaganda

"We came across a gravestone which had on it an inscription, placed by the National Parks as a testimonial, in fact as a gesture, no doubt conceived as a liberal gesture toward the Indians in the past:

"Here lies an Indian woman, a Wampanoag, whose family and tribe gave of themselves and their land that this great nation might be born and grow."

That is so appalling that one doesn't even know how to discuss it. She and her family didn't "give of themselves and their land," rather they were murdered by our forefathers and driven out of their land.

It's as if 200 years from now you came to Auschwitz and found a gravestone saying, "Here lies a Jewish woman. She and her family gave of themselves and their possessions so that this great nation might grow and prosper." -Noam Chomsky, Language in the Service of Propaganda

“After many years, I came to the conclusion that everything Mr. Chomsky says is false. He will lie just for the fun of it. Every one of his arguments was tinged and coded with falseness and pretense. It was like playing chess with extra pieces. It was all fake.”
- Paul Postal
(The New Yorker, March 31, 2003)

“He begins as a preacher to the world and ends as an intellectual crook.”
- Arthur Schlesinger
(Commentary, December 1969)

“In his ideological fanaticism he constantly shifts his arguments and bends references,
quotations and facts, while declaring his ‘commitment to find the truth.’”
- Leopold Labedz
(Encounter, July 1980)

The Top 200 Chomsky Lies
Compiled by Paul Bogdanor

Zadnje uređivanje Dilberth : 13.06.2010. at 12:07.
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Old 04.07.2010., 22:53   #100
Legion kaže: Pogledaj post
Hm, zadnji put kad sam provjeravao ovo je bio forum povijest i povijesne teme a ne književnost
Legiću, pa tema su citati velikih ljudi, a di ćeš većeg od Puškina. Povijesne teme, kažeš, pa ljubav je tema i književnosti i povijesti, a hvala bogu i sadašnjosti.

A kaj toliko napadate g. Gillesa?

Pa sočnog, friškog i zdravog antiameričkog izljeva emocija, u današnje doba nikad dosta. Kao ni vitamina C. To je dobro za krvnu sliku, eto i doktori to preporučuju.
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