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Astrologija Astrološka edukacija, razmjena mišljenja, diskusije...

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Old 18.04.2012., 09:47   #4241
Baphomet kaže: Pogledaj post
Samo ti šalji i ne brini za moju koncentraciju
Nisam autorizirana da ih proslijeđujem, a i ti si ionako u kućnom pritvoru.

Pa kako ćeš ga onda trošiti kad je krhak i neizdržljiv?
Pažljivo. A ne da mi navečer kaže da je umoran.

Joj što će neka buduća ženka imati pune ruke posla.
Anida is offline  
Old 18.04.2012., 09:49   #4242
Anida kaže: Pogledaj post
Nisam autorizirana da ih proslijeđujem, a i ti si ionako u kućnom pritvoru.
Potraži autorizaciju.

Pritvor si mogu ukinuti.
"Make up your mind. Is Death a friend? Then go joyfully to hunt with it, as I did. If it's an enemy, then fight it. But don't sag here like a wounded cow waiting for predators to finish it off. You are not prey, nor I! If we must die, let us die as wolves!”- Nighteyes
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Old 18.04.2012., 09:57   #4243
Lijepo sam ja i mudro ustvrdila da se to što si ti objesio može objesiti mačku o rep.
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Old 18.04.2012., 10:21   #4244
Anida kaže: Pogledaj post
Lijepo sam ja i mudro ustvrdila da se to što si ti objesio može objesiti mačku o rep.
Aha, kao i slike frendice
"Make up your mind. Is Death a friend? Then go joyfully to hunt with it, as I did. If it's an enemy, then fight it. But don't sag here like a wounded cow waiting for predators to finish it off. You are not prey, nor I! If we must die, let us die as wolves!”- Nighteyes
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Old 18.04.2012., 10:46   #4245
A kakva bih ti ja to prijateljica bila da te bespotrebno dovodim u napast?
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Old 18.04.2012., 10:51   #4246
Zato prijatelji služe
"Make up your mind. Is Death a friend? Then go joyfully to hunt with it, as I did. If it's an enemy, then fight it. But don't sag here like a wounded cow waiting for predators to finish it off. You are not prey, nor I! If we must die, let us die as wolves!”- Nighteyes
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Old 18.04.2012., 11:15   #4247
Onda me zapiši u tekicu kao prijatelja.
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Old 18.04.2012., 11:21   #4248

Šalji sliku
"Make up your mind. Is Death a friend? Then go joyfully to hunt with it, as I did. If it's an enemy, then fight it. But don't sag here like a wounded cow waiting for predators to finish it off. You are not prey, nor I! If we must die, let us die as wolves!”- Nighteyes
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Old 18.04.2012., 11:21   #4249
Baphomet kaže: Pogledaj post

Šalji sliku
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Old 18.04.2012., 11:56   #4250
:zaradila kupaći:
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Old 18.04.2012., 15:45   #4251
Ohoho....ko li je taj sretnik
"Make up your mind. Is Death a friend? Then go joyfully to hunt with it, as I did. If it's an enemy, then fight it. But don't sag here like a wounded cow waiting for predators to finish it off. You are not prey, nor I! If we must die, let us die as wolves!”- Nighteyes
Baphomet is offline  
Old 19.04.2012., 08:11   #4252

"Make up your mind. Is Death a friend? Then go joyfully to hunt with it, as I did. If it's an enemy, then fight it. But don't sag here like a wounded cow waiting for predators to finish it off. You are not prey, nor I! If we must die, let us die as wolves!”- Nighteyes
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Old 19.04.2012., 08:15   #4253
Ke uff? Ja jedva čekam da se dokopam posla da se malo odmorim nakon napornih noći.
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Old 19.04.2012., 08:20   #4254
5 sati sna a cijela me strak čeka danas.

A znam, takvi su i svi kod mene na poslu. Jedva čekaju da pobjegnu od žene, muža, djeca.....
"Make up your mind. Is Death a friend? Then go joyfully to hunt with it, as I did. If it's an enemy, then fight it. But don't sag here like a wounded cow waiting for predators to finish it off. You are not prey, nor I! If we must die, let us die as wolves!”- Nighteyes
Baphomet is offline  
Old 19.04.2012., 08:25   #4255
Napet poker, ha? Smo šta zaradili?

Eto. Samo ja bježim od sebe same izgleda.
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Old 19.04.2012., 08:30   #4256
A ono, da nisam isplatio veći dio novca sad bih imao ugodan iznos za igranje na manjim limitima. Uz malo vremena, truda i discipline može se mjesečno komotno staviti 1000 kuna u džep

Bježi bježi, nećeš daleko
"Make up your mind. Is Death a friend? Then go joyfully to hunt with it, as I did. If it's an enemy, then fight it. But don't sag here like a wounded cow waiting for predators to finish it off. You are not prey, nor I! If we must die, let us die as wolves!”- Nighteyes
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Old 19.04.2012., 08:33   #4257
Zvuči mi prenaporno za možda 1000 kn.

A znam.
Anida is offline  
Old 19.04.2012., 08:35   #4258
Mene to odmara

Ajd, ajd , naci ces si ti deckica od kojeg ćeš bježati na posao
"Make up your mind. Is Death a friend? Then go joyfully to hunt with it, as I did. If it's an enemy, then fight it. But don't sag here like a wounded cow waiting for predators to finish it off. You are not prey, nor I! If we must die, let us die as wolves!”- Nighteyes
Baphomet is offline  
Old 19.04.2012., 09:03   #4259
Ahaa, zato si tako odmoran svako jutro.

A ne, ne, prestara sam ja da bih bježala od nekog na pos'o. To su oni koji su se poženili mlađi.
Anida is offline  
Old 19.04.2012., 09:14   #4260
Odmara mi mozak
"Make up your mind. Is Death a friend? Then go joyfully to hunt with it, as I did. If it's an enemy, then fight it. But don't sag here like a wounded cow waiting for predators to finish it off. You are not prey, nor I! If we must die, let us die as wolves!”- Nighteyes
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